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"When I was asked at the police decorations committee why I get three tsalshim, I said I don't know. Every warrior would behave like me" | Israel Hayom


When he immigrated to Israel with his family, his classmates harassed him because he immigrated from Russia • As a teenager, he earned a living as a waitress and cleaning stairwells, and excelled in mathematics • Only when he enlisted did it become clear that he was a sniper with exceptional ability • Today, Commander M. is the operations officer of the IOSH undercover unit, and the first that he will receive three talismans together for his performance in hair-raising operational activities that took place within two months • In a rare personal interview, he tells about life in the line of fire: "I tell my wife that more people are killed in car accidents. The problem is that I don't believe it"

Pekad M, KMBC of the IOS undercover unit and its sniper officer, was just washing the dishes at home when the phone rang.

On the line was the commander of the unit, Sen. D. The plate almost slipped from his hand when he heard from his commander that he would be the first from the MGB to receive three tlashim next month together, for his performance in three operational operations under fire, which took place within a span of two months. M. turned to his wife The freshman, told her about the exciting message he received, and then called his older brother. Apart from the two of them, he did not tell the rest of the family or his friends, mainly out of embarrassment, about the decorations he had received. His mother, who raised him and his two brothers as a single mother, had not yet been informed either.

Not two weeks had passed since the news, and on September 28, M participated in another operation in the Jenin refugee camp.

The HMS fighters came to arrest Abd Hazem, a terrorist operative, whose brother Raed carried out the murderous attack in Dizengoff half a year ago, in which three Israelis were murdered. The second target was his assistant, Ahmed Elouna. The two carried out several shooting attacks, one of them towards a tractor of The Ministry of Defense passed through the Jalma area about a month ago. From the intelligence information it emerged that they are armed, do not intend to surrender and even captured the door of the hiding apartment.

The two were killed while trying to escape, and the confrontation escalated into a chaotic fire and smoke filled fire.

Residents of the refugee camp shot at the fighters from the street and from the houses, and threw explosives at the armored jeeps.

In the midst of the commotion, M. and the sniper with him managed to eliminate one of the members of the Palestinian security apparatus from a distance.

In the footage that went viral, the terrorist is seen pointing a weapon at fighters from the unit.

But then the Israeli ball catches up with him, with a precise shot from an unimaginable range of 710 meters.

The video of the massacre from Jenin.

"The distance from the wanted was about a hundred meters greater than the official range of the weapon", photo: use according to section 27a

"We stayed inside a building that was under construction. Our job was to remotely monitor armed men who came to confront the force," Inspector M says for the first time.

"Suddenly I heard a powerful explosion. The ground shook beneath us and we saw a mushroom of smoke. It was the charge that was fired against the fighters. I was relieved when they reported that they were unharmed, but then massive shooting began. The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

"I had my eye on the crosshairs and at the same time checked the strength of the wind. Then I spotted a suspicious crowd at a distant intersection. The people there felt safe because they were far from the center of the commotion. The second sniper and I stood close to each other with our sniper rifles aimed at them. The distance was about a hundred meters greater than the official range of the weapon.

"Suddenly, two armed men with veils and hoods arrived there. We took a bet and shot them both. We knew we hit because we saw blood on the road. The rest of the people disappeared in a second in a narrow alley."

How did you react to the video that was published?

"You see in him what is seen from a security camera. It is not what you see through the scope. I did not see what the terrorist was wearing or what sign was behind him. For a second he peeked behind a wall and we shot him."

So is the fourth TLC on the way?

M. moved uncomfortably in the chair: "I just did my job. Those who acted bravely were the force on the ground, who carried out the arrest. My profession is to be a sniper and not to look for decorations. I hope no one recognizes me from this article, because it is not Nice. I don't like to show off. Even when they ask me what I do, my answer is that I'm a policeman and not a fighter in an undercover unit."

A troubled boy looking for adventure

Inspector M's appearance (32) is different from the typical appearance of those who go undercover.

Above his broad shoulders and under the gray visor hat are revealed light hair and green eyes.

His life story is also extraordinary.

