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Last minute of the war, live | The G-7, on the new Russian attacks on Ukraine: "We will hold Putin and those responsible accountable"


Russia bombs electrical installations throughout Ukraine for the second day | Zelensky asks the G-7 for new air defense systems | NATO maintains the nuclear deterrence exercises planned in Europe for next week: "Cancelling them would send the wrong signal"

EL PAÍS offers the last hour of the conflict in Ukraine free of charge as a public service.

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The Group of Seven has condemned the recent Russian missile attacks against Ukraine, pointing out that the bombings against the civilian population constitute a war crime: "We will hold President Putin and others responsible accountable", reads the joint statement. issued this Tuesday after a meeting by videoconference where the Ukrainian president, Volodímir Zelenski, also participated.

There, the president has asked the G-7 for new air defense systems to be able to counteract Russian attacks.

On the ground, Kremlin forces have continued to attack Ukraine, hitting electrical installations in different regions, a day after the country was subjected to another intense offensive against the civilian population and critical infrastructure.

Dmitro Kuleba, Foreign Minister of Ukraine,

has accused Russia of committing "war crimes" by bombing and leaving "civilians in unbearable conditions".

At least seven people have died after an attack on Zaporizhia (south).

The regional police chief, Artem Kisko, has reported the destruction of a school and an orphanage.

"Not a single military target was near the places attacked," he said.

In addition, the Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, has confirmed that the Alliance will carry out next week in Europe the nuclear deterrence exercises planned for more than a year: "Cancelling them would send the wrong signal".

has reported the destruction of a school and an orphanage.

"Not a single military target was near the places attacked," she said.

In addition, the Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, has confirmed that the Alliance will carry out next week in Europe the nuclear deterrence exercises planned for more than a year: "Cancelling them would send the wrong signal".

has reported the destruction of a school and an orphanage.

"Not a single military target was near the places attacked," she said.

In addition, the Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, has confirmed that the Alliance will carry out next week in Europe the nuclear deterrence exercises planned for more than a year: "Cancelling them would send the wrong signal".


Images from the 230th day of war in Ukraine

  • Latest videos of the invasion

  • Key dates of the conflict: when and how it started

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Seven dead in Zaporizhia due to Russian attacks, says kyiv

Seven people have died and "many have been injured" in the province of Zaporizhia due to the Russian attacks on Tuesday, according to the deputy chief of staff of the Ukrainian presidency, Kirilo Tymoshenko, through his Telegram account.

According to Timoshenko, quoted by the Ukrainian state agency Ukrinform, the towns of Orihiv and Stepnohirsk, south of the provincial capital, were attacked with missiles and artillery. 





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The meeting between Putin and Grossi (IAEA) on the Zaporizhia plant ends without agreements

Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Rafael Grossi, met in Moscow on Tuesday, in a new attempt by the latter to unblock a demilitarized zone around the nuclear power plant. of Zaporizhia, the largest in Europe and located on the battlefront between Russia and Ukraine.

In a statement published after the meeting, Grossi has indicated that he will return to kyiv to speak again with the Ukrainian president, Volodímir Zelenski, to try to advance the negotiations.

"We cannot afford to waste any more time. The stakes are high," he has reiterated.

"We must do everything in our power to help ensure that a nuclear accident does not occur during this tragic conflict, as it could cause even more hardship and suffering in Ukraine and beyond."

Meanwhile, Putin thanked Grossi for his efforts to reduce the "dangerous politicization of nuclear activity."

With the annexation of the Zaporizhia province, announced by Russia last week, Moscow has nationalized the plant and announced its intention to replace those responsible.

The director of the plant has fled to territory controlled by Ukraine, while kyiv has denounced the arrest of its deputy director.

In the photo of Pavel Bednyakov, released by the Kremlin, Grossi (left) and Putin at today's meeting in Moscow.





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Borell: "We are going to continue taking measures to increase our support for Ukraine"

By Gloria Pineda.

