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A danger to democracy? We have not forgotten the ruling party that lacks public support Israel today


Even if the new opposition thinks it's undemocratic, the incoming government has a clear mandate to amend • From a change in the authority of the Civil Administration to the return of the governance that was lost

It seems that the fear for the future of democracy and the feeling that the new opposition sows as if the sky is about to fall, has the effect of a memory numbing bullet.

However, some of us still remember the recent past.

The outgoing government, headed by a party with zero public support, blatantly broke election promises and stole the minds of many.

Bennett and Lapid joined elements that strive to make the state of the Jewish people a "state of all its citizens", and sometimes supporters of terrorism.

The will of the majority, the rights of the minority and the trampled democracy did not bother them.

They also did not feel a threat to the Jewish and Zionist character and identity of the state in their most basic sense, and because of this they lost power.

Bennett and Lapid's Israel has fallen into a channel of mental suicide, sometimes unconsciously, while creepily eroding its positions vis-à-vis the Prime Minister, the National Assembly and the Labor Party.

The Zionist-Jewish train began to derail.


Isn't a prime minister with six mandates a danger to democracy?, Photo: Yoav Dudkevich

The deterioration was not only in the field of consciousness.

The impressive Jewish majority, which gave power to the Netanyahu bloc, ousted Bennett and Lapid mainly against the background of the slippery slope on which the outgoing government slid in regards to the lack of governance and sovereignty vis-à-vis some of Israel's Arab citizens.

For many months the loss of governance was expressed in manifestations of rebellion and rebellion, insolence and arrogance, in violence and blatant defiance.

It took place in the common spaces and the seam lines, on the roads and in the street.

A part of the Arab public felt, and still feels, that the time of the Jewish population here is limited, that they are the real owners here and the Jews are just passers-by;

It is necessary and possible to change the formal reality, which is apparently the opposite.

The Arab MKs as well as the Supreme Monitoring Committee of the Arabs of Israel gave support to this feeling, sometimes directly and sometimes implicitly. But everyone with eyes in their head understood exactly what it was about. Added to this was the trampling of the parties of the national camp in the Knesset while disrespecting their rights, along with kidnappers and attempts to kidnap real Arabs. The elections. Thus, for example, in the attempt to appoint the retired Chief Justice Mazuz for a full term in the committee for the selection of judges or in the agreement on the drawing of the maritime border with Lebanon.

Smotrich and Ben Gvir.

They surged in the elections, photo: Yehuda Peretz

Because of this, the government fell and its factions were defeated in the elections.

The success of Ben Gabir and Smotrich and their worldview was a central part of the victory of the Netanyahu bloc.

Even if the new opposition thinks it's undemocratic, the clear mandate of the emerging government is to fix these corruptions.

Some of them, by the way, are registered to the Netanyahu governments.

The question of how much and how to fix it can be debated, but the goals are super-legitimate.

It makes perfect sense that the Civil Administration, some of whose officials stuck sticks in the wheels of the settlement enterprise in Yosh, would be subordinated to ministers like Smotrich and Strock, who strive to deepen their grip on the ropes of the homeland in Judea and Samaria. The same is true in the case of Ben Gabir. The designated minister needs to refine his conduct and statements, but he has legitimacy To try to achieve governance and deterrence against the violence among some Israeli Arabs, the criminal gangs and the violence in the streets. The same is true for balances in the judicial system, including the rule of overcoming and changing the way judges are selected.

This is the nature of a regime change.

Now we have to turn a blind eye to calls that border on sedition and the denial of the legitimacy of the election results.

Even if the strange rotations and splits of various ministries do not bode well, the next government will be measured by the test of the result in the long run.

Hysterical shrieks are not a legitimate worldview or criticism.

They mainly express frustration and fear.

We should know how to distinguish between the two.

were we wrong

We will fix it!

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2022-12-07

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