M. was born in Russia, to a father who served as a soldier in the Soviet Union army, and the family immigrated to Israel when M. was 9 years old, following his grandfather, who was an important rabbi in Hungary.

"As soon as I entered elementary school in Israel, I was promoted to the fourth grade because I excelled in mathematics," he says in a quiet voice.

"I wasn't really taken in. As in all the familiar stories, I was also called a 'stinking Russian'. It was the 'good morning' I received every day. I was not moved by it. I grew up in a harsh home with a father who fought in Afghanistan even before I was born. All my friends were Russian, And in the first years, I didn't fit into Israeli society. I was a troubled kid looking for adventures. If a certain kid was beaten, I looked for the culprits to beat them back. I thought that was how I was doing justice."

When he turned 13, his father left the family and the relationship with him was severed.

"To help my mother, I worked cleaning stairs in buildings. Although it was not easy, I studied in an excellence class and joined courses at Bar-Ilan University. At the same time, I trained in martial arts and won the title of Israel's lieutenant general. One day my older brother, who was then a fighter in the paratroopers, told me about activity they did with the undercover unit. It ignited my imagination. I always wanted to be a soldier. I always played with toy guns and drew weapons. Even though I was only a teenager, I read the book 'Knight 21', which tells the story of Eli Abram, founder and commander of the unit The undercovers are dead, and I dreamed of getting to the unit.

"When I entered the 10th grade, I changed. I almost didn't go to school because I wanted to make money. I worked as a waitress, in bars or arranging chairs on the beach. During the year, I discovered the association 'After me!'

And I joined the track that trains teenagers for the recruitment to the IDF.

In the mornings I volunteered on behalf of the association at summer camps, painted clubs and helped in nursing homes, but at night I worked and also took quite a few beatings."

In March 2009, M enlisted in the IDF and was accepted into the 13th Fleet. Six months later, after the ground training, he signed a waiver. "I didn't like the sea part," he smiles. . I was sure that they would put a mustache on me, dress me in a plaid shirt, put a baking cap on my head and send me to Damascus. When I arrived at the unit, already after the first range, my commanders decided that I would be a sniper. In missions where sniping ability is not required, I go out into the field as a normal fighter."

As a fighter in undercover units, did you happen to act even when you were posing as an Arab citizen?

"I participated several times in an undercover operation, but always alongside an undercover who spoke perfect Arabic. I stood next to him with a hoodie, smoked a cigarette, and if a riot broke out I changed uniforms and went back to being a fighter."

Crash in the refugee camp in Lata

On the night of Saturday, March 11, 2011, one of the most horrific attacks in the country's history occurred: two terrorists entered the Itamar settlement and stabbed to death Ruth and Ehud Fogel and three of their six children.

The daughter, Tamar, who was only 12 years old at the time, was the one who found her family drowning in blood.

"At the time, I was a young sniper in mandatory service. I closed Shabbat in a unit with a small guard team, and the standby force stayed at home because it was a relatively calm period in terms of security," he recalls.

"Although the unit was not sent to the scene, we decided to go there on our own accord. There were four of us and we wanted to help as much as possible. This attack shook me. Almost an entire family was slaughtered. There, at the scene, I understood the meaning of our role and how important it is that we catch the terrorists."

In the middle of 2016, M was appointed the commander of a sniper team, even though he was not an officer, and became the first in his position to continue to actually serve as a sniper as well.

A year later, his commanders learned about his extraordinary abilities.

"I participated in an operational activity in the refugee camp in Lata, and I was in a nighttime ambush on the roof of a building. In the building next door was a 'cheap' of an IML dealer, who sold weapons to terrorists and managed to evade the security forces.

Between the two buildings was a three-meter alley and I could observe from the ambush site his possible escape route.

As an arresting force advanced up the steps of his building, I heard the sound of iron pipes rubbing against each other.

I saw the terrorist for a second.

He ran on the roof, passed a small culvert that connected his building to another building and disappeared from my sight.

