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Nebenzia: America and the West are the cause of the Ukrainian crisis


New York-SANA, Russia's permanent representative to the United Nations, Vasily Nebenzia, explained that the roots of the Ukraine crisis go back to R

New York-SANA

Russia's permanent representative to the United Nations, Vasily Nebenzia, explained that the Ukraine crisis is rooted in the United States' desire to position itself as the world's policeman.

And the RT website quoted Nebenzia as saying during a meeting of the UN Security Council today: “The roots of the current situation in Ukraine are due to the unstoppable desire of the United States to play the role of the global policeman, a role that it has assigned to itself.”

"The real roots of this crisis also lie in the arrogance of the West and its utter unwillingness to consider the interests of others even when it comes to important things like state security," Nebenzia added.

And the Secretary of the Russian Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev, said earlier today that the US budget for the current year confirms that new wars are an American priority at the expense of the welfare of its citizens.

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Source: sena

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