"We are witnessing a systematic and permanent bombing of the civilian population and of civil infrastructure in the center of the cities. Putin is clearly escalating the war and bringing destruction and death back to many places in Ukraine that until now, or at least in recent months, it seemed that they were safe", denounced Josep Borrell, high representative of Foreign Policy of the European Union before giving a conference in Madrid.

"On Monday we will hold a council of foreign ministers and we will continue to take measures to increase our support for Ukraine to deal with this aggression," he assured. 

The actions of the last few hours in Ukraine will be added to the complaint that the EU is preparing against Russia for war crimes, he assured.

"The escalation is a reality and I think what we have to do is continue to help Ukraine and at the same time try to avoid any escalation," said the European leader, who avoided commenting on Vladimir Putin's nuclear threat.

"I know that you like to talk about the nuclear threat, but I think the less we talk about it, the better," he answered questions from journalists.

He has also declined to comment on whether NATO's decision to hold nuclear deterrent exercises planned in Europe for next week could lead to a further escalation of the conflict.





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What has happened in the last hours

On the 230th day of the war initiated by Russia against Ukraine, these are the key data at 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 11:

Zelenski asks the G-7 for air defense weapons after the intensification of Russian attacks this week.

 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has called on the leaders of the G7 group of countries to urgently supply Ukraine with air defense weapons, after Russia stepped up its offensive on Monday and launched cruise missiles on cities across the country. in a new escalation of the war.

The Ukrainian president has assured that when his country "obtains enough weapons" of this type, "the threat posed by Russia will diminish."

The G-7, on the new Russian attacks on Ukraine: "We will hold Putin and those responsible accountable."

 The nations of the Group of Seven (G7) have condemned the recent Russian missile attacks against Ukraine, pointing out that the bombings against the civilian population constitute a war crime: "We will hold President Putin and those responsible accountable", it reads in the joint statement issued on Tuesday.

They have also criticized Russia's "irresponsible nuclear rhetoric".  

Germany delivers anti-aircraft equipment and the US promises to do so "as soon as possible"


Ukraine on Tuesday received the first of four IRIS-T air defense systems that Germany promised to supply, according to a German Defense Ministry source.

The delivery has taken place earlier than expected.

Meanwhile, the US has announced that it will try to speed up the delivery of modern NASAMS air defense systems.

"We will try to send them as soon as possible," said White House spokesman John Kirby.

In September, the US had said it would not be able to send NASAMS systems to Ukraine until the end of December at the earliest.  

Stoltenberg confirms that NATO will carry out the planned nuclear deterrent exercises next week.

 NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has explained that NATO is going to maintain the routine nuclear exercises planned for more than a year, given that canceling them "would send the wrong signal" to Putin.

“This is routine training, which takes place every year to keep our deterrence safe, secure and effective,” he said.

Russia includes Meta on its list of terrorist organizations.

 The Russian authorities announced on Tuesday the inclusion of Meta, the parent company of Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, on its list of "terrorist organizations", as demanded by the Prosecutor's Office.

A Moscow court ruled in March that activities on Instagram and Facebook were "extremist" and banned their operations in the country.

Putin and Erdogan will finally meet this Thursday.

The announced meeting between the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, and the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, will finally take place this Thursday – not Wednesday, as had been announced – in the city of Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan.

As reported on Tuesday by the Kremlin spokesman, Dmitri Peskov, it is "possible" that both leaders address a Turkish proposal to hold new peace talks in Turkey. 

The head of British intelligence believes that the Russian Army is running out of weapons and troops


Russia is running out of weapons, allies and troops while the regime of its president, Vladimir Putin, is increasingly “desperate”, said Jeremy Fleming, head of the British intelligence, security and cybersecurity services agency, on Tuesday. GCHQ.

Despite this, according to Fleming, Moscow would continue to have "a very capable military machine." 

In the photo of Petr David Josek, for AP, demonstration in Prague (Czech Republic), calling for the shipment of weapons to Ukraine. 





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US promises to send modern air defense systems to Ukraine "as soon as possible" in response to Russian attacks

The United States announced on Tuesday that it will try to speed up the delivery of modern NASAMS air defense systems to Ukraine.