"I climbed the railing of our building to improve the angle of vision, but it didn't help. I looked at the alley. I realized that the distance was not small, but I didn't want the terrorist to run away. In the video of my body camera, I can be heard saying 'cup of his mother' and then I jumped. I crashed on the roof of The cheapest when I'm wearing a vest, a helmet and a weapon. I didn't feel pain because of the adrenaline and I kept skipping like that between four more buildings. Suddenly I saw a warehouse with an open door. I recognized him hiding behind chairs. He got up and tried to attack me, but I caught him and handcuffed him. I informed the arresting force that I had the search."

After three years as the commander of a sniper team, M realized how important it was for him to train fighters and lead them.

In 2019, he went to the officer course, graduated with honors and returned to his position with officer ranks.

m in the Gaza Strip.

"Sniping is not just putting the cross and pulling the trigger. You also have to measure the range and the strength of the wind and its direction", Photo: Israel Police

1 hour -

"to protect the power of arrest"

Following the "Guardian of the Walls" operation in Gaza, in May 2021, Jenin and its refugee camp became a center of terrorist activity in the West Bank, as in the days of the second intifada.

The younger generation, suffering from poverty and unemployment, found refuge in sabotage activity that challenges the security forces.

According to intelligence estimates, thousands of weapons and large stockpiles of ammunition are currently found in the refugee camp alone.

Do you feel the change in the field?

"Certainly. In the past, when we went into operations in Jenin, we only saw dogs and cats in the streets. We could cross the camp without any resistance, or at most they threw a few stones at us. Once a year one of the fighters shot into the air as a warning signal, and then we talked about it for months. Today there is no A mission that ends without passion. A resident of the refugee camp can ride in front of us on a moped, wearing a tank top and flip flops, then stop and just shoot at us. They have a lot of courage and a desire to come face to face. They are no longer hiding from us on the rooftops."

This is the pressure cooker the Navy soldiers have been dealing with on a regular basis for the past year and a half. There is hardly a day when they don't go on an arrest operation that is conducted under fire. One of them took place in July 2021, about two months after "Guardian of the Walls", in which M received the his first

"The unit entered the refugee camp to arrest a wanted man who wanted to carry out an attack in Israel. This was the first time that the arresting force was joined by a team of snipers," says M.

"I served as both a sniper and the commander of the sniper force in the operation. The goal was to protect the arresting force from armed men, to allow it to leave the camp safely and respond to the riots. We arrived in Jenin in the middle of the night and unloaded an undercover vehicle while we were in uniform. They quietly entered a residential building outside the refugee camp, without any of the tenants hearing us. Once we were on the roof, we positioned ourselves under solar heaters. We built ourselves a camouflage, but we couldn't look down at the road so as not to be discovered.

"From a topographical point of view, the area was problematic, because on both sides of the building there were high ridges with lots of houses on them. Anyone who peeked out of the window could have seen the snipers and turned us into cannon fodder. In addition, on one of the hills there was a huge projector that also shone in our direction. If I had Move, the beam would turn my silhouette into a giant figure on the opposite hill and reveal our position.When I wanted to talk to a sniper far away from me, I had to crawl to him.

"As soon as the arresting force finished its part, a fouda began: fire was fired at the fighters from passing cars. Explosive charges were thrown at them from the roofs. One of the wolves (armored SUV; TA) got stuck in the middle of the camp because of one of the charges.

We didn't see the force, but I heard crazy gunfire.

The unit's PAK debated whether to give up the task of the snipers and get everyone out, but then the wolf started and it was decided to continue with the original plan. When the arresting force reached the axis that we secured from afar, for some reason there was silence. No one fired. Since dawn had already broken, we decided to fold the The equipment. The snipers were disappointed. Suddenly, a ferocious fire was opened on us, the snipers, from one of the ridges. We were like ducks in the range. I checked through the sight of the weapon, and saw a terrorist shooting at us from one of the windows of the houses on the ridge. We shot him and killed him. Then another armed man took his place, And we eliminated him too. This is how it continued until we killed six terrorists."

Where was the arresting force all this time?

"They had already left the camp with the terrorist. We were alone, and another team was sent to pick us up. They heard the shots and didn't understand where it was coming from. I was on a double duty: I also commanded my team and at the same time shot. I reported about the assassinations only after we finished."

