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Last minute of the war in Ukraine, live | Russia says it has completed the withdrawal from Kherson and assures that it has been without casualties


Ukraine reports the collapse of the only bridge between the city and the occupied areas on the other side of the Dnieper River | The Kremlin rules out giving up the southern province in hypothetical negotiations | At least six killed in a Russian attack on a block of flats in Mikolaiv

EL PAÍS offers the last hour of the conflict in Ukraine free of charge as a public service.

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The Russian Ministry of Defense has affirmed this Friday that it has completed the withdrawal of troops from the western bank of the Dnieper River, in Kherson, in southern Ukraine, according to the TASS news agency.

The Ministry assures that there have been no casualties or loss of equipment during the operation.

The announcement comes shortly after the Ukrainian television channel Suspilne reported the collapse of the strategic Antonovski bridge over the Dnieper River, the only one left standing to link the city of Kherson with the occupied territories on the other side.

The chain has published images showing that several segments of the bridge are missing, but it does not give details about the reasons for the collapse.

The Kremlin has ensured that the entire Kherson region is non-negotiable.

“The province is a subject of the Russian Federation.

This is fixed and defined by law, and there is not and cannot be any change, ”said Vladimir Putin's spokesman, Dmitri Peskov, after the withdrawal of his troops.

The representative of the Russian president has responded with a brief "no" when asked if this withdrawal is a humiliation for the president, and he has repeatedly refused to comment on this action.

In Mikolaiv, also in the south, an attack by Kremlin forces against a residential building has caused at least six deaths and two injuries, according to the regional military governor, Vitali Kim, in a message on the Telegram network.

The representative of the Russian president has responded with a brief "no" when asked if this withdrawal is a humiliation for the president, and has repeatedly refused to comment on this action.

In Mikolaiv, also in the south, an attack by Kremlin forces against a residential building has caused at least six deaths and two injuries, according to the regional military governor, Vitali Kim, in a message on the Telegram network.

The representative of the Russian president has responded with a brief "no" when asked if this withdrawal is a humiliation for the president, and has repeatedly refused to comment on this action.

In Mikolaiv, also in the south, an attack by Kremlin forces against a residential building has caused at least six deaths and two injuries, according to the regional military governor, Vitali Kim, in a message on the Telegram network.

  • Latest videos of the invasion

  • Key dates of the conflict: when and how it started


Zelensky: "41 settlements have been liberated in Ukraine"

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at a press conference on October 25.

Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa

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Russia says it has completed the withdrawal from Kherson and assures that it has been without casualties

The Russian Ministry of Defense has affirmed this Friday that it has completed the withdrawal of troops from the western bank of the Dnieper River, in Kherson, in southern Ukraine, according to the TASS news agency.

The Ministry assures that there have been no casualties or loss of equipment during the operation. 

Moscow on Wednesday confirmed the withdrawal of its troops from the west bank of the river, which includes the key city of Kherson.

Before the announcement, the Ukrainian president, Volodímir Zelenski, asked for extreme caution.

“The enemy does not give us gifts,” he pointed out in his daily address.

This Friday, the Kremlin spokesman, Dmitri Peskov, has responded with a brief "no" when asked if this withdrawal is a humiliation for the president, and has repeatedly refused to comment on this action.

"I do not have nothing to add.

For any broader comments, please contact the Ministry of Defence”, he has insisted.

(Reuters/EL PAÍS)





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The Kremlin rules out giving up Kherson in hypothetical negotiations


Javier G. Cuesta

from Moscow

The Kremlin has ensured that the entire Kherson region is non-negotiable.

“The province is a subject of the Russian Federation.

This is fixed and defined by law, and there is not and cannot be any change, ”Vladímir Putin's spokesman, Dmitri Peskov, stressed this Friday, after the withdrawal of his troops to the left bank of the Dnieper River.

The representative of the Russian president has responded with a brief "no" when asked if this withdrawal is a humiliation for the president, and has repeatedly refused to comment on this action.

"I do not have nothing to add.

For any broader comments, please contact the Ministry of Defence”, he has insisted.

Putin, the supreme commander-in-chief of the Russian armed forces, was not present at the high command meeting where Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu approved the withdrawal proposed by his new commander in Ukraine, Sergei Surovikin.

