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Weekly horoscope: November 6-12, 2022 - voila! Spirit and horoscope


Many things we didn't know came to light this week, many secrets will be revealed and many masks will come off. Reality will force many people to change plans, change attitude and organize differently for the coming period

The horoscope foresees a need for us to change plans and approach to life (Photo: ShutterStock)

At the center of the action this week are three stars - the Sun, Mercury and Venus - which one by one are passing through the sign of Scorpio while creating angles of action with both Uranus, the planet of changes - and with the burdensome Saturn - and this is during the retrograde of the planet Mars, which is slowly entering an angle of action with a star Emotional Neptune.

Yes, this is a very complex week with super action everywhere, in a kind of zigzag with two opposite angles, with extreme swing of rapidly changing moods.

What it means?

Many things we didn't know came to light this week, many secrets will be revealed and many masks will come off.

Reality will force many people to change plans, change attitudes and organize differently for the near and distant period - and this process will not be easy for many of us and will last two or three months at most, but the first part will begin this week and it will be very intense, the speed with which things will happen - and the amount of short notices in the media, the squeaks on the boards Our work, our changes in our schedule, the changes in close and distant relationships and in our communication with the world.

Indeed, the whole world seems to be changing phase now.

The second angle between the rigid Saturn and the frenzied Uranus begins to recede like a large tsunami wave that begins to leave the shore, leaving behind broken shells that crashed, frightened crabs and fluttering fish in panic that suddenly found themselves in the air and not in the water, in a cruel reality that is changing and no longer safe.

This process will reveal parts of us that were hidden or protected until now and will force us to adjust to the changing reality around us - and this week we will feel the first part of this change and it will be quick and sharp.

Many secrets will be revealed and many masks will come off (Photo: ShutterStock)

The significant processes of the week:

1. Sun in action angle to Uranus.

2. Sun at an action angle to Saturn.

3. Venus in an action angle to Uranus.

4. Venus in an action angle to Saturn.

5. Mercury in an action angle to Uranus.

6. Mercury in an action angle to Saturn.

7. Mercury conjunct the Sun.

The difficult angles of the week -

These are six angles of action, which take place between a large cluster of stars in Scorpio, and the frantic Uranus which is opposite in Taurus - and between the rigid planet Saturn which is in Aquarius.

It turns out that three of the four fixed zodiac signs - Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarius - are the ones that are especially difficult to change when reality changes.

They are the ones who will have to absorb this temporary tsunami of the angles of action within the stars they are in - and we are the ones who will be activated by these hallucinations and by having to respond to them and the reactions of others this week, a kind of planetary ping pong.

Many fears will arise from the cluster of stars in Scorpio and will force us all to start changing priorities in different areas during the period when Mars will move in reverse gear.

It will be charged - and interesting.

The impulsive angles of the week -

These are three angles of conflict, which take place between a large cluster of stars in Scorpio, and the frantic Uranus which is opposite in Taurus.

The Sun, Venus and Mercury in conflict angles to the planet Uranus: Uranus, the planet of change, is a fast and intense planet and these three planets - the Sun, our energetic focus, Mercury, the planet of communication and emotional Venus - may cause us to act recklessly in any of these areas and in any case begin to change courses that their direction It was clear until the previous week, when the need to change direction and course or disengage now appears.

Since our judgment is not at its best under this angle, this fear of change or disconnection is not necessarily real but more of a threat - internal or external.

We may make impulsive and rash decisions, show rebellion against authority and want to change professional or emotional direction - and sometimes also cut ties with a higher than usual need for spice and personal freedom.

Since this week we are all "blessed" with a short fuse, especially under these conflict angles, any small irritation or misplaced word can trigger them.

After all, patience and long-suffering are the two qualities that must be focused on this week under this angle, which may cause us to make decisions that are too quick, especially ones that we may regret later.

What should not be done this week?

To cut ties for example, although this need may certainly arise here and there.

Resign because of a momentary meltdown, decide on an impulsive departure or get into an unnecessary fight in the heat of the moment.

just no!

Who will mostly be affected by these angles?

Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces and indirectly all of us.

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This week we are all "blessed" with a short fuse (Photo: ShutterStock)

The heavy angles of the week

These are 3 angles of action between the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Scorpio, and the rigid planet Saturn in Aquarius.

In contrast to the previous 3 angles of confrontation, these 3 angles of action do not force us to choose between two actions (such as staying or disconnecting) but mostly create feelings of gravity and even a certain loneliness in the campaign due to the need to deal with our fears in a practical way and determine facts on the ground - or complain .

Saturn in the action angles it creates to the stars and signs forces us to act through a feeling - real or imagined - of some kind of emotional or practical threat.