M received this TLS for "conducting combat under fire, which saved the troops who were in real danger". Another TLS was also awarded to one of the snipers in his team.

m in action.

"A sniper needs the character of a hunter. A lot of patience, punctuality, composure, concentration, quick decision-making and a quick ability to read body movements and situations", photo: Israel Police

TLS 2 -

"This is not an operation to eliminate people"

The second TLS was given to Commander M for his part in the operation that took place a month later, in August 2021, due to the capture of a terrorist who was defined as a ticking bomb who planned to carry out an attack in Israel. In light of past experience, it was decided in the unit to relieve M and he served as a sniper and the deputy commander of the force, in order to that he will not be forced to pass reports on contact while fighting.

"The arrest took place in a crowded place in the Jenin refugee camp. It turned out that the wolves could not pass through the narrow alleys there. So it turned out that there were about 500 meters from the terrorist's house to the place that was considered protected, where the force was exposed. This time the sniper position was inside the refugee camp. We arrived at night in Hidden in a pre-selected building, no tenant heard as we climbed the stairs to one of the high apartments, which was unoccupied.

"As soon as the detention began, there was a riot of God. The young people in the camp know that the security forces often operate at night, so they stay awake to confront them. As soon as a noise is heard from a detention apartment, they send group messages, and then they all arrive equipped with guns and pipe bombs. Sometimes they put the The explosives are inside fire extinguishers or trap doors in advance. I looked through the scope in the direction of the mosque, because a lot of people had gathered there. Some were riding motorcycles with masks on, others were shouting, honking and whistling. I read them from a distance and studied their body language. I can recognize armed men by Walking and body movements".

Did you shoot at them?

"Why? We are there to arrest a wanted person. This is not an operation to eliminate people. We do not shoot, unless one of them endangers the arresting force. This is a responsibility. I do not want to kill innocents, but I must not miss a terrorist who pulls out a weapon or a bomb, because It could cost the lives of fighters."

Did they endanger the fighters?

"Not at that moment. The force left with the detainee and advanced in two columns towards the visible 500 meters, which were on the way to the meeting point with the wolves. At that moment, strong and accurate fire was opened on them. The shooting sounded as if it was coming from our building. Although it could expose us, we glanced out the window to to find out the source of the shooting. We identified a terrorist on the inside of the wall that surrounds the building. He didn't know we were above him. We killed him immediately. So that they wouldn't take the weapon from the body, one of the fighters, T., peeked from the balcony from time to time. When another terrorist got there, he fired In it too. But then a group of about ten young men arrived, probably from the previous gathering area, and managed to take the weapon. We couldn't shoot them, because it's not allowed to spray a group like that. The shooting must be accurate.

"Meanwhile, the street below us was filled with at least a hundred people. One of the bikers there held Carl Gustav and fired in the direction of the arresting force's position, who in the meantime managed to take cover in an open field. A sniper killed him too, but then our position was revealed. All the fire was now directed in our direction. They shot at us from windows and from the roofs of the houses. We heard people aiming guns at the building where we were staying. Dozens of bullets penetrated the apartment and we clung to the walls. At this point we were left alone, because the wolves gathered the force to arrest the wanted person."

Were you afraid to smile?

"It's not something you think about during a mission. I wasn't stressed. I had no problem leaving the building, with the limited team of fighters and snipers that were with me, and taking over the street. I was only bothered by how I identify terrorists and eliminate them. We had enough bullets and grenades. At that moment We were informed by communication that wolves were on their way to rescue us. The commander of the force ordered us all to fold up equipment, and all this under infernal fire.

"Just before we left, I thought we actually had no idea what was going on under the building. Even though my night sight was broken and I was working with a day sight, I decided to peek out the window with the sniper weapon. I informed the force commander that I was staying behind to secure the area. While the other snipers and fighters waited in the stairwell , I scanned the area from above. I saw a terrorist sneaking into a nearby alley and approaching the building. I shot him one bullet and killed him. We left the building while the houses were still shooting at us. We loaded the bodies of the terrorists that were downstairs and left the camp."