Likewise, Putin will also not attend the next G-20 summit, which will be held in Indonesia.

"It was a decision by the head of state related to his agenda and the need for him to be in the Russian Federation," Peskov explained.

The province of Kherson, formally annexed by the Kremlin at the end of September along with Zaporizhia, Donetsk and Lugansk, would be left out of the dialogue table, according to the Kremlin.

All those territories were included in the Russian constitution after the organization of a pseudo-referendum in areas that it does not fully control in the midst of the war and with a large part of the exiled population.

"The conflict in Ukraine can be resolved either by completing the objectives of the special military operation or through peace negotiations, which is also possible, but due to the position of kyiv, it is impossible to hold talks if (it) does not change," he added. Peskov.

The Ukrainian president, Volodímir Zelenski, again showed himself willing to negotiate a few days ago, but with very clear red lines: all Ukrainian territory must be returned by Russia.





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Moscow perceives progress in its contacts to renew the grain export agreement

The Kremlin assures that progress is being made so that the agreement for the export of grain through the Black Sea can be renewed when it expires on November 19.

While Russian and UN delegates meet in Geneva to discuss the extension of the pact, the Russian government spokesman, Dmitri Peskov, has stated that "there is a mutual understanding" that "obstacles" to exports of agricultural products must be removed Russians.

Moscow has denounced for months that the part of the agreement that interests Russia, the one that affects its grain and fertilizer exports, is not being fulfilled due to the economic sanctions imposed by the West and that its freighters are not benefiting from the naval corridor safe by the Black Sea, as the Ukrainians do.

In reality, Russian food products are not affected by the sanctions, but Russian companies find it difficult to contract freighters, finance operations and obtain insurance for shipments.

For this reason, it has threatened not to renew the pact, reached last July and which has allowed the departure of 10 million tons of cereals from Ukrainian ports and somewhat alleviate a growing food crisis.

In full meeting of his technicians with those of the UN, Peskov has said that "negotiations and contacts continue" for the renewal of the agreement and that there is a "mutual understanding" about Russian calls to remove "obstacles" to their own exports .

“It is necessary to resolve several issues related to a well-known part of the so-called grain agreement that concerns us.

There is a mutual understanding on the part of the United Nations representatives, so the work continues”, she explained.

(Reuters / THE COUNTRY)





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Ukraine reports the collapse of the only bridge linking Kherson with the occupied areas on the other side of the Dnieper River

The Antonovski Bridge over the Dnieper River in the city of Kherson has been destroyed.

This is stated by the Ukrainian television channel Suspilne, which has published images in which it is seen that several segments of the bridge are missing.

The television channel does not give details about the reasons for the collapse.

The Antonovski Bridge was the only remaining road crossing over the river in the city.

The closest operational crossing is 70 kilometers away.

According to the images published on Telegram by the Suspilne delegation in Kherson, it can be seen that segments of the bridge near the eastern bank are missing.

The message that accompanies the photo only reports that "local residents" had reported that the bridge "has collapsed."

The Russian army announced this week the withdrawal of its soldiers from the city, located on the western bank of the river, to move to the other bank and establish new defensive positions there.

Therefore, the demolition of the bridge could be a Russian operation to prevent the passage of Ukrainian troops to the other side.

It could also have fallen due to an attack by the Ukrainian army to prevent the departure of the Russian troops that are still in the city.





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Six killed in a Russian bombing of a residential building in Mikolaiv

At least six people have died and two others have been injured this Friday in a Russian attack on a residential building in the Ukrainian city of Mikolaiv, located in the south of the country, according to the governor of the province of the same name, Vitali Kim. .

On his Telegram channel, the leader has indicated that Russian troops "have responded to [the successes of] the Ukrainian Armed Forces with a rocket attack on a five-story residential building."

"As a result [of the bombardment] all five floors of one of the portals were destroyed."

At first, around six in the local morning (one hour less in mainland Spain) he had reported two deaths and two wounded, but later, after 8:30, he updated the information and the number of victims has been rising until six.

Today, November 11, around 03:05, Mykolaiv once again came under enemy missile fire, earlier from the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system.

One of the rockets hit a five-story residential building, as a result of which all five floors of one of the entrances were destroyed.

