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15 years in prison for a young man who broke into an apartment in Haifa and raped an 82-year-old blind woman - voila! news


The court sentenced Ahmed Khatib, who was convicted of raping an elderly woman, to 15 years in prison alongside the payment of compensation in the amount of NIS 90,000. According to the verdict, he broke into her home in the north of the country at night, when he committed the crimes

On video: Extension of detention for suspect of raping an elderly woman in Haifa (photo: Yoav Ityel, editing: Itai Amram)

The District Court in Haifa today (Thursday) sentenced Ahmed Khatib, who was convicted of rape and sexual offenses against an 82-year-old woman with visual impairments, to 15 years in prison when he broke into her apartment in the north of the country in August 2020. In addition to the prison term, the court ordered him to pay her NIS 90,000 in compensation .

According to the verdict, the 82-year-old was sleeping in her bed in the bedroom, and her boyfriend was sleeping on a couch in the living room.

So Khativ entered the apartment through the balcony and took a box of cigarettes and sunglasses from the living room.

After that, he entered the bedroom where the elderly woman was sleeping, touched her body and committed serious sexual offenses against her.

At some point, after feeling the back of his head, she realized that it was a stranger who entered the apartment.

The police arrested Hativ, who works as a concrete drilling contractor, after four days.

The YSM force accompanied the detectives of the Haifa Police Station, who went to Eliot to make the arrest. His detention was extended nine times, until the indictment was filed against him for the offenses of pretext without consent, acts of sodomy, indecent acts as well as breaking into an apartment to commit a crime.

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entered the bedroom where the elderly woman was sleeping, touched her body and committed sexual offenses against her.

The accused in the 80-year-old rape (Photo: Yoav Itiel)

The elderly woman's testimony was collected by the investigator Sergeant Efrat Harfi, who found her credible. The 80-year-old's testimony also agreed with the testimony of an acquaintance. Also, despite her blindness, she was able to provide a general description of the defendant's clothes. She even claimed that she felt sand on Hatib's clothes, which partially agreed with his version.

Also, the findings of Hatib's DNA were found on the bed sheets of the elderly woman.

Because he has a criminal record and was convicted of the offense of threats a few months before the incident in Haifa, his data already existed in the police database.

His fingerprints were also found on the 80-year-old's balcony.

The security cameras in the building even recorded Hativ in the public areas, in the lobby, as well as in the staircase.

It also emerged from the investigation that Khatib did not arrive in Haifa alone as he said, but together with a friend, in order to celebrate Eid al-Adha.

The investigation revealed that the two arrived in the city riding an ATV.

Hativ's friend testified and said that at some point the accused went to another place, and only returned after a few hours.

Early in the morning the two drove back to Eliot together.

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Broke into an apartment and raped: a 25-year-old from the north is accused of raping a blind elderly woman in Haifa

To the full article

15 years in actual prison for an 82-year-old man who raped her. Court in Haifa (photo: official website, Yoav Itiel)

In the verdict, the judges wrote: "In light of the defendant's physical and cognitive ability on the night of the incident as proven, the obligatory conclusion is that even if the defendant was indeed under the influence of a drug, this did not impair his basic abilities."

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  • sexual offenses

  • Haifa

Source: walla

All news articles on 2022-11-17

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