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Shooting stars are raining down over Germany: Here you can see the Draconids


Every year the Draconids are a phenomenon that can also be admired in Germany. Countless shooting stars can be seen on a clear sky.

Every year the Draconids are a phenomenon that can also be admired in Germany.

Countless shooting stars can be seen on a clear sky.

There are events that are simply impressive: Meteor storms that can be admired at night in good weather.

Between October 6th and 10th countless shooting stars should be visible in the entire northern hemisphere.

During this period, Earth crosses the orbit of comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner.

Its fragments enter the atmosphere and burn up there.

The phenomenon, which is noticeable by an unusually high number of shooting stars, is called Draconids, reports

Draconids: where to see the shooting star shower and where does the name come from

The showers from the Draconids are said to be particularly visible between October 7th and 9th.

The shooting stars come from the direction of the constellation of the dragon, which can be seen in the evening (around nine o'clock) quite far above the horizon in the north-west.

As the nights progress, the constellation moves towards the horizon and then continues in a curve towards the north.


The Draconids are a glorious celestial spectacle.

© Matthias Balk

It doesn't really matter where in Germany you watch the spectacle from.

Basically, the Draconids are visible everywhere in the northern hemisphere.

Even just south of the equator, the falling star shower can sometimes be seen.

From the name of the constellation from which direction the shooting stars come, the name of the overwhelming phenomenon of the Draconids is derived - namely the constellation of the Dragon.

The Draconids are also suitable for early sleepers

Working a night shift for a few shooting stars?

Not with the Draconids.

Part of the reason why the phenomenon is suitable for enthusiasts is that the Draconids can be seen well after dusk.

Various cups of coffee are therefore not a must in order to enjoy the star shower.

The reason the Draconids are visible so early is because the constellation of the Dragon is already high in the sky by nightfall.

In this way, the glowing comet fragments can be recognized and admired at an early stage.

What's the best way to see the Draconids?

You don't need a telescope or other technical equipment to see the Draconids in the night sky.

You don't have to be a student of astrophysics either.

When the sky is clear, everyone can look up and be amazed.

However, there are a few tips that will make observing the Draconids perfect.

Tips for shooting star nights

Choose a low-light spot to watch

Adjust your eyes to the dark

Check the weather forecast in advance

Bring appropriate clothing (especially for cool nights)

Clear view in the direction of the shooting star shower (inform in advance about its position)

It doesn't matter whether you're a space fan or not: Several shooting stars within a very short time should at least amaze everyone.

You don't have to be a professional.

And if you don't have time exactly in the period in which the Draconids can be seen, you can also look at the Orionids or the Perseids soon afterwards.

List of rubrics: © Matthias Balk

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2022-10-07

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