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Ukraine-News: Russian army prepares evacuation of Kherson


Losses for Russia: Ukrainian task force "South" reports successes Created: 2022-10-20 04:55 By: Teresa Toth, Moritz Serif, Tim Vincent Dicke, Daniel Dillmann, Nadja Austel, Vincent Büssow, Jan-Frederik Wendt, Christian Stör Ukraine inflicts heavy casualties on Russia. Above all, the fighting on the southern front is giving Russia a hard time. The news ticker. Losses are piling up: Russia has t

Losses for Russia: Ukrainian task force "South" reports successes

Created: 2022-10-20 04:55

By: Teresa Toth, Moritz Serif, Tim Vincent Dicke, Daniel Dillmann, Nadja Austel, Vincent Büssow, Jan-Frederik Wendt, Christian Stör

Ukraine inflicts heavy casualties on Russia.

Above all, the fighting on the southern front is giving Russia a hard time.

The news ticker.

  • Losses are piling up:

    Russia has to accept severe setbacks in the Ukraine war.

  • Kiev launches the offensive:

    Ukraine is said to be on the verge of recapturing important cities.

  • News from the Ukraine war:

    all the news about the Ukraine conflict in our news ticker.

    Some of the information comes from warring factions in the Ukraine war and cannot be checked directly and independently.

This news ticker is hereby terminated.

All other news and developments in the Ukraine war can be found in our new news ticker.

+++ 8:00 a.m .:

In the past few days, the Russian army has increasingly shot down Iranian-type Shahed-136 drones in Ukraine.

But the defenders always manage to render these kamikaze drones harmless.

In the Mykolaiv region alone, the Ukraine shot down 12 guns overnight.

This was stated by the governor of the Mykolaiv region, Vitaliy Kim, citing the Ukrainian task force "South".

Update from Wednesday, October 19, 6:30 a.m.:

The Ukrainian military has apparently again inflicted heavy losses on the Russian armed forces.

Ukraine's Southern Operations Command reported on October 18 that 84 Russian soldiers had been killed in fighting on the southern front.

In addition, the army destroyed one tank, two large-caliber howitzers, three armored vehicles and three ammunition depots in the Beryslavskyi district of the Kherson region and in the Bashtanskyi districts of the Mykolaiv region.

Ukrainian soldiers stand atop a tank near the recently recaptured village of Borova in eastern Ukraine.

© Francisco Seco/dpa

+++ 8.50 p.m .:

The recently appointed commander of the Russian Ukraine offensive sees the situation on the ground for Russia as critical.

"The situation in the military special operations area can be described as tense," said General Sergey Surovikin, who has been in charge of the operation for ten days.

He told a Russian state broadcaster: "The enemy is not giving up its attempts to attack the positions of Russian troops."

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Zurovikin further said that the Russian army is currently preparing to evacuate civilians from the southern Ukrainian city of Kherson.

The administration there, deployed by Russia, had recently specifically requested this.

The counter-offensive by the Ukrainian army in Cherson has continued to progress in recent weeks.

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News in the Ukraine war: Russian army prepares evacuation of Cherson

+++ 18:28:

The armed forces of Ukraine have destroyed three Russian ammunition depots in southern Ukraine and launched new attacks on Russian positions.

The press service of the Southern Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports: "The Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed (...) a multiple missile system, an armored vehicle, a 122-caliber towed howitzer and three ammunition stores."

Earlier, the Russian attackers sent about seven saboteurs to the liberated village of Tryfonivka (Kherson region), but they were forced to retreat by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Ukraine War: Ukraine repels Russia, killing hundreds of soldiers

+++ 17:09:

Ukraine has inflicted further losses on Russia.

According to the Defense Ministry, 35 unmanned aerial drones were destroyed.

+++ 16:18:

According to experts, Russia's industry can hardly supply supplies because of the western sanctions.

Moscow is therefore now buying the weapons from Iran: Mohadscherr-6, an observation and attack drone, and Shahed-136, a kamikaze drone with a range of up to 2,500 kilometers.

Heavy Russian losses in the Ukraine war: Kremlin loses combat vehicles

+++ 14:44:

Russia is still struggling with heavy losses in the Ukraine war.

According to the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, the Kremlin has lost 14 armored fighting vehicles and 23 artillery systems compared to the previous day.

Ukraine war news: Russia with heavy losses

+++ 1:54 p.m .:

Russia continues to suffer heavy losses in its war of aggression against Ukraine.

