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Ukraine offensive: Kremlin itself shows explosive map – Kharkiv reports “cynical revenge” by Russia


Ukraine offensive: Kremlin itself shows explosive map – Kharkiv reports “cynical revenge” by Russia Created: 09/12/2022, 04:47 By: Florian Naumann, Bettina Menzel, Yasina Hipp, Stefanie Fischhaber, Felix Durach The Ukrainian army gains ground in the east. Russia is partially withdrawing. The news ticker on military events in the Ukraine war. Ukraine offensive underway: reporter sees "Blitz war

Ukraine offensive: Kremlin itself shows explosive map – Kharkiv reports “cynical revenge” by Russia

Created: 09/12/2022, 04:47

By: Florian Naumann, Bettina Menzel, Yasina Hipp, Stefanie Fischhaber, Felix Durach

The Ukrainian army gains ground in the east.

Russia is partially withdrawing.

The news ticker on military events in the Ukraine war.

  • Ukraine offensive

    underway: reporter sees "Blitz war before Kharkiv"

  • Territory gains



    : According to special forces, the result of "trick against Russia"

  • Large parts of

    eastern Ukraine without


    : According to Ukrainian information, a Russian attack on a power plant preceded it.

  • This news ticker on military events in the Ukraine war is constantly updated.

Update from September 11, 10:40 p.m .:

President Volodymyr Zelenskyj sees the counter-offensive in the Kharkiv area as a possible breakthrough in Ukraine’s war with Russia.

In winter, the Ukrainian armed forces could gain more territory if Kyiv receives more powerful weapons, Zelenskyy said in an interview with the CNN TV channel.

The Ukrainian army will continue to make progress, said Zelenskyj: "We will not stand still." The Russian General Staff recently confirmed that Russian troops had been withdrawn from the Kharkiv region.

Allegedly for a "regrouping" to combine new forces.

Update from September 11, 9:50 p.m.:

As reported by

The Kyiv Independent

, the power outages in eastern Ukraine were allegedly caused by a Russian attack on a power plant in Kharkiv Oblast.

Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov said the attack was Russia's "cynical revenge" for the Ukrainian army's successes at the front.

Ukrainian army reconquers huge areas: Russian troops are probably retreating in a hurry

Update from September 11, 9:30 p.m.:

Within a few days, the Ukrainian army has recaptured huge sections of territory in the east of the country.

The general staff in Kyiv spoke of more than 3000 square kilometers this Sunday.

In the Kharkiv region, the military is advancing not only to the south and east, but also to the north towards the state border.

There, Russian troops are said to have hastily withdrawn from border towns.

The withdrawal of the Russian units is said to have been hectic, it is said.

A group of around 10,000 Russian soldiers had to retreat behind the Oskil River.

This runs north of Sloviansk and Kramatorsk in the embattled Donbass.

The Russian general staff spoke of a "regrouping".

Apparently, however, Moscow's invading troops left behind a number of tanks, weapons and ammunition, which does not speak for a planned withdrawal.

Large parts of eastern Ukraine without electricity: Apparently Kharkiv, Donetsk, Sumy and Kramatorsk affected

Update from September 11, 8:30 p.m.:

Large parts of eastern Ukraine were apparently without electricity on Sunday evening.

Representatives of the Ukrainian authorities in the city of Kharkiv and in the Donetsk and Sumy regions published corresponding messages in online networks, AFP reporters reported power outages in the city of Kramatorsk.

The last reactor at the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant was taken off the grid early on Sunday morning, meaning that the power plant no longer generates electricity.

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A Ukrainian soldier walks past a Russian tank damaged in a battle in a newly liberated area on the road to Balakliia in the Kharkiv region.

(Photo from September 11, 2022) © dpa/AP

Update from September 11, 7:55 p.m .:

According to the authorities, parts of eastern Ukraine are affected by a power failure.

This is reported by the AFP news agency.

More about the background is not known at the moment.

Counter-offensive underway: Ukraine reports next Russian “escape”

Update from September 11, 6:10 p.m .:

Russian troops have largely left the Kharkiv region.

The Kremlin itself has admitted this (

see previous update


The Ukrainian General Staff also sees Russia's military retreating in parts of the strategically important Kherson Oblast in the south of the country.

In some places, the occupiers had already left their positions there, it was said in the evening from Kyiv.

In the city of Nowa Kachowka, the Russian soldiers had cleared a hospital in order to hole themselves up in it, it was said.

However, this information could not be independently verified, and the Russian side did not initially react to the presentation.