"We will try to send them as soon as possible," said White House spokesman John Kirby.

In September, the US had said it would not be able to send NASAMS systems to Ukraine until the end of December at the earliest.

The shipment is part of the response of the G-7 to the request of the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, to receive anti-aircraft defense equipment to counteract the Russian offensive on his cities in recent days.

The president of the USA, Joe Biden, promised yesterday to Zelenski the sending of the NASAMS.






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France announces a reinforcement of its military presence in Eastern Europe

The French government announced this Tuesday a reinforcement of its military presence in Eastern Europe.

In a written statement to Parliament on the occasion of the negotiation of the budgets for next year, Defense Minister Sebastien Lecornu has reported that Paris intends to increase its detachment in Estonia, where it has 300 soldiers.

In addition, France intends to station more Rafale fighters in Lithuania, as well as more armored vehicles and tanks in Romania.






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Ukraine receives the first of the IRIS-T air defense systems that Germany promised to send to Ukraine

Ukraine on Tuesday received the first of four IRIS-T air defense systems that Germany promised to supply, according to a German Defense Ministry source.

The delivery has taken place earlier than expected.

On Monday, German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht already announced that her country would deliver four IRIS-T SLM air defense systems to Ukraine.

“The new bombings over kyiv and many other cities show how important it is to quickly provide Ukraine with air defense systems,” she wrote in a statement.

“Russian missile and drone attacks terrify the civilian population in particular.

That is why we will now provide air defense assistance,” she added.

Russia has attacked cities across Ukraine since Monday, killing at least 19 civilians and leaving thousands of citizens without electricity and power.

This is the Kremlin's response after Russian President Vladimir Putin described an explosion on the Crimean bridge as a terrorist attack.






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Ukraine claims that 32 soldiers have returned to the country after an exchange with Russia

32 Ukrainian soldiers, as well as the body of the soldier Dimitro Fialka, an Israeli national, have been handed over to the kyiv government after an exchange of prisoners, as announced through his Telegram account by Andrei Yermak, chief of staff of Ukrainian President Volodímir. Zelensky.

Yermak has not indicated what and how many military Russia has received in return. 

"The boys are undergoing a medical examination, they will recover and see their families," he said.

"We will bring them back. They will all come back. We will fight for every Ukrainian because our people are our greatest treasure." 

In the photo, released by AndreiYermak's account, appears the group of men identified by Ukraine as the soldiers who have returned to the country.





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The G-7, on the new Russian attacks on Ukraine: "We will hold Putin and those responsible accountable"

The nations of the Group of Seven (G7) have condemned the recent Russian missile attacks against Ukraine, pointing out that the bombings against the civilian population constitute a war crime: "We will hold President Putin and those responsible accountable", it reads in the joint statement issued this Tuesday after a meeting by videoconference where the Ukrainian president, Volodímir Zelenski, also participated.

Leaders have also criticized Russia's "irresponsible nuclear rhetoric."

"We deplore the escalation measures, including the mobilization of reservists and irresponsible nuclear rhetoric, which is putting world peace and security at risk. We reaffirm that any use of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons by Russia would be met with grave consequences." ",

The G-7 leaders have also reiterated their support for Ukraine "for as long as it takes."

"We will continue to provide financial, humanitarian, military, diplomatic and legal support and stand firm with Ukraine," the joint statement read.

"We assure President Zelensky that we are not intimidated and we are steadfast in our commitment to provide the support Ukraine needs to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity."






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12 Russian missiles fall on Zaporizhia and leave at least one dead

The province of Zaporizhia, in the center of the country and one of the five Ukrainian provinces that Russia claims as its own, has been one of the victims of the bombings that are hitting the entire country this week.

The latest bombardment took place last Monday night with 12 missiles and resulted in one death and the destruction of civilian infrastructure such as a school and an orphanage.

"Not a single military target was near the places attacked," said the police chief.





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China expresses 'concern' over escalation in Ukraine


Guillermo Abril

from Beijing.