According to Ukrainian information, its own fighters took down an enemy fighter jet from the sky.

"Around 9 a.m. in the Kherson region, a unit of the Kherson anti-aircraft missile brigade of the Southern Air Command shot down a Russian Su-25 fighter jet," read a Telegram post.

In addition, five Iranian-made kamikaze drones were destroyed.

News about the Ukraine war: Russian attacks repelled

+++ 11.39 a.m .:

Ukraine says it has repelled Russian attacks in several regions.

"Over the past 24 hours, units of the Defense Forces repelled invader attacks outside the settlements of Berestove (Kharkiv region), Bakhmutske, Ivanhrad, Klishchiivka, Pervomaiske and Marinka (Donetsk region)," the Ukrainian General Staff said in a report.

The Russian army is shelling Ukrainians along the entire front, equipping defense positions and conducting aerial reconnaissance, the General Staff said.

The Russians would bomb critical infrastructure and civilian houses “in violation of international humanitarian law”.

News on the Ukraine war: 530 more Russian soldiers killed

+++ 10.03 a.m .:

According to their own statements, the Ukrainian armed forces killed 530 Russian soldiers within one day.

This was announced by the Ministry of Defense in Kyiv.

According to this, the total number of casualties from Russia since the beginning of the aggressive war rose to 65,850.

In addition, six multiple rocket launchers, eleven tanks and an air defense system were destroyed.

  • Soldiers: 

    65,850 (+530)

  • Aircraft:

     268 (+0)

  • Helicopters:

     242 (+0)

  • Tanks:

     2548 (+11)

  • Armored fighting vehicles:

     5219 (+14)

  • Artillery systems:

     1622 (+23)

  • Air defense systems: 

    188 (+1)

  • Multiple rocket launcher systems:

     372 (+6)

  • Cars and other vehicles:

     3985 (+16)

  • Ships:

     16 (+0)

  • Unmanned Combat Drones:

     1276 (+35)

  • As of Sunday 18 October 2022

  • The information on Russia's losses in the Ukraine war comes from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.

    They cannot be independently verified.

    The Kremlin itself gives very little information about its own losses.

News about the Ukraine war: Four Russians arrested in Norway

Update from Tuesday, October 18, 7:25 a.m .:

Four Russians who had taken unauthorized photos of various objects were arrested again in Norway.

Three men and a woman were arrested in northern Norway last Thursday, local police told


on Monday (October 17) .

They were traveling in a car with Russian license plates.

Extensive photo material was confiscated from the four, police officer Gaute Rydmark told



However, the four Russians denied having done anything illegal and instead pretended to be ordinary tourists.

According to the Norwegian police, they entered Norway via Finland at the end of September or early October.

Last week, two Russians were arrested in Norway in different incidents, who had used drones and sometimes taken photos of the Norwegian military's Bell helicopters.

In Norway, drones have repeatedly been sighted on energy infrastructure systems, including on offshore oil and gas platforms.

These incidents and the sabotage of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea have prompted the country to increase security.

+++ 10.40 p.m .:

According to a report by

Ukrainska Pravda

, the Air Force Command “Center” shot down eight Iranian Shahed-136 Kamikaze drones around 9 p.m. local time.

The news portal relies on information from the press service of the Ukrainian Air Force.

“Six of these missiles were shot down by fighter jets, anti-aircraft units and MANPADS mobile fire groups.

Another two Shahed-136 [drones] were shot down by ground force anti-aircraft gunners,” the press service said.

News about the Ukraine war against Russia: Ukraine shoots down another drone

+++ 7.10 p.m .:

In the evening, according to information from

Ukrainska Pravda

, an explosion was heard in Odessa, Ukraine.

Air raid sirens were activated both in the city and in the Odessa region.

The spokesman for the region's military administration, Serhii Bratchuk, said on Telegram that a Shahed-136 drone was shot down over the city.

The Russian operational-tactical drone aimed at Odessa was destroyed by Ukrainian anti-aircraft forces over the sea.

+++ 16.15:

China and Russia are considered allies, also in the Ukraine war.

Surprisingly, Beijing is now highlighting Russia's military casualties.

The China Daily

news portal 

, controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, ran an editorial highlighting Moscow's losses.

Among other things, it speaks of “disheartening” losses by Russia in the Ukraine war.

News about the Ukraine war: Russia loses drones again

+++ 2.15 p.m .:

Russia attacked Ukraine again today with drones.

However, the defenders seem to have destroyed many drones as well.

