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The letter from Figaro of November 17, 2022


Europe bothered by American protectionism, the incident in Poland which awakens the threat of an extension of the Ukrainian conflict and an interview with three counter-spies whose word is rare.

Dear readers,

The news hasn't been the best in the world lately (we're sorry to be regularly the vector).

And in these moments, the tendency to withdraw into oneself is strong.

The Americans, for example, succumbed to it.

Global economic difficulties, geopolitical tensions and all their consequences have prompted Joe Biden to focus on his country exclusively, major anti-inflation plans in industrial investments.

To the great displeasure of the rest of the world, especially its allies who cannot help seeing a distortion of competition.

We will also return this morning to the false alarm in Poland which agitated everyone last night: it was believed that a Russian missile had crashed on Polish soil.

But no, it was just a Ukrainian air defense missile.

Phew, World War III is averted.

Even if the incident is not without consequence.

Read and you will know more.

Conventional wisdom plays...

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Source: lefigaro

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