China has expressed concern about the escalation of violence in the Ukraine war.

"The ongoing events are worrying," said Mao Ning, spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, assessing the bombings carried out by Russia on Monday in several Ukrainian cities.

The attacks have killed at least 19 people and left 105 injured, according to the latest report from the kyiv authorities. 

The spokeswoman's words add a slight nuance to the calculated balance that China has maintained since the beginning of the invasion on February 24.

Beijing, however, has insisted that his position remains the same as "yesterday" [referring to Monday];

the previous day he assured that this position had already been expressed "on multiple occasions". 

"We call on the parties involved to find appropriate ways to address differences through dialogue and consultation," Ning insisted at the appearance.

And he recalled that Beijing intends to play "a constructive role in de-escalation efforts."

Both concepts have come up regularly in the interventions of Foreign Affairs spokespersons, through which they sculpt the position of the Asian power on key issues of international politics. 

The previous day, Ning repeated two other recurring arguments from Beijing: he called for "respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity" of "all countries" and demanded that "the legitimate security concerns of any country" be valued "seriously." 

Since the beginning of the war, Beijing has maintained a calculated distance from Moscow, without giving military support or war supplies to Russia, and without avoiding Western sanctions against the Putin regime.

But he has never condemned the invasion nor has he mentioned the existence of a "war" with all its letters: he usually calls it a "crisis". 

El matiz introducido este martes se encuentra en línea con la primera muestra de distanciamiento entre Rusia y China expresada durante el encuentro entre el presidente chino, Xi Jinping, y su homólogo ruso, Vladímir Putin, el pasado 15 de septiembre en Samarcanda. En esa cita –su primer cara a cara desde la invasión– Putin reconoció ante Xi la existencia de “preocupaciones” y “preguntas” por parte de Pekín. Las reservas chinas expuestas por el líder ruso suponían un cambio con respecto a la amistad “sin límites” que ambos mandatarios sellaron en una declaración conjunta publicada tras un encuentro en la capital china solo 20 días antes de la invasión de Ucrania. 





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Rusia dice que más de 2.000 personas están sin electricidad en Belgorod tras un ataque ucranio sobre una subestación eléctrica

El gobernador de la región rusa de Belgorod, cercana a la frontera con Ucrania, ha afirmado este martes que más de 2.000 personas están sin electricidad en la zona después de que Ucrania bombardease una subestación eléctrica en la localidad de Shebekino, justo en la frontera con la provincia ucrania de Járkov (noreste del país). En un mensaje en la red social Telegram, el gobernador de Belgorod, Viacheslav Gladkov, ha añadido que los servicios de emergencia están trabajando para restablecer el suministro eléctrico. (Reuters)





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Zelenski pide al G-7 armas de defensa aérea después de la intensificación de los ataques rusos esta semana

El presidente ucranio, Volodímir Zelenski, ha pedido a los líderes del grupo de países del G-7 que suministren urgentemente a Ucrania armas de defensa aérea, después de que Rusia intensificara su ofensiva este lunes y lanzara misiles de crucero sobre ciudades de todo el país en una nueva escalada de la guerra. La Casa Blanca ha comunicado que el presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, y otros líderes del G-7 se han reunido virtualmente para discutir qué más pueden hacer para apoyar a Ucrania. En la conversación también ha participado Zelenski, que se ha referido a los sistemas de defensa aérea como su "prioridad número uno". El mandatario ucranio ha asegurado que cuando su país "obtenga suficientes armas" de este tipo, "la amenaza que supone Rusia disminuirá". Biden ya se ha comprometido a proporcionar estos sistemas a Kiev, una promesa que el portavoz del Kremlin, Dmitri Peskov, considera que extenderá el conflicto. "El estado de ánimo de esta cumbre ya es obvio y predecible. La confrontación continuará", ha afirmado Peskov a los periodistas.