"Putin loses the war": Russia now presents its own explosive map of the situation in Kharkiv

Update from September 11, 5:44 p.m .:

Russia has admitted considerable losses of terrain in the area around Kharkiv – now even visualized in the form of a map.

A map published by Moscow itself shows that Russian troops are largely withdrawing from the region, according to the AFP news agency.

The map presented by the Russian Defense Ministry at Sunday's daily briefing shows that the Russian army now controls only a small part of the eastern region east of the Oskol River.

At the briefing the day before, the map had indicated a much larger area as being under Russian control.

On Saturday afternoon, the Russian army surprisingly announced that it would "regroup" its forces from parts of the Kharkiv region further south to the Donetsk region.

In Germany, the FDP defense politician Markus Faber pointed out the shifts by means of a map at noon.

"The Russian lines have been broken extensively near Kharkiv," he wrote on Twitter.

Faber's conclusion: "Putin is losing this war."

Ukraine offensive underway: reporter sees "Blitz war before Kharkiv"

Update from September 11, 5:10 p.m

.: A Ukrainian counter-offensive is ongoing near the city of Kharkiv.

Swedish Ukraine reporter Bengt Norborg reported on Sunday that Ukraine had "tactically triumphed".

"While a war of attrition is going on in the south and attempts are being made to isolate Russian units, a blitzkrieg is raging off Kharkiv," Norborg explained to his broadcaster SVT.

Meanwhile, signals from the Kremlin are also making us sit up and take notice.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was open to negotiations on Russian state television on Sunday.

He also urged – in the middle of the Ukrainian offensive – for quick talks.

Lavrov referred to Kremlin boss Vladimir Putin.

Update from September 11, 2:28 p.m

.: According to Russian information, “thousands” of people fled to Russia within 24 hours from the Kharkiv region – the scene of the Ukrainian counter-offensive.

"It wasn't the easiest night, it wasn't the easiest morning," Vyacheslav Gladkov, governor of Russia's Belgorod region bordering Ukraine, told Telegram.

Most people drove "in their own vehicles to their relatives" in Russia, Gladkov said.

1,342 people are currently being accommodated in 27 temporary accommodations in the region.

This information could not be independently verified.

Ukraine war: Putin troops are probably also withdrawing from the north of Kharkiv - News current

Update from September 11, 1:27 p.m

.: The Russian troops are apparently also withdrawing from the northern part of the Kharkiv region.

According to media reports, residents in the village of Kosacha Lopan, 30 kilometers north of the metropolis of Kharkiv, raised the Ukrainian flag. 

Zaporizhia nuclear power plant off the grid: According to Russia, power supply in Enerhodar guaranteed

Update from September 11, 12:49 p.m

.: Russia has confirmed the shutdown of the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant.

The reactor block was shut down slowly and in safe mode, said a representative of the Russian nuclear agency Rosatom.

The power supply to the power plant city of Enerhodar is still guaranteed, according to the Interfax news agency, emphasized Mayor Alexander Volga, who was appointed by the Russian military.

US think tank: Ukraine's counteroffensive makes up for Russian advance

Update from September 11, 11:24 a.m.:

According to US experts, the Ukrainian soldiers have regained more terrain within five days than the Russian troops have occupied since April.

"The liberation of Izyum will be Ukraine's greatest military success since the victory in the Battle of Kyiv in March," said the Institute for the Study of the War (ISW) in its latest analysis of the situation.

As a result, Russia's planned advance on the Donbass from the north failed, the experts said.

The think tank in Washington regularly publishes analyzes of the fighting in Ukraine.

Territory gains of Ukraine: According to special forces, result of "trick against Russia"

Update from September 11, 11:51 a.m

.: How did Ukraine manage to gain territory in the north-east of the country? "Thanks to a "coordinated disinformation campaign", Taras Berezovets, press officer of the Ukrainian special forces, told the



Putin's troops had expected a counter-offensive in the south - but instead they were in the east, where they "did least expect it".

Therefore, "they panicked and fled," Berezovets continued, speaking to the British newspaper.

On August 29, the Southern Command announced the start of the long-awaited offensive in Cherson.

As a result, Moscow sent more troops from the east to the south.

But soldiers on site saw no signs of an offensive

, according to the

Guardian report.

"Meanwhile, our men in Kharkiv received the best weapons from the west, especially from the US," Berezovet told the



The offensive was "a ploy against Russia," according to the headline.

The information could not be checked independently.