Currently, two people are known to have died and two people have also been injured.

Search and rescue operations are currently underway.

In addition, residential buildings located in the vicinity were damaged.

The governor also forwards a message from the country's president, Volodymyr Zelensky, who denounces the "cynical response of the terrorist state (Russia) to our successes on the front" with an attack on a five-story residential building.

“Russia does not abandon its despicable tactics.

And we will not give up our fight.

The occupiers will be held responsible for all crimes against Ukraine and Ukrainians,” the president claims.

In this image, from 

AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky

, a woman cries at the scene of the attack, this Friday in Mikolaiv, in southern Ukraine. 





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Russia prioritizes attacks on electrical infrastructure over military targets to hit the morale of the population, according to the United Kingdom

Continued Russian attacks on critical infrastructure in Ukraine reflect Moscow's willingness to hit the morale of the civilian population, according to the latest report from the UK Ministry of Defense issued on Friday. 

“Recovery capacity varies by area and the impacts of attacks are unlikely to be felt uniformly across the country.

The continued degradation of networks will almost certainly have consequences for water and heating systems, which will be felt more pronouncedly by the civilian population during the winter, when demand increases”, explains London.

"Russian attacks on power generation and transmission are having a disproportionate effect on civilians, indiscriminately affecting critical functions such as healthcare and heating," according to British intelligence.





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Biden believes that only a Russian withdrawal will end the war in Ukraine

The president of the United States, Joe Biden, does not consider that the conflict in Ukraine will be resolved until the troops of the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, return to his country.

In statements to the press moments before heading to the COP27 climate summit, the US president has shared his vision of a possible end to the war, although he has not been hopeful.

"I don't think the conflict can be resolved until [Russian President Vladimir] Putin leaves Ukraine," Biden said, hinting that a possible negotiation between Russia and Ukraine to end hostilities will not take place until the military of Russia stop attacking Ukraine.

However, US diplomacy has privately asked the Ukrainian government to leave open the possibility of negotiating a peace agreement with Russia to convince the allied countries that the war in Ukraine is not becoming entrenched and that there is an exit option, sources close to the negotiations explained to

The Washington Post


However, the US government has also conveyed to kyiv its conviction that none of the Russian offers to negotiate have any credibility given their exaggerated demands, which practically amount to an unconditional surrender and the implicit recognition of Russian sovereignty over the Ukrainian territories that Has been incorporated.






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The Protestant pastor who makes

rocket stoves

for the Ukraine front

In the village of Velyka Vilshanka, in the kyiv region, prayers are multiplying these days for a baby whose condition is not yet known.

Her mother, Dana, 39, remains hospitalized due to the high risk of abortion in the Vasilkov hospital, fifteen kilometers from her family residence.

Her father, Ihor, 47, is the pastor of the local Pentecostal Church.

The one on the way is the tenth son.

Or daughter.

They do not know.

"Doctors are surprised that he is still alive," says the religious optimist about the creature's endurance in the womb.

"We like to have a big family and accept all the blessings that God offers us," he says in the presence, among others, of the eldest daughter, Nastia, 21, and the youngest, David, three.

But in the midst of uncertainty, this man with huge hands continues to find time to carry out humanitarian work and help those who need it.

He has been doing it since the Russian invasion began on February 24.

He has volunteered to distribute clothes and food and has even opened the doors of his house to up to 34 people at a time from different refugee families from the east of the country.

"When someone got stuck at a roadblock because it was curfew time, they sent him to our house," he says with a smile.

Now his attention is focused on crafting, soldering iron in hand, what are known as 

rocket stoves .


It is a contraption that allows you to cook with very little firewood, that withstands the wind well and that, at the same time, is disassembled to facilitate its portability, something that the military demands, he comments.

"The rocket thing comes because it's what it looks like when it's turned on," he adds.

It is also retrofitting hot water boilers for heating.


Luis de Vega

(Special Envoy)

In the image, Luis de Vega, Ihor, a 47-year-old Protestant pastor, making an artisan kitchen, in the village of Velyka Vilshanka, in the kyiv region.

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Crossing the Dnieper River: Ukraine faces an unprecedented feat since World War II

Federico II, considered one of the military geniuses of history, wrote in the 18th century that “one of the most complex operations for an Army is to cross a great river in the presence of the enemy”.