Zelenski también ha señalado que Ucrania solo está interesada en su soberanía territorial y que no está planeando una "acción militar" contra Bielorrusia. Sobre este tema, el mandatario ha propuesto establecer una misión internacional en la frontera entre Ucrania y Bielorrusia para monitorear la situación. "Putin podría escalar la guerra, eso es una amenaza para todos", ha afirmado. 

Este martes, nuevos ataques con misiles han matado a al menos una persona en la ciudad suroriental de Zaporiyia y han dejado a parte de la ciudad occidental de Lviv sin electricidad, según funcionarios locales. Las sirenas de ataque aéreo han sonado por la mañana en toda Ucrania por segundo día consecutivo. Otras partes del país han permanecido apagadas después de los ataques con misiles de crucero del lunes que, según las autoridades, mataron a 19 personas. (Reuters)





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Stoltenberg confirma que la OTAN realizará la semana que viene los ejercicios de disuasión nuclear previstos

El secretario general de la OTAN, Jens Stoltenberg, está dando este martes una rueda de prensa antes de una reunión de ministros de Defensa de la Alianza Atlántica sobre los ataques rusos a Ucrania y la recuperación del territorio ocupado: “Ucrania tiene el ímpetu del momento, y continúa logrando avances significativos, mientras Rusia está aumentando sus ataques indiscriminados y horribles sobre civiles e infraestructura crítica. Putin está fracasando en Ucrania. Sus intentos de anexión, movilización parcial y retórica nuclear imprudente representan la escalada más significativa desde el comienzo de la guerra, y muestran que esta guerra no está yendo como preveía”. Stoltenberg también ha explicado que la OTAN va a mantener los ejercicios nucleares rutinarios previstos desde hace más de un año, dado que cancelarlos "mandaría una señal errónea" a Putin. “Se trata de un entrenamiento rutinario, que se lleva a cabo todos los años para mantener nuestra disuasión segura, protegida y eficaz”, ha dicho.

Stoltenberg ha defendido que aunque la Alianza Atlántica no forma parte de la guerra, su ayuda a Ucrania está siendo y será decisiva: “La OTAN no es parte del conflicto, pero nuestra ayuda está jugando un papel clave. Los aliados nos mantenemos unidos en el apoyo a la soberanía ucrania y a su autodefensa”, ha dicho Stoltenberg, que ha dado la bienvenida a los anuncios de los aliados de enviar a Ucrania sistemas de defensa aéreos más avanzados, así como otro tipo de armas y futuros envíos. 

“Nuestro mensaje es claro: la OTAN se mantendrá con Ucrania durante el tiempo que sea necesario. El presidente [de Rusia, Vladímir] Putin empezó esta guerra y debe terminar con ella retirando sus fuerzas de Ucrania. Y el presidente [Aleksandr] Lukashenko debe parar la complicidad de Bielorrusia en este conflicto ilegal”, ha añadido el secretario general de la Alianza Atlántica. (EL PAÍS)

En el vídeo que sucede a estas líneas puede consultar la rueda de prensa de Stoltenberg:





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Putin extiende hasta finales de 2023 el embargo a alimentos occidentales

El presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin, ha extendido este martes hasta finales de 2023 la vigencia del embargo contra Occidente que limita la entrada al país de una serie de productos agrícolas, materias primas y alimentos de los países que impusieron sanciones a Rusia tras la anexión ilegal de la península ucraniana de Crimea en 2014. El correspondiente decreto fue publicado hoy en el portal de información legal de la administración pública de Rusia.

El decreto establece prorrogar las “medidas económicas especiales” establecidas por el presidente ruso el 6 de agosto de 2014 “con el objetivo de garantizar la seguridad de la Federación Rusa” hasta el 31 de diciembre. En su decreto, exigió al Gobierno ruso “garantizar según sus competencias el cumplimiento de las medidas” y le otorgó la potestad de presentar propuestas para modificar los plazos de duración del embargo.

