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Queen Elizabeth II acclaimed by the French


According to an Odoxa Backbone poll for Le Figaro, 85% of French people have a good opinion of the late monarch.

The French love Elizabeth II, but less the monarchy she embodied.

According to an Odoxa Backbone poll for

Le Figaro

, they are certainly 71% to have a good opinion of the British royal family, the proportion even rising to 79% among French women.

Unsurprisingly, in France as in Great Britain, the late Queen largely carries this popularity (85% of good opinions) dethroning the new Prince and Princess of Wales, William (80%) and Kate (82%).

Still like on the other side of the Channel, the new King Charles III appears less appreciated (55% of good opinions) when his wife Camilla, who still seems to bear the burden of Princess Diana's death, borders on unpopularity (41 % unfavorable opinions).

On the other hand, unlike England, France does not seem to hold Prince Harry to his renunciations and his media escapades, acclaiming him (75% of favorable opinions) in front of his wife Meghan (63%).

The rambunctious couple annoys 7 out of 10 Britons.

The reasons for this royal success seem to be the embodiment of British values ​​(80%) that the Windsors represent in the eyes of the French while being sympathetic (67%) and close to the British people (70%).

A form of paradox because at the same time, they consider this same dynasty spendthrift (66%), too "people" (61%), just honest (53% only), and not generous (54%).

And this is undoubtedly where the much more severe judgment that the French have of the monarchy is tied, which only “


” 38% of them.

They are 55% to think "

that it is no longer adapted to today's society

" - 44% consider it on the contrary "

timeless and still adapted to today's society


But above all, 59% do not see its usefulness.

Curiously, it is the youngest who save the king's head: 52% of those under 35 believe that the monarchy is timeless when only 36% of those over 65 think so.

An incongruity which is undoubtedly due to the immense success of the series "

The crown

" with the younger generations who until then had little knowledge of this family and its saga, and with social networks.

This same youth is also the most interested in the ceremonial implemented since the announcement of the death of Elizabeth II and its very wide broadcast.

So when 65% of French people between 50 and 64 think that this event takes up too much space in the media, only 52% of the youngest agree with them on this point.

They are however in agreement in finding, at 64%, that the death of the queen, far from being "

a historic event

", is "

above all a people news


Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2022-09-16

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