The Ukrainian infantry on the Kherson front do not need to know the words of the King of Prussia to sense that the most difficult mission of their lives awaits them.

When EL PAÍS asked Yuri Chorkes, an officer of the 98th Tactical Infantry Brigade, in October how they would be able to cross the Dnieper River under Russian fire, he and his men remained silent.

Only after a few seconds, Chorkes managed to reply: "It will be very difficult, but it will have to be done, other Armies have achieved it before us."

The last to achieve this feat were the Soviet troops in 1943, against Nazi Germany.

Chorkes attended this newspaper during a break in the Ukrainian offensive on Nova Kajovka, a city on the eastern bank of the Dnieper River, in the Kherson region.

His units are the spearhead of the advance from the northwest into the province, and his path leads straight to Nova Kajovka.

From this municipality the water supply to Crimea and one of the largest dams in Ukraine are controlled.

When the interview took place, his troops were 30 kilometers from the river.

If Moscow's announcement on Wednesday comes true and Russian forces leave the territories they occupy on the western side of the Dnieper, the men of the 98th Brigade will have a free pass to the river.

What awaits them there is something that no contemporary Army has faced: the Dnieper as it passes through Kherson is between one and three kilometers wide.

Hanna Shelest,

Director of Defense Studies at the Ukrainian analysis center Prism, emphasizes that it is not just about the flow of water: “Theoretically, overcoming the river can be achieved with the appropriate air support.

But on the other shore the 


, the floodplains of the Dnieper, great for fishing but lousy for moving any heavy equipment.”


Cristian Segura

(Special Envoy)

In the image, by

Andrey Borodulin (AFP)

, an aerial image from last May shows the city of Kherson on the banks of the Dnieper River.

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Zelenski affirms that Ukraine has liberated 41 settlements in the south of the country

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has announced that Ukrainian forces have liberated 41 settlements as they advance through the south of the country.

The president has added that an unspecified number of soldiers fighting alongside the Ukrainian troops had been killed during this offensive.

"Today we have good news from the south", he assured him during his usual nightly speech.

"But although we are happy, we must remember now and forever what this movement means: every step of our defense forces represents lives given for the freedom of Ukrainians," Zelensky said.


10 Nov 2022 - 21:00 UTC




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kyiv province bans turning on Christmas lights to save electricity

Las autoridades provinciales de Kiev han prohibido el uso de guirnaldas y luces de navidad como medida para ahorrar electricidad en un momento en el que el país ve comprometido el suministro energético por los constantes ataques rusos a infraestructura crítica. "El uso de iluminaciones festivas como guirnaldas y adornos luminosos está prohibido en el territorio de la provincia de Kiev", ha trasladado el Gobierno provincial de Kiev en un mensaje en su canal oficial de Telegram. De acuerdo con el gobernador, Oleksei Kuleba, la medida se aplica tanto a establecimientos comerciales como a particulares. "Dejaremos para más adelante la iluminación de los árboles de Navidad, los parques y las calles", ha dicho el representante ucranio.

Así, Kuleba ha insistido en que el conjunto del territorio de Ucrania, y particularmente la provincia en la que gobierna, está "resistiendo al enemigo" que trata de instaurar el "terror energético" con ataques a infraestructuras de generación y suministro. "El máximo ahorro de energía eléctrica es nuestro frente civil a día de hoy", ha concluido el gobernador Kuleba. La medida ha despertado cierta polémica y, según la agencia ucrania de noticias Unian, grupos de ciudadanos han presentado peticiones en contra de la decisión que, consideran, no ayudará a ahorrar energía.