Occidente impuso las primeras sanciones a Rusia tras la anexión de Crimea, medidas que reforzó tras el inicio del conflicto armado en el este de Ucrania y el apoyo de Moscú a las milicias prorrusas de las regiones de Donetsk y Lugansk. Rusia respondió con contrasanciones que limitan la importación de una serie de mercancías producidas en estos países. (Efe)





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Kiev acusa a Rusia de secuestrar a un subdirector de la central nuclear de Zaporiyia

Ucrania ha acusado este martes a las tropas rusas que controlan desde el pasado marzo la central nuclear ucrania de Zaporiyia, la mayor de Europa, de haber secuestrado a uno de los subdirectores de la planta y de tenerlo detenido en una localización desconocida, según ha dicho este mediodía Energoatom, la agencia de energía nuclear estatal del país europeo. En un mensaje en la red social Telegram, Energoatom ha afirmado que el subdirector, Valeri Martiniuk, fue secuestrado ayer lunes.

Rusia se apropió hace una semana por ley de la planta, operada por técnicos ucranios, tras anexionarse las provincias de Zaporiyia, Jersón (ambas en el sur), Donetsk y Lugansk (noreste) después de celebrar referendos considerados ilegales por la comunidad internacional, dado que se hicieron en plena guerra, con la mayor parte de la población exiliada y otra gran parte de ella movilizada para luchar en el frente. 

Desde hace semanas, el Organismo Internacional de la Energía Atómica (OIEA), una agencia dependiente de la ONU, insiste en la creación de una zona de seguridad alrededor de la central, objeto de bombardeos de los que se acusan mutuamente Kiev y Moscú.

De hecho, el director general del OIEA, Rafael Grossi, se reúne hoy martes en San Petersburgo con el presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin, para hablar sobre el futuro de la central ucrania. (Reuters / EL PAÍS)





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Rusia incluye a Meta en su lista de organizaciones terroristas

Las autoridades de Rusia han anunciado este martes la inclusión de Meta, matriz de Facebook, Instagram y WhatsApp, en su lista de “organizaciones terroristas”, tal y como reclamaba la Fiscalía. La decisión ha sido adoptada por el Servicio Federal de Supervisión Financiera (Rosfinmonitoring), según ha recogido la agencia rusa de noticias TASS.

Un tribunal de Moscú dictó en marzo que las actividades en Instagram y Facebook eran “extremistas” y prohibió sus operaciones en el país. La Fiscalía rusa presentó además una petición del Parlamento para investigar las actividades de la compañía por “difundir propaganda terrorista” y amenazar la seguridad de los ciudadanos rusos.

Asimismo, un comité legislativo la acusó de incitar a la violencia y al asesinato de ciudadanos rusos. La Fiscalía se amparó en dos artículos del código penal que señalan a Meta como partícipe en actos de “propaganda terrorista” y de “incitar al odio y la enemistad con amenaza de violencia”, al tiempo que acusó a la empresa de reducir sus restricciones sobre el “contenido de odio” hacia los ciudadanos rusos, en una decisión que “fomenta la permisibilidad de las actividades terroristas” contra la población y el personal militar.

Rosfinmonitoring ha incluido también en su lista de organizaciones terroristas al movimiento civil Vesna, que durante las últimas semanas ha convocado protestas contra el decreto de “movilización parcial” aprobado por el presidente de Rusia, Vladímir Putin, en el marco de la guerra en Ucrania, tal y como ha informado la agencia rusa de noticias Interfax. (Agencias)





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Putin y Erdogan se reunirán finalmente este jueves en Kazajistán

La anunciada reunión entre el presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin, y el turco, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, tendrá lugar finalmente este jueves —no el miércoles, como se había anunciado— en la ciudad de Astaná, la capital de Kazajistán. Según ha informado este martes el portavoz del Kremlin, Dmitri Peskov, es “posible” que ambos líderes aborden una propuesta turca para celebrar en Turquía nuevas conversaciones de paz entre Rusia y Occidente.

