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The head of the UN warns: Iran is considering harming the World Cup | Israel Today


From the British intelligence in preparation for an Iranian attack on London to the attempt to damage the World Cup games • General Aharon Haliva warns: "At the moment only Israel is actually acting against the nuclear program - time is moving forward and difficult moments of decision are getting closer"

"Iran is playing on the whole field - in some things above it and in some things below it," said today (Monday) the head of the National Security Agency, Major General Aharon Haliva, at the National Security Research Institute conference. 

"Iran is acting in the worst, most unusual and most shocking way. In London they are preparing for an Iranian attack - and they know what they are talking about. Iran is engaged in terrorism in the US as well.

I'm not convinced that the world understands the negative power they bring and the very big problem it represents.

In his words, the head of AMN referred to the effects of the protests in Iran on the regime. "The protests are extremely unusual both in terms of their location and their intensity.

They began to move to the stripes of Mary Civil - which is not the same thing.

The damage to the symbols of the government, the number of dead - all this creates a situation that is very troubling to the regime.

Combined with the economic situation and international pressure, this creates a disturbance in the regime that may endanger it.

At this point in time I do not see a danger to the regime, but the prophecy regarding public behavior is not a matter that can be expected with confidence. 

A police motorcycle catches fire during the protests in Iran, photo: AP

"As the pressure on Iran increases, and part of it is internal pressure, the Iranian response to various events is much more aggressive, and therefore we have to watch accordingly for its actions in the region and in the world. We see this as a desire to unleash terrorist activity - since the beginning of the year, including cyber, we already count close to - 100 Iranian terrorist acts. They attack in the Kurdish region, they want to launch an attack against Saudi Arabia and they are considering harming the World Cup - the thing that prevents them is the possible reaction of Qatar." 

The cover of "Israel Hayom" 17.11,

"As much as we warn - the world doesn't listen"

Regarding the nuclear program, he said, "The first thing that drives the Iranian regime is its survival. At this point in time, I estimate that a nuclear breakthrough would endanger the regime's survival. The Iranians manage to move forward with the nuclear project without provoking the wrath of the international community. As much as we warn, the world does not listen; but when violations are Human rights as part of the protest in Iran, including the harming of dozens of children, and when Iran recognizes as UAVs to Russia and lies about it - only then does the world raise its head. 

"We are already four and a half years after the US withdrew from the program, and in all this time the world has not taken any real actions against Iranian violations, and Iran is making progress.

In the last day there have been Iranian statements regarding the steps that Iran is going to take in response to the statement of the SAA Board of Governors from last week. 


Major General Aharon Haliva (archive), photo: IDF spokesman

"I guess it has to do with enrichment - Iran will toy with enrichment to 90% (the level needed for a bomb) and this will be the test moment of the international community, which is getting closer. They may start with a symbolic amount - but that's how it starts, the same was the case with enrichment to the level of 60% I wonder what the world will do when the news of this comes."

However, he qualifies: "At this point in time, I estimate that breaking into a bomb (enrichment of a sufficient quantity at the level of 90%) is, in Khamenei's opinion, something that will cause damage, and therefore it will not happen immediately. Once the enrichment to the level of 90% begins, the decision of the international community It is a big drama. At the moment, only Israel is actually acting against the nuclear program. Time is moving forward and difficult decision moments are getting closer.

"I know how to draw the disadvantages and advantages of returning to the agreement. I will not go into that, but I believe that at the current point in time there is a potential for opening a dialogue on a different nuclear agreement. The expiration dates of the original agreement are approaching and the previous agreement is already less relevant. It is possible to start talking with Iran or about activating Force against her, or on a completely new agreement.

"Israel currently acts alone and makes its own decisions regarding its national security, as it should do. Beyond that, there is a need for American backing that will be reflected at least in the silence of agreement and even in the possibility of considering the use of force at a later stage. We are deepening the dialogue with the Americans in these contexts - the trip of the Chief of Staff to the US is no less critical, it is necessary to reach an understanding with the US regarding the nuclear issue.

I would be happy if the last resort is the destruction of the nuclear program through an attack - America will be by our side in one way or another."

The Iranian-Russian connection

"Between countries there is no such thing as no recompense, so apart from the money that went from Russia to Iran - Tehran will demand a return. This can be in the form of intelligence, intelligence capabilities and weapons - I expect the demands to be many. I expect the Russians to know how to balance this with Israel, they also have Interests that do not match those of Iran. At this point in time, I do not recognize Russian interference in the IDF's freedom of action in Syria."

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2022-11-21

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