Ukrainian soldiers in the Donetsk region (symbol image).

© picture alliance/dpa/AP |

Leo Correa

War in Ukraine: According to the secret service, fighting in the vicinity of liberated Ukrainian locations continues

Update from September 11, 9:55 a.m

.: Ukraine news from the British secret service: The military experts estimate that the fighting in the Ukrainian areas occupied by Putin's troops - such as the Kharkiv region - will continue.

Russia has withdrawn units, "but fighting is continuing around the strategically important cities of Kupyansk and Izyum," the Ministry of Defense said in London.

Concern about Zaporizhia: the operator takes the nuclear power plant off the grid

Update from September 11, 9:03 a.m

.: The Zaporizhia nuclear power plant has now been completely shut down.

At around 3.40 a.m. local time, the last remaining reactor six was "disconnected from the power grid" and is no longer producing electricity, the Ukrainian atomic energy agency Energoatom said.

The information could not be checked independently.

The "preparation for cooling off" is currently underway.

Attacks around the largest nuclear power plant in Europe have been raising fears of a nuclear disaster for weeks.

At the Zaporizhia NPP (archive image) © Andrey Borodulin/AFP

Ukraine war: Selenskyj threatens Putin's occupiers

Update from September 11, 7:04 a.m

.: The withdrawal of troops from Kharkiv announced by Moscow was received with satisfaction in Kiev.

"Occupiers have no place in Ukraine and will not have one," said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in his recent video address.

According to its own statements, Kyiv is dependent on further arms deliveries from the West for further successful counter-offensives.

When Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock visited Kyiv, her Ukrainian colleague Dmytro Kuleba put pressure on this.

10 September picture: Destroyed military equipment on a road in Kharkiv region © Juan Barreto/AFP

Territory gains for Ukraine: Selenskyj reports the recapture of around 2,000 square kilometers

Update from September 10, 9:40 p.m .:

As part of its counter-offensive, according to President Volodymyr Selenskyj, the Ukrainian army has recaptured around 2000 square kilometers in the past ten days in areas previously occupied by Russia.

In his video speech on Saturday evening, Zelenskyy thanked all the soldiers who were involved in the recaptures in the Kharkiv region in eastern Ukraine.

The Russian army made a good decision by fleeing, said the Ukrainian head of state: "Occupiers have no place in Ukraine and will not have one." Also with the help of Western weapons, Ukraine has recently made massive advances in eastern Ukraine more than six months after Russia's invasion can make Kharkiv region.

Counter-offensive in Kharkiv: Russian occupiers call for escape

Update from September 10, 6:14 p.m .:

In view of the Ukrainian counter-offensive, Russia has withdrawn its troops from the Kharkiv region.

Officially, the Ministry of Defense in Moscow justified the withdrawal with the fact that the units in the Donetsk region bordering on Kharkiv should be strengthened by the regrouping.

The Russian occupiers in the eastern Ukrainian region of Kharkiv have now called on all residents of the places they have previously controlled to flee.

"I once again recommend all residents of the Kharkiv region to leave the region to protect their lives and health," said the head of the Russian military administration, Vitaly Gantchev, on Saturday, according to the TASS agency.

"Staying in his house now is dangerous."

Ukrainian counteroffensive: Russia withdraws soldiers from Kharkiv

Update from September 10, 4:50 p.m

.: Under pressure from Ukrainian counter-offensives, Russia has announced that it is moving troops to eastern Ukraine.

Soldiers should be withdrawn from the Kharkiv region, for example from the strategically important city of Izyum, the spokesman for the Ministry of Defense said in Moscow on Saturday.

The Ukrainian side had previously reported successful recaptures in the Kharkiv region.

Victims in the Ukraine war: Kyiv reports 52,000 dead Russian soldiers

Update from September 10, 3:45 p.m .:

The Ukrainian general staff announced on Saturday that Russian troops had lost around 52,250 soldiers since the war began.

In addition, a total of 2136 Russian tanks, 4584 armored fighting vehicles, 1259 artillery systems, 311 multiple rocket launchers, 162 air defense units, 239 aircraft, 212 helicopters and 898 operational-tactical drones were destroyed.

The information could not be independently verified.

However, Ukraine did not comment on its own losses.

However, the Ukrainian border guards had information from the

Kyiv Independent newspaper

reportedly announced on Saturday that around 8,000 Ukrainian men had attempted to leave the country illegally since the Russian invasion began on February 24, 2022.