Desde el pasado mes de octubre, las tropas rusas han reforzado su ofensiva sobre las instalaciones energéticas de Ucrania, especialmente en Kiev. Autoridades ucranias han llegado a estimar que el 40% de la infraestructura nacional ha resultado dañada o, en algunos casos, completamente destruida. (EP)

10 Nov 2022 - 20:21 UTC




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Ucrania acusa a Rusia de dañar el centro de televisión de Jersón y varias infraestructuras de energía

El Instituto de Información de Masas (IMI) de Ucrania ha asegurado que las tropas rusas que se están retirando de la ciudad de Jersón, en el sur del país, han volado parte de un centro de transmisión de televisión y dañado la infraestructura de calefacción y energía. "Hoy, durante el día, las tropas rusas han volado el centro de transmisión de la televisión de Jersón", se lee en el sitio web del IMI, uno de los dos medios que han estado informando sobre el desarrollo del conflicto. "Según nuestros contactos, la torre de televisión ha permanecido intacta", señalada el comunicado, que añade que las tropas rusas también han volado la infraestructura de telefonía móvil y han "dejado a la ciudad sin electricidad". El gobernador designado por Ucrania en la región de Jersón, Yaroslav Yanushevich, ha escrito en su canal de Telegram que el ejército ruso ha "robado equipo público y dañado las líneas eléctricas".

10 Nov 2022 - 19:52 UTC




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Ucrania calcula que la retirada rusa de Jersón tardará al menos una semana 

El ministro de Defensa de Ucrania, Oleksii Reznikov, ha afirmado que Rusia tardará al menos una semana en retirar sus tropas de la ciudad sureña de Jersón y que el invierno ralentizará las operaciones en el campo de batalla, dando a ambos bandos la oportunidad de recuperarse. En una entrevista en Kiev, Reznikov ha contado a Reuters que Rusia tenía un contingente de 40.000 soldados en la región de Jersón y que sus informes de inteligencia muestran que sus fuerzas permanecían en la ciudad, en sus alrededores y en la orilla derecha del vasto río Dniéper. "No es tan fácil retirar estas tropas de Jersón en uno o dos días. Como mínimo, (tomará) una semana", ha calculado Reznikov.

Rusia ordenó el miércoles a sus fuerzas se retiraran de la orilla oeste del río Dniéper, que incluye la ciudad de Jersón, la única capital provincial que Moscú había capturado desde que invadió Ucrania en febrero. Reznikov ha explicado que tal salida liberaría fuerzas de ambos bandos para luchar en otros lugares. El ministro de Defensa ucranio ha descartado que Rusia pueda volar la presa de Kajovka tras retirarse, ya que eso inundaría las áreas controladas por Moscú. Ambas partes en el conflicto se han acusado mutuamente de planear destruir la presa. (Reuters)

10 Nov 2022 - 19:31 UTC




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Qué ha pasado en las últimas horas

En el 260º día de la guerra iniciada por Rusia contra Ucrania, estos son los datos clave a las 20.00 de este jueves 10 de noviembre:

  • Rusia afirma que ha empezado la retirada de sus tropas de Jersón. El Ministerio de Defensa ruso ha confirmado este jueves que el repliegue de las tropas rusas de la ciudad de Jersón y el norte de la homónima región, en el sur de Ucrania, ya está en marcha. En su parte bélico diario, el portavoz castrense, Ígor Konashénkov, ha dicho que las fuerzas del Kremlin se están retirando hacia la orilla izquierda del río Dniéper, según el plan aprobado. 

  • El ejército ucranio avanza siete kilómetros y recupera 12 poblaciones en el frente de Jersón. El ejército ucranio ha avanzado siete kilómetros en dos direcciones en el frente sur en las últimas 24 horas y ha recuperado de manos rusas 12 localidades, según ha anunciado este jueves el general Valeri Zaluyni, comandante en jefe del ejército ucranio. El general ha dicho que el ejército ucranio sigue con sus planes bélicos, pese al anuncio de la retirada de las tropas rusas de Jersón y de la orilla occidental del río Dniéper.

  • Las tropas rusas se retira de la provincia de Mikolaiv. Las tropas rusas se han retirado de los dos últimos municipios de la provincia de Mikolaiv en los que todavía estaban presentes. El Ejército de Tierra ucranio ha confirmado que este jueves han sido liberados los pueblos de Yevhenivka y Bobrovii Kut. Solo esta semana, el retroceso ruso había permitido que Ucrania recuperase el control de una docena de asentamientos rurales de Mikolaiv.

