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Slavoj Zizek: 'We can still be proud of Europe'


TRIBUNE - The internationally recognized Slovenian philosopher* sees in European Pride, by Guillaume Klossa, a book that is not afraid to criticize the European Union, but has the merit of recalling the need for the continental project in a new world order dominated by Putin, Xi or Erdogan.


 Slavoj Zizek is a Slovenian philosopher influenced by Marxism.

He teaches at the Institute of Sociology of the University of Ljubljana.

In 2015, he created controversy by his positions on the 2015 migration crisis.

All the powers of our time have entered into a sacred alliance to exorcise the specter of Europe: Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi, Putin and Erdogan… The mantra of opposition to “Eurocentrism” that unites many people on the entire political spectrum, from the anti-colonialist left to the populist right, aims for the idea of ​​a united Europe.

Despite all the justified criticism of certain key elements of Europe's heritage, what makes Europe an object of hatred and envy is the idea that in the eyes of many 'Europe' is still synonymous with peaceful cooperation between nations, individual freedom, welfare state… So, instead of making fun of Ukrainians who want to be part of Europe and therefore join…

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Source: lefigaro

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