Ukrainian men between the ages of 18 and 60 who are fit for military service are currently prohibited from leaving the country.

Ukraine says it has recaptured the strategically important city of Kupyansk in the east

Update from September 10, 1:51 p.m .:

According to its armed forces, Ukraine has recaptured the strategically important city of Kupjansk in the east of the country from Russia.

Corresponding reports had already become known before, and now they have been confirmed by the military.

The city had been occupied by the Russian army for months and is considered to be central for the distribution of supplies.

A regional official published a picture of Ukrainian soldiers in Kupyansk on online networks and wrote: "Kupyansk is part of Ukraine".

According to initially unconfirmed information from the Ukrainian news agency Ukrinform on Saturday, Ukrainian troops are also said to have hoisted Ukrainian flags in the town of Balakliya, around 80 kilometers from Kupyansk.

According to unconfirmed reports, the Ukrainian army is currently advancing further east.

According to observers, if the Ukrainian troops succeed in recapturing Russian-occupied Izyum in addition to Kupyansk, that would be a major setback for Moscow's ability to supply its own troops in Ukraine.

Russian sources confirm withdrawal of Russian troops from Izyum

Update from September 10, 1:29 p.m .: It

had previously been reported that the Russian armed forces would withdraw from Izyum in eastern Ukraine.

This was announced by the Russian head of administration in the region.

Now, various Russian sources reported on Saturday that the city had been evacuated.

The Russian troops were forced to leave Izyum, the news site Readovka wrote on Telegram.

Counter-offensive in eastern Ukraine picks up speed

Update from September 10, 12:15 p.m .:

More than half a year after the start of the Russian war of aggression, the Ukrainian counter-offensive in the eastern region of Kharkov apparently continues to gain momentum.

Ukrainian media published a photo on Saturday morning that is said to show several soldiers with a Ukrainian flag in the center of the strategically important city of Kupyansk, which has so far been occupied by Russian troops.

The Ukrajinska Pravda

portal, citing members of the regional and local government, wrote

: "The Ukrainian armed forces have liberated Kupjansk." There was initially no official confirmation from the General Staff.

Earlier on Saturday, Britain's Defense Ministry, citing intelligence, said a recapture of Kupyansk would be "a significant blow to Russia because it is where the supply lines for the Donbass front run."

Counteroffensive: Ukrainian spearheads advance up to 50 kilometers into territory previously occupied by the Russians

Update from September 10, 10:43 a.m .:

According to British information, the Ukrainian troops in the north-east of the country took the Russian forces by surprise with their counter-offensive.

The Ukrainian spearheads have now advanced up to 50 kilometers on a narrow front into previously Russian-occupied territory, the Ministry of Defense said in London on Saturday, citing intelligence findings.

This coincides with information from Ukraine from the past few days, and US war researchers also reported on Saturday that Ukrainian territory had been gained.

Only a few Russian troops were gathered in the area to the east, British sources said.

"The Russian forces were apparently taken by surprise."

Ukrainian units have captured or surrounded several locations, the ministry said.

Ukrainian attacks also continued in the Cherson region in the south of the country.

"The Russian defensive is under pressure on both its northern and southern flanks," the ministry noted.

US war researchers assume Ukrainian recaptures of 2500 square kilometers

Update from September 10, 9:27 a.m.:

The Ukrainian President Selenskyj reported territory gains in the counter-offensive in the east on Friday.

The information could not initially be verified by an independent party, but on Saturday the war researchers at the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) think tank also stated in their most recent analysis that the Ukrainian counter-offensive was successful.

Accordingly, the country has recaptured an estimated 2,500 square kilometers in the Kharkiv region.

Ukrainian forces are "likely to clear nests of disorganized Russian forces caught in Ukraine's rapid advance toward Kupiansk, Izyum and the Oskil River," ISW experts said.

The assessment was based, among other things, on the influx of numerous images of Russian prisoners of war in the last 48 hours, the Institute for the Study of War continued in its latest update.

If Ukraine manages to cut off the Russian ground line north and south of Izyum, it could collapse Russian positions in that area, war researchers concluded.

Ukrainian President Zelenskyj reports territorial gains in counteroffensive in the east

Update from September 9th, 10:15 p.m .:

The Ukrainian counter-offensive in the east of the country seems to be successful.

In the evening, President Zelenskyj announced major gains in territory.

"We're gradually taking control of new settlements," the president said in a video address.

The Ukrainian troops have already been able to recapture 30 settlements in the Kharkiv region.

