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Cardinal Ricard admits having abused a young girl


DECRYPTION - The high prelate, who was archbishop of Bordeaux, wrote an open letter to his brother bishops. A new shock for the Church.

It is the hour of public confessions in the French episcopate.

In a letter, publicly revealed in Lourdes on Monday November 7, by Mgr Éric de Moulins-Beaufort, President of the Bishops of France, Cardinal Jean-Pierre Ricard, former Archbishop of Bordeaux, admitted to having

“behaved in a reprehensible manner with a young 14-year-old girl”


“thirty-five years ago”

, when he was a


in the diocese of Marseille where he comes from.

It is a new shock for the Church because Mgr Ricard, 78, is a figure of French Catholicism: twice elected president of the Conference of Bishops, from 2001 to 2008 - years when the episcopate entered into the fight against the phenomenon of pedophilia - he was appointed cardinal by Benedict XVI in 2006 and participated in the election of Pope Francis in 2013. Although retired, he is still a member of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the most important Vatican.

Read alsoSexual abuse in the Church: penitent bishops determined never to be “accomplices” again

Bishop Ricard's letter was first read on Sunday, within the walls of…

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Source: lefigaro

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