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Consumption Voucher|10.1 Send the second one to see if it can be used to book hotel tickets


【Consumption Coupon/PayMe/BoC Pay/Octopus/Alipay HK Alipay/WeChat Pay/Tap & Go】The second tranche of the second phase of the consumption coupon will be distributed on October 1. Eligible citizens can receive RMB 3,000 (non-Octopus

【Consumption Coupon/PayMe/BoC Pay/Octopus/Alipay HK Alipay/WeChat Pay/Tap & Go】The second tranche of the second phase of the consumption coupon will be distributed on October 1. Eligible citizens can receive RMB 3,000 (non-Octopus) Or 2,000 yuan (take an Octopus).

From Monday (26th), the entry quarantine will be relaxed to "0+3", and there is no need to stay in designated quarantine hotels when returning to Hong Kong. In addition, Japan will resume visa-free inbound tourism from October 11, which stimulates Hong Kong people's desire to travel abroad.

Is the voucher valid for booking air tickets and hotels?

Can travel agencies, airlines or travel websites collect coupons?

It will be explained in detail below.

▼New round of coupon distribution time▼

Q1. Can the voucher be used to book air tickets and hotels?

According to government regulations, local merchants accept consumer vouchers.

That is, citizens can book air tickets and hotels with coupons at local travel agencies or local travel websites; they can also book flights through the online systems of local airlines.

AlipayHK said that as long as local companies accept AlipayHK, Hong Kong people can pay with consumer coupons.

Q2. Does the travel agency accept vouchers for payment?

The payment platform provided by each travel agency is different.

However, members of the public should note that the travel agency's website system may not accept consumption vouchers.

For example, the website of Zonghengyou does not provide the payment function of consumption coupons. Citizens can go to their stores in person and pay with AlipayHK or Tap&Go consumption coupons.

▼On September 24th, some citizens went to Mong Kok Bank Center Travel Agency to inquire about "0+3" outbound tours▼


Q3. Does the airline accept coupon payment?

The payment platform provided by each airline is different.

Cathay Pacific stated that as long as the selected payment platform supports consumption vouchers, the vouchers can be used, and the excess amount will be paid by the amount of the account e-wallet.

Looking through the information, the consumer coupon payment platforms provided by Cathay Pacific include Alipay and WeChat payment; the low-cost airline Hong Kong Express also pays for Alipay and WeChat; as for Hong Kong Airlines, only Alipay is accepted.

Q4. Does the travel website accept coupon payment?

The payment platform offered by each travel website is different.

However, the public should pay attention to whether the online store is a local company or not, otherwise they will not be able to pay with consumer coupons.

Looking at the website information, accepts Tap&Go, AlipayHK and WeChat Pay for payment with coupons; Expedia accepts Mastercard or UnionPay card accounts in Tap & Go for payment with coupons.

Q5. How can I book ANA, JAL, etc. seats with consumption coupons?

Payment with vouchers cannot be made directly through the website of a non-local airline.

However, if the public makes a reservation through a local travel agency, they can use the payment platform accepted by the travel agency to pay with consumption coupons, but it also depends on whether the travel agency provides the relevant seats.

Yuan Zhenning, the executive director of Zonghengyou, explained that booking travel products through local travel agencies can also stimulate Hong Kong's economy, which is in line with government regulations, so consumer coupons can be accepted as payment, "It seems that the goods purchased in Parknshop are Made in Japan (made in Japan). Same goes for coupons.”

▼On September 24, many citizens at the Wanchai Immigration Department came to apply for SAR passports▼


Consumer Coupon|Chen Maobo: The deficit may be more than estimated and it is still too early to distribute consumer coupons. Consumer coupons|240,000 Octopus users used up 2,000 yuan in the first week of the second round of issuance, and the “Make Protrusion” Computer Festival 2022 kicked off with consumer coupons to drive purchasing power. It is expected that the sales volume of the business can increase by 30%. Received 170,000 review applications and 29,000 people have successfully reversed the case. Today, a 2,000-yuan consumption coupon has been issued

Source: hk1

All news articles on 2022-09-27

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