  • La ONU y Rusia se reúnen mañana viernes para abordar las exportaciones de granos a través del mar Negro. Responsables de la ONU y rusos se reunirán en Ginebra mañana viernes para discutir sobre los acuerdos para exportar granos y fertilizantes desde Ucrania y Rusia a través del mar Negro, según ha indicado una portavoz de Naciones Unidas este jueves a la agencia AFP. Rumania y Ucrania han inaugurado hoy un paso fronterizo, el primero de ocho que se abrirán próximamente, que hará más fluido el tránsito de personas y la exportación de mercancías como los cereales. El primer ministro ucranio, Denis Schmihal, ha explicado que un total de seis cruces están abiertos entre los dos países.

En la imagen, un grupo de civiles evacuado de la parte controlada por Rusia de la provincia de Jersón (sur de Ucrania) llega a una estación de tren en Crimea, este viernes. / Alexei Pavlishak (Reuters)

10 Nov 2022 - 19:00 UTC




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España entregará a Ucrania otros dos lanzadores de misiles antiaéreos y una batería de artillería móvil

España donará a Ucrania dos nuevos lanzadores antiaéreos Hawk, que se suman a los cuatro ya entregados al Gobierno de Kiev para defenderse de los ataques rusos contra sus infraestructuras críticas con drones iraníes, y una batería de artillería autopropulsada, según ha confirmado el Ministerio de Defensa. Esta última, formada por seis obuses de calibre 105 fabricados por la empresa italiana Otto Melara, constituye el primer sistema de artillería tierra-tierra entregado por España al Ejército ucraniano, que pelea palmo a palmo por recuperar el territorio ocupado por las tropas rusas en el este del país desde el pasado 24 de febrero. Estas piezas, utilizadas originariamente por unidades de montaña, se caracterizan por su gran movilidad, ya que pueden ser desmontadas y transportadas en muy poco tiempo incluso a lomos de mulas y tienen un alcance de 14 kilómetros. Por Miguel González

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10 Nov 2022 - 18:06 UTC




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Sunak y Zelenski abogan por la "cautela" ante la retirada rusa de Jersón

El primer ministro británico, Rishi Sunak, y el presidente de Ucrania, Volodímir Zelenski, mantuvieron este jueves una conversación en la que ambos apostaron por mantener la “cautela” ante la anunciada retirada de las tropas rusas de la ciudad de Jersón. Los dos mandatarios estuvieron de acuerdo en que el repliegue ruso de la ciudad ucraniana, bajo el control de Moscú desde el pasado 1 de marzo, “demostraría un sólido progreso de las fuerzas ucranianas” y “resaltaría la debilidad de la ofensiva militar de Rusia”, según detalló tras la conversación Downing Street, despacho oficial de Sunak. Con todo, “lo correcto es continuar ejerciendo la cautela hasta que la bandera ucraniana se alce sobre la ciudad”, convinieron ambos líderes.

Tras haber recibido el miércoles en Londres al secretario general de la OTAN, Jens Stoltenberg, Sunak trasladó este jueves a Zelenski que continúa contando con el “inquebrantable apoyo militar y político del Reino Unido”. El Gobierno británico está a punto de completar la entrega de mil misiles tierra-aire adicionales para el Ejército ucraniano, así como de 25.000 equipos preparados para el frío extremo que se espera este invierno en el campo de batalla. Zelenski agradeció el apoyo material y recalcó que la colaboración militar británica está ayudando a “proteger infraestructuras energéticas vitales y permitiendo avanzar a las tropas ucranianas”. Antes de la reunión del G-20 la próxima semana, Sunak y Zelenski abordaron la importancia de mantener la “coordinación internacional” respecto al respaldo a Kiev y asegurar que Rusia no bloquea la salida de grano y fertilizantes desde Ucrania. (Efe)

10 Nov 2022 - 17:40 UTC




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El entorno de Putin apoya la retirada de Jersón: “El enemigo luchó y nos superó”

“Rusia está aquí para siempre”. Este lema llenó carteles, con niños, flores y la bandera tricolor, que el Kremlin levantó por todo el territorio conquistado en Ucrania desde el 24 de febrero. Pese a ser esperable, la retirada al lado oriental del río Dniéper ha sido recibida en Rusia como un jarro de agua fría. Pero la reacción ahora es muy distinta a la de septiembre, cuando las tropas del Kremlin se retiraron de la provincia de Járkov. Entonces, arreciaron las críticas. Pero en esta ocasión los más duros se han mordido la lengua. Estas voces achacan la medida a los errores cometidos en el pasado, antes del nombramiento del nuevo comandante de sus fuerzas combinadas, Serguéi Surovikin. Y citan como uno de estos fallos una movilización que consideran tardía. Sin embargo, militares, políticos y analistas de guerra rusos coinciden en que tarde o temprano volverán a Jersón. Consideran que solo es cuestión de reforzarse de nuevo. Por Javier G. Cuesta