"Everywhere we bring back the Ukrainian flag and protection for our people," Zelenskyy said.

In the Donbass and in the south of the country, however, the "bitter fighting" would continue.

Valeriy Zalushny, the supreme commander of the Ukrainian army, writes on Telegram about the gains in territory: "It's difficult, but we're making progress." Meanwhile, according to Russian news agencies, Russia is sending armored vehicles and cannons to the region as reinforcements (see update from September 9, 1:45 p.m.).

War in Ukraine: Situation in the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant comes to a head

Update from September 9, 6:10 p.m .:

According to international observers on site, the situation in the Ukrainian nuclear power plant Zaporizhia is becoming increasingly unstable.

The area around the nuclear power plant occupied by Russia is hotly contested, and experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have been on site since last week.

IAEA chief Rafael Grossi warns: "The situation is intolerable and it is becoming more and more precarious".

He again calls for a cessation of all hostilities and the establishment of a demilitarized zone to prevent a nuclear accident in Zaporizhia.

IAEA chief Rafael Grossi warns of the situation at the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant.


Apparently, the Ukrainian power plant operator is considering shutting down the last of the six reactor units, reports Grossi.

This block is the last one currently still in operation.

It is unlikely that the power supply to the nuclear power plant can be restored due to the increasing hostilities in the area.

Grossi raises another critical point: In the city of Enerhodar, where the nuclear power plant is located, there is no running water and no electricity.

This increases the risk that there will soon not be enough Ukrainian personnel to operate the plant safely.

War in Ukraine: Several cities in Kharkiv region apparently evacuated

Update vom 9. September, 17.39 Uhr: Das Stadtzentrum von Charkiw ist am heutigen Freitag von russischen Raketen getroffen worden, das teilt Oleh Synehubow, Gouverneur der gleichnamigen Region auf dem Kurznachrichtendienst Telegram mit. Bei den Raketeneinschlägen seien offenbar einige Menschen verletzt worden, darunter auch Kinder. Die Millionenstadt Charkiw liegt im Nordosten der Ukraine, nur einige Kilometer von der Grenze zu Russland entfernt. Auch die russische Seite berichtet von heftigen Kämpfen (siehe Update vom 9. September, 13.45 Uhr).

Der russische Verwaltungschef der Region um Charkiw, Vitali Gantschew, berichtet im staatlichen Fernsehen, dass die Städte Isjum, Kupjansk und Welykyj Burluk in der Region evakuiert werden. Der Grund dafür sei, laut Gantschew, dass das von Russland besetzte Gebiet durch die ukrainische Gegenoffensive bedroht sei.

Nato-Chef Stoltenberg sieht Ukraine-Krieg in „kritischer Phase“

Update vom 9. September, 14.35 Uhr: Nach der Einschätzung von Nato-Generalsekretär Jens Stoltenberg geht der Krieg in der Ukraine aktuell in eine „kritische Phase“. Ukrainische Streitkräfte seien dank der Unterstützung aus Nato-Staaten zuletzt in der Lage gewesen, Moskaus Offensive im Donbass zu stoppen und Territorium zurückzuerobern, erklärte der Norweger am Freitag in einer Pressekonferenz mit US-Außenminister Antony Blinken.

Zugleich würden aber nun die Einheit und die Solidarität des Westens auf die Probe gestellt. Als Grund nannte Stoltenberg die Probleme bei der Energieversorgung und die steigenden Lebenshaltungskosten durch den russischen Krieg. Dies dürfe jedoch nicht zu einem nachlassenden Engagement für die Ukraine führen, so Stoltenberg. „Der Preis, den wir zahlen, wird in Geld gemessen. Der Preis, den die Ukrainer zahlen, wird in Leben gemessen“, sagte er. Zudem werde man einen noch viel höheren Preis zahlen, wenn Russland und andere autoritäre Regime merkten, dass Aggression belohnt werde.

„Wenn Russland aufhört zu kämpfen, wird es Frieden geben. Wenn die Ukraine aufhört zu kämpfen, wird sie als unabhängige Nation nicht mehr existieren“, sagte Stoltenberg. Deshalb müsse man am bisherigen Kurs festhalten – „um der Ukraine und um unser selbst willen“.