Turquía ha ejercido de mediador entre Rusia y Ucrania —y todos sus aliados occidentales— desde el comienzo de la invasión rusa. Situándose en una posición de equilibrio entre los dos países, condenando la invasión y vendiendo armas a Kiev pero sin sumarse a las sanciones occidentales, el Gobierno de Erdogan fue clave para un acuerdo que supuso el desbloqueo de los puertos ucranios del mar Negro para reanudar sus exportaciones de cereal y también el de los barcos rusos que transportan productos agrícolas y fertilizantes.

Sin embargo, en las últimas semanas, Erdogan se ha escorado un tanto hacia Kiev y ha condenado tajantemente la anexión por parte de Rusia de las cuatro provincias ucranias ocupadas (Jersón Zaporiyia, Donetsk y Lugansk) y ha urgido al régimen de Moscú a devolverlas y respetar la integridad territorial del país agredido. 

En los últimos días, Erdogan ha mencionado, sin concretar,  una propuesta para celebrar conversaciones de paz en su territorio. Ya al inicio del conflicto, hubo conversaciones de paz en Estambul entre Kiev y Moscú, pero fracasaron a finales de marzo y no volvieron a retomarse.





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Finlandia pide a la población que compre tabletas de yodo contra la radiación nuclear

El Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales y Sanidad de Finlandia ha pedido este martes a la población menor de 40 años que adquiera tabletas de yoduro de potasio como medida de prevención en caso de radiación nuclear.

Actualmente, no hay pastillas de yodo para menores de tres años a la venta en Finlandia, según ha explicado el ministerio en un comunicado, por lo que los centros de salud deberán importarlas y distribuirlas entre los padres y las mujeres embarazadas.

El yoduro de potasio es una sal de yodo que previene la absorción de yodo radiactivo a través de la tiroides, lo que puede causar cáncer o lesiones en esta glándula cuando el cuerpo está expuesto a la radiación nuclear. La Organización Mundial de la Salud recomienda el consumo de tabletas de yodo en caso de accidente nuclear a las personas de hasta 40 años y a las mujeres embarazadas para proteger el feto. (Efe)





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Shoigú inspecciona a los movilizados de las unidades de la Circunscripción Militar Oeste

El ministro de Defensa de Rusia, Serguéi Shoigú, ha llevado a cabo este martes una inspección a los movilizados de las unidades de la Circunscripción Militar Oeste que se preparan para participar en la llamada “operación militar rusa” en Ucrania, como llama Moscú de forma eufemística a la guerra en Ucrania. “El jefe de la entidad militar rusa dedicó especial atención a la preparación práctica de los ciudadanos para el cumplimiento de misiones como parte de las unidades que mantendrán los territorios liberados en las regiones de retaguardia de la operación militar especial”, ha señalado Defensa en un comunicado.

En el marco de la inspección, Shoigú fue testigo de ejercicios de preparación táctica y de combate de los reservistas que se integrarán a las unidades de combate del Ejército ruso. Durante su visita, Shoigú “escuchó el informe del viceministro de Defensa, el coronel general Yunusbek Yevkúrov, sobre el contenido y las particularidades de los programas de preparación militar de los movilizados en dependencia de las especialidades militares y en base a las experiencias de la operación militar especial”.

Posteriormente, el titular de Defensa ruso llamó a concentrar la atención en la calidad de la preparación de los movilizados y, en especial, bajo la dirección de oficiales con experiencia de combate en la campaña ucrania. “Además, el ministro de Defensa ruso ordenó intensificar los ejercicios prácticos nocturnos de los movilizados”, añadió Defensa en su comunicado.

El septiembre pasado, el presidente de Rusia, Vladímir Putin, anunció una movilización parcial para sacar la campaña militar rusa en Ucrania del actual atolladero, en el que las fuerzas del Kremlin se han visto obligadas a retroceder y han perdido vastos territorios en el este y el sur del país.

According to the Ministry of Defense, around 300,000 reservists will be called up, just over 1% of the total mobilization resource in Russia.

The call-up, which has already affected more than 200,000 people, has shocked the Russian population, sparking protests, repressed by the police, and a mass exodus to neighboring countries such as Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia, among others.






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Source: elparis

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