According to their own statements, the Ukrainian military has shot down a total of 37 Russian drones since Sunday evening (October 17).

This means that around 85 percent of the drones used in the most recent attacks have been destroyed.

News about the Ukraine war: Russian conscripts complain about the situation

+++ 12.15 p.m .:

For Russia, the Ukraine war is going very badly, especially on the ground.

The losses suffered by the Russian army are enormous (see update from 10.15 a.m.).

With the partial mobilization, President Vladimir Putin is trying to turn the tide.

But there are morale issues.

A video that has now been released shows how miserable the conditions in the army really are.

"We have to fend for ourselves," accuses one forced recruit.

"It's terrible."

+++ 10.15 a.m .:

According to the latest estimates from Kiev, the number of Russian military personnel killed in Ukraine has now risen to almost 65,320.

According to the Ukrainian General Staff, around 320 Russian soldiers have died in the past 24 hours alone.

In addition, eight Russian tanks, 17 drones and numerous other military vehicles were destroyed.

News about the Ukraine war: Russian tanks destroyed - drones intercepted

Update from Monday, October 17, 8:59 a.m .:

Although the Ukrainian counter-offensive is currently faltering, the country’s armed forces are repeatedly reporting individual losses on the part of Russia.

On Sunday (October 16), 50 soldiers are said to have been killed and two tanks destroyed.

This was announced by the Operational Command South of Ukraine, as reported by the Ukrainian news portal

Kyiv Independent


In addition, nine kamikaze drones are said to have been destroyed by Russia within an hour on the same day.

This is reported by the

Ukrainska Pravda

portal , citing the Air Force of Ukraine.

Only a short time later, Mayor Klitschko also spoke of “drone attacks” in attacks on Kyiv.

There were explosions in the capital.

+++ 10:05 p.m .:

According to the Ministry of Defense, Ukraine inflicted losses on Russia during the war.

A total of 268 aircraft and 242 helicopters were destroyed, the ministry said.

Losses in the Ukraine war: Russia takes soldiers off the streets

+++ 8:49 p.m .:

Because of the increasing losses, Russia now literally has to get people off the streets and send them to war.

This was reported by the

Washington Post


+++ 18:28:

Since the outbreak of war with Ukraine, Russia has continued to record losses.

According to the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, a total of 2,529 Kremlin tanks have now been destroyed.

+++ 16:39:

Russia is losing more and more soldiers in the war against Ukraine, as Ukrainian Defense Minister Hanna Maliar announced.

Other experts assume that the increasing losses could affect the soldiers psychologically.

Losses in the Ukraine War: Russia loses weapons and equipment

+++ 3.46 p.m .:

Russian troops are trying to gather all available forces to form a front in southern Ukraine.

According to Nataliia Humeniuk, press director of the Defense Forces of Southern Ukraine, while the situation is "quite tense", the Russian army is having great difficulties in getting arms and equipment.

According to Humeniuk, the situation of Russian troops in terms of equipment and weapons is very critical, since most of the reserves have been withdrawn through the Crimean bridge.

The Russian military "are really suffering from the lack of equipment, ammunition and military equipment."

Ukraine War: Russia reports 16 explosions in Russian town

+++ 1:46 p.m .:

The Russian state news

agency RIA Novosti

reports that 16 explosions were heard in the Russian city of Belgorod, which is around 50 kilometers from the Ukrainian border.

According to Vyacheslav Gladkov, governor of Russia's Belgorod Oblast, two people were injured in the attack.

A day earlier, on Friday (October 15), a fire broke out in an oil depot in Belgorod after a shelling.

According to Gladkov, an ammunition dump was blown up by Ukrainian forces.

Kyiv has not yet commented on this.

Losses in the Ukraine War: Russia's wartime capabilities are dwindling

+++ 10.24 a.m .:

According to the latest intelligence report from the British Ministry of Defense, Russia’s skills on the battlefield are dwindling.

The Russian military has few precision-guided missiles left, "which may limit the country's ability to attack as many targets as it wishes in the future," the ministry said.

According to Ukraine's Defense Ministry on Friday (October 14), Russia had 1,844 precision guided missiles at the start of the invasion - of which only 609 remain.

The British experts estimate the dwindling stocks to be similarly high.

This leaves Russia with only 25-28% of the high-precision missiles it had before the war began.

Ukraine War: Russian reservists must purchase body armor themselves

+++ 7.04 a.m .:

According to British information, reservists mobilized by Russia are sent to war with inadequate equipment.

