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Opinion To deal with the loss of their political path, Gantz and Lapid are playing Russian roulette on our future Israel today


The Prime Minister and the Minister of Defense are betting on the lives of civilians and soldiers in order not to admit the collapse of their world view on the Palestinian issue • They know that Yasser Arafat's mobilizations, known as the "Palestinian security mechanisms", are not the solution but the problem and despite this they are working to strengthen the PA • Also, their close partner, Zahava Galon, stated this week that she wants to replace Shaked as interior minister so that she can help the Arabs even more

There is no nice way to say it, Benny Gantz and Yair Lapid are playing a particularly crazy Russian roulette in order to maintain a false appearance that their worldview still works.

Only if their desperate bet on our lives is not stopped immediately - it will cost us a lot of blood.

The sacrifices we made this week on the altar of strengthening the Palestinian Authority and the Oslo concept will be just a drop in the ocean.

Someone like the Minister of Defense and the Prime Minister receives the reports about what is really happening in Yosh, from Jenin, through Nablus to Jerusalem. Someone like them knows that what they, their agents and their journalists are telling the public is not true. They know that Yasser Arafat's recruits, the so-called " "The Palestinian security mechanisms" are not the solution but the problem. Those like them know that the protests in Jenin, Nablus and now in Jerusalem are the product of incitement from the PA, its organizations and its media. Glorifying terrorists, accusing us of mass massacres, stoking the fire with all its might.

Who like them knows that many of the leaders of the current wave of terrorism are Fatah members, or close associates and sons of PA members - themselves and in their flesh, as Nablus Governor Ibrahim Ramadan stated a week ago, after he met with the murderers from the Kasbah and hailed them as "patriots who have chemistry between them". He also suggested that they integrate into the "mechanisms" of the PA.

In order not to admit to the collapse of the worldview, Gantz and Lapid are working to strengthen the PA (archive), photo: Haim Tzach / Israel Defense Forces

This is true for most of the massacres that have starred in the past year, from Dizengoff to the Djalma checkpoint.

This is especially true regarding the killers who call themselves "Lions Den", an organization that Gantz, Lapid and their emissaries tried to hide and dwarf in order to avoid doing the obvious - to eliminate the environment that allows them to thrive.

Those like Gantz and Lapid know that what led to the spread of the current terrorist fire is what they call "the strengthening of the Palestinian Authority".

Pouring money, desecrating areas C, lowering barriers, stopping systemic persecution of terrorism, and above all - losing hands against those who incite, plot and preach against us.

Those like them know that what needs to be done may indeed collapse the false and bloody conception from Rabin and Peres that they sell to the public.

As if Arafat's students are a partner who will prevent terrorism.

Who like them knows that Yossi Dagan is understating when he calls "Protective Wall 2".

Because a protective wall is not enough.

Beyond stopping the incitement, we must collect all the weapons, eliminate anyone who throws a Molotov cocktail or shoots, arrest anyone who cooperates or turns a blind eye.

And it's true - there is a chance that all of this will collapse the Palestinian Authority, only that it should have been moved out of the country years ago.

Because she is not the solution - she is part of the problem.

The riots in East Jerusalem this week (archive), photo: Police spokespersons

This week the wave of miracles that hit Samaria in recent months stopped, where there were almost no deaths despite endless acts of shooting and terrorism.

It's just that the impotence of Gantz and Lapid radiates weakness and encourages the terrorists to intensify the flames.

Therefore, if they do not act immediately - we will spit in a flood of blood that they will be responsible for.

loss of way

I finally managed to read "The Red Book" by Assaf Anbari, which is causing a stir - and rightly so.

Inbari's scathing criticism of the leaders of the mythical left is fascinating and evokes melancholy thoughts, but it takes on a paradoxical meaning when comparing the top of the left then to that of today.

For example - Meir Yaari and Yaakov Hazan, Zahava Galon and Marev Michaeli.

Not to mention Yitzhak Tabenkin in front of Tamar Zandberg.

The leftists of that time, with all their personal weaknesses and ideological mistakes, look like giants compared to dwarfs - those who paved the Zionist path, compared to those who completely lost their way.

Take for example the Hashomer Hatzair of Yaari Vahzan.

Despite the lack of enlightenment, including the worship of the Sun of Nations - Stalin, they led an important movement for fulfillment and settlement.

Despite the hypocrisy on the part of those who preached to pamper the Arab aggressors, but raised more and more settlements on the land from which they fled - in the end they redeemed the Land of Israel and fulfilled Zionism.

Lapid's partner, Galon, is already working for the Palestinian state (archive), photo: Koko

The leaders of Meretz and Labor, on the other hand, have been doing everything to build Palestine for years.

Thus, Tamar Zandberg and her colleagues recently opposed in Shazaf the establishment of the 14 settlements in the Negev, which were initiated by Ayelet Shaked and Ze'ev Elkin and which were approved by the Bennett government.

Zehava Galon stated just this week that she wants to replace Shaked as interior minister so that she can help the Arabs, whom Shaked has made difficult.

Thus, the central vision of the Israeli left is the Palestinian commune.

And yes, the LGBT people too.

Compared to the Israeli left-wing parties of today, Yaari's movement, not to mention that of Yitzhak Tabenkin, stood at the forefront of the defense of the Land of Israel and was trained in sacrifice and self-sacrifice.

So much so, that most of the senior officers of the IDF at the time of its establishment were from the National and United Kibbutz, and paid the price accordingly. Not that there are not patriots and Zionists among the Labor and Meretz voters, but the movements themselves have lost their Zionist way.

The fall: from Ben-Gurion to Gantz and Lapid

It's just that the loss of the way is also noticeable when compared to those who see themselves as the successors of Ben-Gurion and Tebinkin: from Yitzhak Rabin to Benny Gantz, from Shimon Peres to Yair Lapid.

Tebenkin, if he were alive today, would find himself in the regions of the settler right, as someone who believed in passing on the values ​​of the Bible and its stories and preserving the Jewish national ethos.

David Ben-Gurion would have thrown a tantrum if they tried to convince him of the logic inherent in the Oslo Accords, in the strengthening of the Palestinian Authority and in secession.

He resolved the concerns about a bi-national state in his own ways, and did not blink even when the Jews were a negligible minority in the country.

He was not mistaken for a moment in the peace visions of Yaari and his satellites.

The way of fulfillment and security activism of the Ben-Gurion camp was actually taken by the members of Gush Emonim and the ideologues of the right.

Not necessarily the leaders of the Likud, who have always excelled in talking high but have been lax in implementation.

Ben-Gurion would have freaked out if he heard about the Oslo Accords (archive), photo: REUTERS

The loss of the path of the Ben-Gurion and Tabenkin followers did not begin with Gantz and Lapid.

He has already characterized their students: Migal Alon and Israel Galili and Peres and Rabin.

Alon did indeed support the settlers of Hebron, but later he got into a conflict with his Rabbi - Tabenkin, he and his sons did not abandon the path and supported the complete Land of Israel.

Shimon Peres, the Bangorionist, did help to establish Ofra, but later he reached the abyss of the extreme left and dragged Yitzhak Rabin with him.

In general, Inbari's book once again illustrates the fundamental deficiency of the leaders of the entire Hapoalim camp, including that of Mapai: the first generation of left-wing rebbes was connected to Judaism because it flowed in their veins from childhood, on the way to the realization of Zionism.

But he failed to pass the connection on, and after the connection to the Jewish nation was lost, the current generation arrived, completely lost in the forest.

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Source: israelhayom

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