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Paul Pelosi: Attacker was in the US illegally


Paul Pelosi has left the hospital after the hammer attack at his home. Now it is known: The alleged perpetrator should not have been in the country.

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Nancy and Paul Pelosi (in December 2019)


In the election campaign before the midterms in the USA, the brutal attack on Paul Pelosi caused quite a stir.

The husband of Democratic leader Nancy Pelosoi was seriously injured by a burglar with a hammer at the couple's home last Friday.

Now Pelosi could leave the hospital.

As his wife announced, he is now back home.

But he is still under medical supervision.

Among other things, he suffered a fractured skull in the attack and required surgery.

However, the prognosis is good and a full recovery is possible.

According to the current status of the investigation, the attacker was targeting Nancy Pelosi when he broke into the house.

A political motivation is suspected.

He wanted to kidnap her and, according to investigators, intended to "break her kneecaps".

In court, he pleaded not guilty.

As the US authorities announced on Thursday, the 42-year-old was illegally in the country.

Accordingly, the Canadian entered the country 14 years ago as a visitor.

In general, Canadian citizens have a six-month period during which they can stay in the United States without a visa.

It has become known that a request has been submitted to the San Francisco criminal authorities, according to which the alleged attacker should be handed over to the immigration authorities after serving a possible sentence.

After that, an expulsion to Canada is to be expected.

He faces many years in prison in the United States for his attack.

Debate on guarding politicians

The incident has sparked debate in the US about whether top politicians like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and their families are adequately protected.

The perpetrator had entered the house and was looking for Pelosi.

The 82-year-old US Democrat stayed in the capital.

When police arrived, the attacker hit her husband, Paul, who is the same age, with a hammer, seriously injuring him.

According to investigators, the perpetrator stated after his arrest that he had taken Nancy Pelosi hostage and wanted to talk to her.

If the Speaker of the US House of Representatives had told the "truth," he would have let her go.

If she had "lied," which he assumed she had, he would have smashed her kneecaps.

Several Republican representatives had mocked the attack.

Numerous observers assume that the perpetrator was also influenced by the escalating rhetoric in the conservative camp.


Source: spiegel

All news articles on 2022-11-03

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