For this action, together with M., the commander of the force and the soldier T. also received a T.L.S. The reasons for the T.L.S. the force, and neutralize it."


"I don't have any thoughts about citizenship yet. Right now I'm trying to get used to the fact that I won't be kept in this profession for much longer", Photo: Eric Sultan

TLS 3 -

"The gunman was the terrorist from Jenin"

The action for which M received the third TLS occurred on September 28, 2021, about a month after the operation for which he received the second TLS.

Two days before that, the IDF carried out an extensive wave of arrests to thwart a Hamas infrastructure that was planning attacks in Israel. During an activity by the IDF undercover unit Dovdvan, which took place in the village of Burkin near Jenin, a platoon commander and a fighter were seriously injured, after the arrest escalated and their friends mistakenly thought they were terrorists and shot at them.

"Until this incident, we were sure that such frictions existed only within Jenin," M says quietly.

"It turned out that the small villages have also become a war zone, because armed men from Jenin are coming to them to confront us. Two days after the bilateral shooting, one of the unit's cruises left for Burkina to activate a 'pressure cooker' procedure, in which they surround the terrorist's hideout and call him out out and turn himself in. If he doesn't come out, they shake his house with artillery shelling.

"Instead of taking advantage of the opportunity for our ship to have some peace and be able to go home, I and two other fighters, T. and A., decided to go towards Burkin to help if necessary. We took a protected jeep with a driver and went out there, the four of us. At first we joined a rescue force, but They didn't need us. We looked for a place where we would be more relevant to the mission, and walked around a bit until we found an alley that leads to the terrorist's house. We decided to lie in wait there and smuggle out voyeurs. In the meantime, information came in from the Shin Bet about a terrorist from Jenin, who was making his way to Burkin to attack the fighters.

"Following this, we drove back and forth on the axis, and at some point T. and I got out of the jeep and walked in the dark. We waited near a tree, not far from the mosque, and suddenly a pipe bomb landed two meters from us. We managed to lie on the ground, and it was lucky that we were not hurt. We didn't see where it came from The charge was thrown, and we were sure it was by accident. Less than a minute later, another charge was thrown, which this time landed half a meter from us. Again we managed to lie on the ground and not get hurt, but we assessed that we were exposed and decided to move away.

"We moved a bit away from the second voyage and moved towards the main road, which connects the village to Jenin. The three of us got out of the jeep and positioned ourselves near a T-junction, in a place where they couldn't surprise us. It was a kind of raised area of ​​a shop, like a ramp with a small wall. We hid there And we told the driver to move away so as not to give away our location. We followed the cars driving down the main road, honking and making noise. Whenever they approached the alley leading to the 'pressure cooker', they slowed down but did not approach the fighters or fire in their direction.

"After a few minutes we noticed a white Mazda with tinted windows, driving on the outbound road. It passed the intersection about 20 times. At some point it stopped by a wall on the side of the road and the back door opened. We couldn't see if anyone got out. The Mazda continued driving a little longer and waited on the side. After a few seconds we saw the tip of a head walking by the wall in our direction. From where we were we couldn't see his whole body, and we stepped. We didn't think we were exposed, because it was night and we were in a completely dark area.

"Suddenly the Mazda left its parking lot and approached the man. It seemed that they were consulting. Again the Mazda moved away, and after a few seconds the man approached us so that we could see his whole body. Only the alley that led to the 'pressure cooker' separated us. In the faint light that was there, we saw that he had a veil over his face and a weapon in his hand. It was clear that he was trying to sneak into the alley to hit the fighters. They fired a blow in his direction, and he fell to the ground and did not move.

"We decided to take his weapon so that it wouldn't fall into the hands of other terrorists. A and T advanced towards him while I was covering from behind. But then the Mazda approached his body. I shot towards the terrorist's legs as a warning signal, but the Mazda did not move. I shot towards her luggage, and then she She drove away. A and T collected the weapons, and we called the jeep to pick us up. It was only at the end of the event that we found out that the gunman we shot was the same terrorist from Jenin, the one from whom the Shin Bet alerted."

