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The leaders of the right-wing bloc agree on the swearing-in of the government on 11.15: "Netanyahu will have to break up with the Likud" | Israel today


In the emerging right-wing coalition, they also want to change the speaker of the Knesset on the same day.

The talks between the leaders of the right-wing parties continue vigorously, there are almost no disagreements and there is already one agreement between all of them - the desire to vote for a government as soon as possible.

In the conversations between the partners we will also specify a particularly close date - 15.11.

Only a week and a half left


On the date in question, the swearing-in of the MKs and the opening of the winter session will be held, in the emerging right-wing coalition, they also want to hold the replacement of the Knesset Speaker and the swearing-in of the new government on the same day.

Coalition negotiations usually take longer, the process is recommendations to the president and then 28 days to assemble the government and another two weeks extension of time before the mandate is transferred.

It is clear to everyone that this time the process will be shorter, but it is doubtful if they thought it would be so short.

Ben Gabir and Smotritz, photo: Yehuda Peretz

Senior officials in the right-wing bloc tell Israel Today "All the party leaders want to end the negotiations as quickly as possible. The negotiations can be very easy. There is an agreement of all the partners on this, to reach this date with a government. This is the direction. There is a great interest in removing the current government from their offices as soon as possible, and in general we know that what you don't do in ten days of negotiations, you won't do in two months. The more time there is for negotiations, the more complicated it gets."

According to them, "It's not that negotiations are being conducted here between the ultra-Orthodox and Naftali Bennett and Matan Kahane. Gafni and Deri would let Bezalel Smotrich negotiate for them in everything related to the status of the kosher rabbinate or conversion. There is a broad consensus here. The only problem that could be within the Likud. There is hunger there Big and a lot of people who want positions. Netanyahu will have to break his head there."

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2022-11-03

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