For example, we may now encounter a fear of economic hardship that doesn't really have a real reason on the ground, anguish as a result of loneliness in a bad relationship or living alone - and perhaps also a fear of future shortages due to one or another uncertainty, with or without reason.

If we add to these fears also external events such as the recent political events or the rain that will start to fall in earnest this week including key words like "rain will fall in all parts of the country" or words like "thunderstorms", these feelings of gravity may certainly gradually become stronger - even if they have no real basis .

On the other hand, the benefit of these angles of action is that they force us to deal seriously with everything related to material and money - and we will do it in our bank account.

This means tidying up the mess if necessary, closing an overdraft or repaying debts - and that in itself is positive enough not to see this angle as something negative.

These two angles - for their contradictory effects that arrive one after the other this week with a difference of two days - create feelings of uncertainty and insecurity and force us to be here and now with a particularly high awareness.

However, the entry of the planet Mars into an action angle with Neptune that will be felt mainly from next week may bring with it too high emotional involvement and personal sensitivity - and therefore also difficulty in identifying the actions that are really necessary to calm the heart, beyond the practical steps that we take this week.

It will not be easy, but it is certainly possible, with attachments to the facts as they really are and not to their interpretations, or to the words of others or articles in the newspaper or in the media.

Facts, common sense and here and there a hug of the understanding kind - these will help us get through this week and the whole process of the reverse gear of Mars in Gemini in the coming months.

In short: lean on the ground with firm feet and don't lose your head.

Facts, common sense and here and there a hug from the understanding type - these will help us get through this week (Photo: ShutterStock)

The weekly forecast according to zodiac signs:

March's retrograde Aries

in Gemini that will last until January 13th and then back until March brings you together with the need to change your approach to communication issues and forces you to upgrade your communication with the world.

This week begins his angle of action with Neptune - and the emotional involvement increases.


Venus, ruler of your fortune, resides in your house of relationships.

The confrontation angle with frenetic Uranus warns against sudden disconnections and unexpected shocks, on your part or on the part of the world.

An action angle with Saturn later forces you to put your emotions aside - and act practically and closely to the facts.


, the star of Mars is in your sign and in reverse gear for the next two and a half months - and that means you must adapt to the process.

Time to control emotions, not to get angry or erupt unnecessarily, to show maximum restraint and not to lose emotional control.

Time to upgrade communication with the world.


The large constellation in Scorpio brings with it a high dose of creativity in all fields and also a powerful romantic touch.

This is a time to open your heart, allow love to enter your life and strengthen your emotional, marital and family life.

March's reverse gear requires anger clearing.

Sun Leo

, ruling your luck, together with Venus and Mercury in the family house - and domestic communication such as the feeling of togetherness are especially significant now.

A good time to invest in the home and its surroundings, change the atmosphere at home and go on a big shopping trip for the home and family.

Gemini: time to control emotions, not to get angry or lash out unnecessarily (Photo: ShutterStock)


The retrograde of Mars in your career house may cause you to make rash decisions related to career and relationships with authorities.

It is now important to see the whole picture and avoid disconnections and impulsive decisions of any kind: make decisions according to the big picture.


An emotionally charged week passes for the Libras as Venus, ruler of your luck, is in an angle of conflict with frenetic Uranus and an angle of gravity with practical Saturn.

Because of the lack of proportions and the high emotional involvement, it is important not to sever relationships or connections this week - but to wait patiently for next week.


, in addition to the sun celebrating your birthdays, Mercury, the star of communication, and emotional Venus are also in your sign.

It seems that you have quite a bit of power now to change things that weigh you down and break away from relationships that have exhausted themselves.

Now is the time to focus on deep processes of change.


The large constellation in Scorpio creates a feeling of gravity and lack of control behind the scenes.

This is an excellent time to clear accumulated emotional sediments and start making room for a different, more open approach - and new ways of thinking.

Time to start, despite the difficulty, to think differently.


A need to change things and dissatisfaction with what currently exists is the cause of action angles created this week by Saturn, the ruler of your luck, with the Sun, Mercury and Venus.

This is a time not only to focus on what requires change, but also to define a new vision for yourself, personally and professionally.


Uranus, the ruler of your luck, this week creates angles of conflict with the Sun, Mercury and Venus - and indicates dissatisfaction with what is and a desire to change the existing, but you should start first by changing the attitude towards what is and precise definitions of what you want to be.



The retrograde of the planet Mars in your family home may bring with it feelings of restlessness and a desire to open up to new growth stimuli, expand horizons and develop into other places you did not know.

It may be time to allow the heart to point to a new direction of growth.

  • Spirit and horoscope

  • astrology

  • Star status of the week


  • horoscope

  • astrology

  • Fortunes

Source: walla

All news articles on 2022-11-06

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