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At least eight injured: Fire broke out in Iranian prison


Political prisoners and imprisoned demonstrators are in Ewin prison in Tehran, and now there's a fire there. The situation is confusing - the prison administration blames »hooligans and rioters«.

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Tehran, Iran (symbolic picture): At least eight people were injured in the fire, reports the Irna news agency


A fire is said to have broken out in a prison in the Iranian capital Tehran.

This is reported, for example, by the daily newspaper »Shargh«.

The cause of the fire is therefore still unclear.

There is also talk of shots and explosions in the detention center on social networks.

Among other things, a video was also distributed, but this cannot be verified.

Eyewitnesses told the Reuters news agency that shots were fired.

The cause of the fire is being investigated, writes »Shargh« on Twitter.

The fire brigade has since put out the fire.

According to the prison authorities, there had been a short-term mutiny.

"Hooligans and rioters" started an argument with the prison guards and then set the prison's textile warehouse on fire, it said.

The situation on site was initially confusing.

According to the state news agency IRNA, the prison administration said the situation in the detention center was under control again.

A witness told Reuters smoke was rising over the prison and ambulance sirens could be heard.

The roads to the prison have been cordoned off.

It was initially not mentioned whether the mutiny was related to the ongoing system-critical protests in the country.

According to Irna, at least eight people were injured, and there were no deaths.

The information cannot be independently verified.

Political prisoners imprisoned

An unnamed government official told Irna that unrest among "thugs" led to the fire.

In the Ewin prison in northern Tehran there are not only numerous political prisoners, but also demonstrators who have been imprisoned there for their participation in the system-critical protests of the past four weeks.

Several dual nationals, including German-Iranians, are also being held there for alleged espionage.

Anti-government protests have been taking place in Iran for almost a month, in which more than 200 people are said to have died.

Since the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini last month, thousands of people have been demonstrating across the country against the government's repressive course and the compulsory headscarf.

Amini was arrested by the vice squad because of her allegedly »un-Islamic outfit«.

What exactly happened to Amini after that is unclear.

The woman had fallen into a coma and died in a hospital on September 16.

Critics accuse the morality police of using violence.

The police reject that.


Source: spiegel

All news articles on 2022-10-15

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