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10 Nov 2022 - 17:17 UTC




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El ejército ruso se retira de la provincia de Mikolaiv

Por Cristian Segura desde Odesa. Las tropas rusas se han retirado de los dos últimos municipios de la provincia de Mikolaiv en los que todavía estaban presentes. El Ejército de Tierra ucranio ha confirmado que este jueves han sido liberados los pueblos de Yevhenivka y Bobrovii Kut. Solo esta semana, el retroceso ruso había permitido que Ucrania recuperase el control de una docena de asentamientos rurales de Mikolaiv.

La salida de la provincia por parte de las fuerzas rusas se enmarca en la orden anunciada por Moscú de replegar a sus tropas en la orilla oriental del río Dniéper para evitar que quedasen sitiadas ante el avance ucranio y las dificultades para aprovisionarlas. Los pueblos liberados esta semana en la provincia de Mikolaiv se encontraban desde hacía ocho meses en la línea de combate entre los dos Ejércitos, en el perímetro donde las posiciones rusas defendían su ocupación de la ciudad de Jersón.

En la imagen de Valentin Ogirenko, un militar ucranio habla con un capellán en un pueblo cerca de la ciudad recién recuperada de Snihurivka, en la región de Mikolaiv, este jueves.

10 Nov 2022 - 16:19 UTC




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La UE no aceptará visados rusos expedidos en Ucrania y Georgia

La Unión Europea no aceptará visados rusos expedidos en regiones ocupadas de Ucrania y Georgia, según el acuerdo político alcanzado este jueves por el Consejo, que representa a los Estados miembros de la UE, y el Parlamento Europeo. Dicho acuerdo prevé que los documentos de viaje rusos emitidos en regiones ocupadas por Rusia en Ucrania o territorios disidentes en Georgia, o para personas residentes en ellas, no se acepten como documentos de viaje válidos para obtener un visado o cruzar las fronteras del espacio Schengen.

“Esta decisión es una respuesta a la agresión militar no provocada e injustificada de Rusia contra Ucrania y la práctica de Rusia de emitir pasaportes internacionales rusos a los residentes de las regiones ocupadas”, ha señalado el Consejo de la UE en un comunicado. Desde la anexión ilegal de Crimea en 2014, Moscú emite pasaportes internacionales rusos a los residentes en esa región ucraniana, una práctica que se ha extendido después a otras zonas ocupadas como Donetsk, Luhansk, Jersón y Zaporiyia.

El órgano que representa a las capitales en la toma de decisiones en la UE también atribuyó el movimiento a “la decisión unilateral de Rusia de reconocer la independencia de los territorios georgianos de Abjasia y Osetia del Sur en 2008". El texto acordado tendrá que ser formalmente aprobado por el Consejo y el Parlamento Europeo para su adopción definitiva. (Efe)

10 Nov 2022 - 14:37 UTC




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Mapas | El mayor repliegue organizado por Rusia desde la salida de Kiev en marzo

La contraofensiva ucrania en la región de Jersón ha logrado su objetivo: expulsar a las tropas rusas de la margen occidental del río Dniéper. El anuncio de la retirada hecho por el Ministerio de Defensa de Rusia supondrá, cuando se ejecute, el mayor repliegue organizado por las tropas rusas desde la salida de finales de marzo del frente de Kiev. Las tropas ucranias lanzaron el pasado agosto una campaña de ataques que pretendía repeler a los rusos sin necesidad de una confrontación directa en el frente. Los ataques contra almacenes militares, lugares de concentración de tropas y centros logísticos han terminado por hacer insostenible la situación de los ocupantes, según afirma el Instituto para el Estudio de la Guerra (ISW). Por Javier Galán Mariano Zafra. 

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10 Nov 2022 - 13:40 UTC




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