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The fight of the chairman of Shas: "I don't see a situation that Deri will not be a minister in the government" - voila! 2022 election


The battle of the Shas chairman: "I don't see a situation where Deri will not be a minister in the government"

According to the results of the fifth election, at least for now, the next government is expected to contain mainly the members of the right-wing bloc, including Likud, religious Zionism which placed in the third largest place, Shas and Torah Judaism. Member of Knesset Michael Malchiali spoke with Golan Yochpaz and Anat Davidov and commented on the day after.

At the beginning of the conversation, MK Malchiali shared his feelings in view of the apparent results: "Ready, waiting. Waiting for us to start 4 years of work."

Also, when asked if the chairman of his party, MK Aryeh Deri, would act as a moderating factor, he replied that "Aryeh Deri today is the most senior minister, the most experienced political figure, based on the past when there were disputes or misunderstandings between bloc leaders, he always knew to find the way in the end. He is the adult responsible, even in the cabinet on major security issues, he knew how to give the correct formula that is accepted by all the security and political branches, and also in political issues."

"Aryeh Deri always knew how to find the formula that would be acceptable to all the leaders of the bloc. There is a bloc that is clear about what it wants, we came here to implement the reforms," ​​he emphasized, and referred to their goals regarding the amendments and reforms in the judicial system, with an emphasis on the overcoming clause: "First of all reforms Legally, Sa'ar also claimed that it needs to be done. There are things that need to be corrected. You have already decided that the one who will be dragged into the escalation clause is the extremist. It is not that we are now going to redefine the relationship. In recent years, the status quo between the judiciary and the Knesset has been damaged, and only in one direction. It is not that anyone is going Educate someone else."

MK Malchiali (photo: photo processing, Shlomi Cohen)

In light of his answers, Golan Yochafez asked for a clear answer regarding the overcoming clause - yes or no.

MK Malchiali explained: "Yes.

I'm just explaining that it's not going to extremes, it's going to a very clear statement - it is important for the Knesset to legislate, and when there is a body that comes and restrains the Knesset, which the Knesset does not necessarily always think in the right way, the Knesset also has tools to deal with that.

But there is no crushing of the justice system here."

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"The next Knesset, unlike the previous Knesset, will not have a plurality of opinions"

"As soon as you cancel the court's ability to review the legislative system, it is a violation," Davidov pointed out on the other hand, while MK Malchiali refused to agree: "But it is not to cancel.

Rabin did the first overcoming paragraph with Meretz and the Labor Party, and no one said the end of democracy.

I say that we came with 65 mandates, great trust from the people, not to wait for what used to be.

We came to work, there is so much to fix, especially after the last year and a half.

The heads of the parties will gather, they will understand what is needed to fix the justice system and the rest.

The next Knesset, unlike the previous Knesset, will not have a plurality of opinions, they will try to resolve all disputes."

Regarding the cancellation of the crime of fraud and breach of trust, he clarified: "If all the heads of the right-wing bloc get together and realize that this is one of the things that is needed. Netanyahu's trial is not on the agenda, they are constantly trying to push that someone is trying to cancel the trial. Not every law that is passed will always apply retroactively."

"The majority of the public thinks that Netanyahu is a worthy leader who needs and knows how to lead Israel at this time"

Later, MK Malchiali addressed the question of whether the election results indicate that the majority of the public thinks that Netanyahu's trial should be overturned: "This means that the majority of the public thinks that Netanyahu is a worthy leader, who should and knows how to lead Israel at this time.

This means that the delegitimization they did to Netanyahu in recent years was not acceptable to the people, it was acceptable to a small part.

That's why the people voted for the bloc that spoke clearly that it was going to recommend Netanyahu for the prime ministership and that is the will of the people."

Deri (Photo: Flash 90, Yossi Zamir)

"Will Begets disqualify Deri as a minister in the next government?", wondered Yochpaz, and MK Malchiali declared: "I don't see the possibility that Deri will not be a minister in the next government.

There will be no such thing as Deri not being a minister.

The law allows it, and if someone decides to interpret the law differently, there is a Knesset that has come to work for that.

400,000 people who want Deri Kosher, a senior government official who will lead reforms.

Our group wants Deri as a senior member of the government, a person who knows how to fight the cost of living."

In response to this, a pair of presenters sharpened their question: "What happens if the High Court decides not to?".

MK Malchiali claimed: "The Knesset will legislate and act so that he will indeed be a member of the government, there is no discussion about that.

I didn't say personally, we, the Knesset, are not ready for so many people to be silenced - Aryeh Deri will be a minister in the government, there is no discussion about that."

  • 2022 election


  • Michael Malchiali

  • Shas

  • Aryeh Deri

Source: walla

All news articles on 2022-11-03

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