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Queen Elizabeth II's final journey through Scotland


IN PICTURES – The sovereign's coffin left Balmoral Castle, in the north of Scotland, on Sunday morning to reach Edinburgh, the first stage to Westminster Abbey in London.

The gates of the Balmoral estate have finally opened.

Three days after the death of Queen Elizabeth II, a motorcade of seven black cars rolled through the castle gate on Sunday morning, escorting the Queen's coffin towards Edinburgh.

For the first time since his death on Thursday, the British have discovered the images of the coffin covered with the Scottish royal standard.

To discover

  • OUR FILE - Elizabeth II, a rock and a symbol for England

The procession is due to arrive in the Scottish capital in the afternoon, after a journey of nearly 300 kilometers.

The crowd gathered in her path, being asked not to throw flowers on the way to respect the precise layout of the last trip of the sovereign who died at 96, so loved in the United Kingdom.

Scots posted for a final tribute to their Queen

Since the morning, residents had been posted along the route planned by the convoy.

Of all ages, young and old, they waited to see the funeral procession pass by for a few seconds in a final farewell to their sovereign.

A man waits for the royal convoy to pass through Ballater on September 10.


In the village of Ballater, the inhabitants are grouped along the route of the convoy.


Thousands of people were expected on the course, some arriving very early, to greet one last time the one who reigned 70 years and 7 months.

Residents posted between Balmoral and Ballater, a neighboring village.


The coffin leaves Balmoral Castle

A little after 10 a.m. (11 a.m. in Paris), the royal hearse, the first of a procession of seven vehicles, crossed the gates of the residence where the monarch had been resting since her death.

The coffin had been installed in the ballroom.

A procession of seven cars passed the gates around 10 a.m. local time.


The oak coffin was visible through the glass, covered with the Scottish royal standard on which had been placed a bouquet of flowers.

He was carried to the hearse by six Balmoral estate game wardens.

First image of the royal coffin emerging from Balmoral.


Arrival in Ballater, a village near the castle

After a few minutes' drive through the Scottish countryside, the funeral procession passed through Ballater, the village very close to the castle, where the Queen, who had come to Balmoral since childhood, was very well known.

On the main street, the coffin was greeted in poignant silence, broken only by the flash of photographers and the purr of engines.

Arrival in Ballater, around 11:15 a.m. Sunday morning.


Members of the clergy and local authorities had joined the crowd massed along the main street of Ballater, the first village crossed, where the queen was often seen.

A few flowers were thrown on the road as the convoy passed.

The procession crosses Ballater, a neighboring village of Balmoral.


The funeral procession then set off for Aberdeen and Dundee.

The hearse must travel almost 300 kilometers during the day through the Scottish countryside, and should arrive at the Palace of Holyroodhouse, the official residence of the monarch in Scotland in Edinburgh, around 5 p.m. French time.

He will spend the night there.

Edinburgh ready to welcome the Queen

Edinburgh prepares to welcome the funeral procession.


The coffin will then rest for 24 hours at Saint-Giles Cathedral where a religious service and a wake will be held.

On Tuesday evening, he will be flown to London.

People gather on the Royal Mile waiting for the hearse carrying the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II to Edinburgh.


On the Royal Mile in Edinburgh, Scots wait for the hearse carrying the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II.


Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2022-09-11

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