The British Defense Ministry wrote that contingents of Russian reservists had been deployed to Ukraine in the past two weeks.

"The average level of their personal gear is almost certainly lower than the already poor supply of previously deployed troops."

Many reservists would probably have to buy their own body armor themselves, especially a modern type 6B45 body armor, which was actually supposed to be issued to combat troops in general as part of the Russian Ratnik equipment program.

Their price has more than tripled in Russian online retail since April.

Update from Sunday, October 16, 6:11 a.m .:

According to Russian information, at least eleven volunteers for the fight in Ukraine were killed and 15 others injured in an attack on a military site near the border with Ukraine.

"Two citizens of a CIS country" carried out "a terrorist attack" on the training ground in the Belgorod region on Saturday (October 15), the Defense Ministry said in Moscow.

The perpetrators opened fire on the unit with automatic weapons during target practice by "volunteers for military special operations" in Ukraine, it said.

The "terrorists" were shot.

The ministry did not provide any further information on the identity of the attackers.

The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) is an association of former Soviet republics.

The information cannot be independently verified.

+++ 2 p.m .:

According to the

New York Times

, the Russian military has lost almost 6,000 pieces of equipment since February 24.

According to this, the United States is said to have noticed Russia's shortage of diesel engines, helicopter and aircraft engine parts and tanks as early as May.

Citing a newly released US government report, the paper goes on to say that Russia's military stockpiles were gradually running out.

Update from Saturday, October 15, 8:50 a.m .:

According to the Ukrainian general staff, the mortality rate for seriously wounded Russian soldiers is over 50 percent.

This is due to the poor quality of medical care and the reluctance of the Russian command to evacuate the seriously injured to Russia.

The General Staff went on to write in its report that a large number of wounded soldiers were being taken to the occupied territories of Ukraine.

In some cases, civilians would be turned away for lack of beds.

War in Ukraine: Russia has fired many of its high-precision missiles

+++ 3.45 p.m .:

In Russia, the missile supply is apparently slowly running out.

According to Ukraine's Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov, since the invasion began on Feb. 24, Russia has deployed a total of 1,235 out of 1,844 Iskander, Kalibr and air-launched cruise missiles.

"By deploying hundreds of high-precision missiles against Ukraine's civilian sites, the aggressor state is reducing its ability to hit military targets," Reznikov tweeted.

In the October 10 attacks alone, Russia fired 84 cruise missiles and 24 drones over Ukraine.

Oleksiy Danilov, secretary of the National Security and Defense Council, had previously said that Russia only had 25 to 28 percent of its high-precision weapons.

News from the Ukraine war: 150 Russian soldiers die in an attack

First report from Friday, October 14th


Kiev – From the Ukraine there are more reports about heavy losses of the Russian army.

According to the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, a successful attack on the Russian-held Kherson region was carried out.

"Enemy casualties amounted to up to 150 dead," according to the

Kyiv Independent

internet portal, among others .

According to the Ukrainian news portal, Russia's losses in the Ukraine war have risen sharply within 24 hours.

Ukraine is said to have managed to kill 420 soldiers and shoot down six helicopters during this period.

In addition, six tanks, eleven armored vehicles, 17 artillery systems, two multiple rocket launchers and more than 30 drones are said to have been eliminated.

News from Ukraine: Russia suffers heavy casualties on the battlefield

Ukraine's successes on the battlefield continue to sink Russian troops' morale.

Both the Ukrainian and the British secret services speak of numerous deserters within the Russian army.

Soldiers are said to repeatedly ignore attack orders from Moscow.

According to the British Ministry of Defense, mainly "understaffed airborne units" are used on the front around Cherson - i.e. mainly paratroopers.

This in turn would allow the conclusion that Russia assumes that the "fighting in the city of Kherson" would expand.

The Kremlin is probably planning to be able to quickly withdraw its troops from the region in the event of further setbacks.

At the beginning of the week, reports circulated that Moscow had already arranged for parts of the city to be evacuated.

Due to the heavy losses in the Ukraine war, Russia is said to be preparing for a long trench war in eastern Ukraine.

A video released by the Russian news agency

Riafan shows

that Russia has started digging trenches in the Luhansk region.

The systems are equipped with so-called "dragon's teeth" - concrete anti-tank obstacles that were used primarily in World War II to slow down armored vehicles.

According to the news agency, mercenary units of the Wagner troops are also deployed on the front line.

(dil/cs with agencies)

Source: merkur

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