Reaktion auf ukrainische Vorstöße? Russland verlegt offenbar Truppen nach Charkiw

Update vom 9. September, 13.45 Uhr: Die russische Militärführung reagiert offenbar auf die anlaufende Gegenoffensive der Ukraine in der Region Charkiw. Wie die russische Nachrichtenagentur Interfax vermeldet, hat das russische Verteidigungsministerium Aufnahmen veröffentlicht, die russische Truppenbewegung in Richtung Ostukraine zeigen sollen. In der Region im Nordosten des Landes hatte das ukrainische Militär zuletzt Gebietsgewinne erzielen können. Der russische Verwaltungschef der Region, Vitali Gantschew, sprach im Fernsehen von „heftigen Kämpfen“ nahe der Stadt Balaklija.

Auf Twitter kursieren bereits Aufnahmen, die ukrainische Soldaten am Rande der Stadt Kupjansk zeigen sollen. Die Echtheit der Fotos lässt sich jedoch aktuell nicht unabhängig verifizieren. Militärexperten rechnen damit, dass die Ukraine den strategisch wichtigen Knotenpunkt noch am Wochenende einnehmen wird (siehe Erstmeldung).

Ukraine vor bedeutender Eroberung? Experten rechnen mit Einnahme von Kupjansk

Erstmeldung vom 9. September: Kiew – Die ukrainischen Streitkräfte können offenbar auch vor dem Wochenende weitere Gebietsgewinne in der Ostukraine verzeichnen. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt dabei aktuell auf der Region Charkiw im Nordosten des Landes. Das Gebiet um die gleichnamige Metropole zählt bereits seit den Anfangstagen des russischen Angriffskriegs zu den erklärten Zielen der Invasoren. Russische Truppen besetzten schon früh Gebiete nahe der Grenze zur Region Luhansk und wollten auch auf Charkiw vorrücken. Nach Kiew ist die Regionalhauptstadt mit knapp 1,4 Millionen Einwohnern die zweitgrößte Stadt des Landes.

Ukraine-News: Ukrainische Truppen vor weiteren Gebietsgewinnen in der Region Charkiw

Auch wenn russische Truppen weiter Luftangriffe auf Charkiw durchführen, können die Streitkräfte mittlerweile kaum mehr Gebietsgewinne erzielen. Da der russische Vormarsch auch im Süden nahe der Stadt Cherson und im Oblast Donezk ins Stocken geraten ist, haben die ukrainischen Verteidiger offenbar eine günstige Gelegenheit für eine Gegenoffensive erkannt. Wie die Denkfabrik Institute for the Study of War (ISW) schildert, stehen die ukrainischen Streitkräfte dabei kurz vor dem Erreichen eines strategisch wichtigen Ziels.

Das ISW rechnet damit, dass die Truppe der Verteidiger noch am Wochenende die Kontrolle über die Stadt Kupjansk wiedererlangen werden. Die Stadt am Fluss Oskil gilt als wichtiger Eisenbahnknotenpunkt und ist nur etwa 30 Kilometer Luftlinie von der Grenze zum Oblast Luhansk entfernt, der bereits komplett unter russischer Kontrolle steht. Den Experten zu Folge wird Kupjansk in den kommenden 72 Stunden zurückerobert werden.

Ukrainisches Verteidigungsministerium nennt Zahlen zu russische Verluste – mit Zitat der verstorbenen Queen

Das ukrainische Verteidigungsministerium hat derweil am Freitagmorgen neue Zahlen zu russischen Verlusten im Krieg veröffentlicht. Wie die Behörde auf Twitter bekannt gab, sollen seit Kriegsbeginn im Februar 51.900 russische Soldaten getötet worden sein. Damit steigt die Zahl der Verluste um weitere 650 Opfer. Die Angaben der Kriegspartei lassen sich jedoch aktuell nicht unabhängig überprüfen.

Die Meldung über die feindlichen Verluste versah das Verteidigungsministerium der Ukraine mit einem Zitat der am Donnerstagabend verstorbenen britischen Königin Elisabeth II: „Wenn der Frieden kommt, denkt daran, dass es an uns, den Kindern von heute, liegen wird, die Welt von morgen zu einem besseren und fröhlicheren Ort zu machen.“ Das Zitat ist ein Ausschnitt aus einer Rede der damaligen Kronprinzessin während des Zweiten Weltkriegs.

Vladimir Putin, meanwhile, has praised Elizabeth II as a beloved and respected "authority".

The Queen has "rightly enjoyed the love and respect of her subjects and authority on the world stage for many decades," Putin said on Thursday, according to a Kremlin statement.

The most important events in recent British history are "inseparably" linked to her name.

The new British King Charles III.

expressed his condolences to Putin.

He also wished him "courage and resilience".


Source: merkur

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