Along with Commander M, fighters A and T also received a TLS, his was the second TLS.

In the reasons for the TLS, it is written that "the three who were under fire and in real danger, charged and attempted contact and took the terrorist's weapon."

"We must release the tension"

Two weeks ago, when Commander M. got married, his members of the unit unloaded a yoke in the happy event.

They took advantage of the break from the tasks, dancing shirtless and singing loudly while ignoring the looks of the other guests.

"This is how we behave at every wedding of a fighter," laughs M.

"We have to release the tension. Sometimes we finish training in the evening, sit down to clean the weapons, and then get arrested in Jenin. Before that, we have to sit through plans, aerial photographs, get to know the wanted people, the alleys and make models. At best we sleep three hours after The activity. The adrenaline keeps us going. One day, when I went home for the weekend, I fell asleep sitting up while untying the laces. I didn't even have time to take off my shoes. I just crashed."

How does your new wife react to the dangers you face every day?

"She strengthens me a lot, but I suspect that sometimes she prefers to repress rather than internalize. When she rarely brings up the subject, then I answer her that more people are killed in traffic accidents and it's more dangerous to cross the road than to serve in the undercover units. The problem is that I don't really believe it ".

What will happen when you become parents?

"It is clear to us that it will be difficult. Especially for her. She will have to manage most of the time alone."

How will you react if she gives you an ultimatum: either me or the unit?

"It may not be politically correct, but at the current stage, when we have no children, I will probably choose the unit. I love my wife very much, but the Navy is a mission.

I will never stop my wife from fulfilling her dreams, even if she is away from home for a month.

The situation will change when the children arrive.

If she presents me with the condition of working in front of the family, then I will choose the family, even though it will be difficult for me.

The other option would be my selfishness towards the children."

Until that happens, M holds three positions in the undercover unit: the unit's military officer for four months, after being promoted from his previous position as a sniper team commander; a sniper officer, who is responsible for all areas of sniping in the unit, including combat theory and the purchase of special weapons; and also goes on operations in Io. Q as a sniper and a warrior.

"Today I am one of the oldest snipers. I have the knowledge and experience, so I cannot be given up as a sniper right now," he explains.

"I love this profession, but I have no doubt that the day will not be far away and other snipers will take my place, and I will only remain in command positions. In the meantime, the one who suffers from my multitasking is my wife - I am hardly at home."

Have you already told her for what actions you received the three talismans?

"Just in a nutshell, without the dangerous details. Even so, it embarrasses me. Until now, it sounds weird and strange to me. In the conversation where the commander of the unit told me about the TLS, I asked him, 'What, are you indecisive about me?'

Then it was difficult for me to stand in front of the decoration committee of the Israel Police and talk about myself.

They asked why I got three TLs and I answered that I don't know, and in my opinion any fighter who was in the same situations would have done the same as me. When the official letter arrived two weeks ago, I told my wife that it must be a mistake. Oh my, he suddenly remembered.

"She will read in the article everything I tell you about the operations and the arrests. Can I tell her that you exaggerated a little?"

with fun

But tell me - what qualities does a sniper need?

"צלף צריך אופי של צייד - המון סבלנות, דייקנות, קור רוח, ריכוז, קבלת החלטות זריזה ויכולת מהירה לקרוא תנועות גוף וסיטואציות. כשצלף נמצא בשטח, הוא מתמקד במה שמתרחש מולו ובשמירה על כוח המעצר. זה לא פשוט. צליפה היא לא רק לשים את הצלב על המטרה וללחוץ על ההדק. צריך למדוד במקביל את הטווח ואת עוצמת הרוח וכיוונה, שמשתנים כל הזמן".

כשתשתחרר, מה תעשה עם מקצוע כמו צלף?

"אין לי עדיין מחשבות על האזרחות, וכרגע אני מנסה להתרגל לעובדה שלא יחזיקו אותי עוד הרבה זמן במקצוע הזה".

מה השלב הבא מבחינתך?

"להתקדם לתפקיד של מפקד פלגה ולהישאר בשטח עד כמה שאפשר. רציתי להיות צלף ואחר כך קצין, והצלחתי. אני מקווה שגם החלום הזה יתגשם".

אתה רואה את עצמך בעתיד כמפקד יחידת המסתערבים איו"ש?

"מעולם לא שאפתי ליותר מתפקיד אחד קדימה, ולא הצהרתי שאני רוצה להגיע לדרגת כזו או אחרת. מפקד פלגה הוא תפקיד השטח האחרון, ומוזר לי לחשוב על עצמי בתפקידי מטה. עם זאת, כל עוד יהיו תפקידים שיאתגרו אותי וכל עוד ירצו אותי, אני כאן, ביחידה".

על מה אתה חושב בלילה, רגע לפני שאתה נרדם?

"אני משחזר את המשימות ובודק מה יכולתי לעשות אחרת. תמיד אפשר לבצע משימה טוב יותר. האם העברתי דיווח נכון בקשר? הייתי זריז מספיק? כל הזמן אני מפיק לקחים".

קרה שחלמת בלילה על המבצעים?

"החלומות שלי הם כמעט תמיד רק על מחבלים ולחימה. ולמרות שזה רק חלום, בבוקר אני מתחקר את עצמי ובודק את עצמי על תפקודי בלחימה - מה עשיתי נכון ומה לא. אין דבר יותר שנוא עלי מחלום שבו לא פעלתי כמו שאני חושב שצריך לתפקד. אולי היססתי, אולי מחבל הסתער לכיוון שלי ולא יריתי בו או הסתערתי עליו בחזרה. במקרים כאלה אני מתעורר עצבני על עצמי. ברור שזה לא קרה באמת, אבל הסיטואציה שעליה חלמתי יכלה לקרות גם במציאות".

ברור לך שזה נשמע מוזר?

"כן, אני יודע שזה הזוי", הוא פורץ בצחוק מתגלגל. "אני מניח שזה מראה עד כמה אני מורעל".

"אני רוסי, אבל בעד אוקראינה"

מ' עוקב בדבקות אחר המלחמה בין רוסיה לאוקראינה.

"אני אמנם ממוצא רוסי, אבל לגמרי לטובת הצד האוקראיני", הוא מצהיר. "תמיד אהיה בצד של אלה שמגינים על הבית, כמו שאני עושה בימ"ס. יש לי בארץ חברים אוקראינים, ואנחנו מדברים על המלחמה, אבל אין בינינו ויכוחים. בגלל פוליטיקה, או יותר נכון בגלל אדם אחד עם שיכרון כוח, תהיה בין שני העמים האלה שנאה לדורות. כואב לי על העם הרוסי שנגרר לתוך המלחמה".

איך להערכתך העימות יסתיים?

"אוקראינה משלמת מחיר ענק עכשיו, אבל אני מאמין שהיא תצא מהמלחמה חזקה ומחוזקת. מצבה מזכיר לי את מדינת ישראל ב־1948. עד עכשיו לא ספרו אותם, אבל הם הוכיחו שהם יכולים לעמוד מול צבא גדול מהם. רוסיה, לדעתי, תאבד את כוחה בסיום המלחמה, ומלחמת אזרחים היא רק עניין של זמן. הם היו בטוחים שהם מעצמה צבאית, אבל התברר שזו אשליה. הטנקים בלי דלק, והחיילים לא יודעים להילחם. הצבא האוקראיני נותן להם בראש. לא סתם זו הפעם הראשונה מאז מלחמת העולם השנייה שרוסיה מגייסת מילואים".

Do you have family or childhood friends in Russia?

"I haven't been in touch with my friends since I immigrated to Israel, and I have distant family with whom I also have no contact. My mother talks to them from time to time, and at first she argued with them because she is in favor of Ukraine. Now they are crying because they recruited some of them into the reserves. One of them, a bank manager 41 years old, never served in the army or held a weapon. How exactly will he fight?"

If you lived there today, what would you do?

"I suppose I would have fought with the Russian army, but I can't know what I would have thought and what my views were regarding the war. I am sure that if I were Ukrainian, I would certainly fight with pride."

were we wrong

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2022-10-14

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