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Joe Biden, increasingly complicated: they found new confidential documents at his home


The White House reported it this Saturday. They are classified records from his term as Barack Obama's vice president.

Controversy increasingly surrounds the president of the United States, 

Joe Biden

, who this Saturday found new confidential documents that were hidden in his Delaware home.

This was recognized by the White House, which reported the discovery of more classified records - belonging to his period as vice president of Barack Obama - and stated that the case will be investigated.

Documents found on Joe Biden's property.

The discovery adds to that of recent days when the president's legal team found two batches of documents in places that Biden frequents: in December they had been found in his garage and in November others in his former offices in the Penn Biden Center in Washington.

The case is already a scandal for the White House and has become a problem for the authorities.

Regarding the new discovery, government lawyer Richard Sauber reported in a statement that a total of six pages of secret documents were found during a search of Biden's private library.

The information refutes what was indicated by the White House, which reported that only one page was found there.

In this sense, Sauber said in a statement released this Saturday that Biden's personal lawyers - who did not have authorization to access classified material - stopped their search after finding the first page on Wednesday night and that they found the remaining material on the next day, while facilitating his recovery by the Department of Justice.

The apparent mishandling of classified official documents and records of the administration of then-President Barack Obama is being investigated by a former federal prosecutor, Robert Hur, who was appointed as special prosecutor Thursday by Attorney General Merrick Garland.

"While I was transferring them to the Department of Justice officials who were with me, an additional five pages with marks of secret material were discovered among the material, for a total of six pages," the White House lawyer said.

He added: "The Justice Department officials who were with me immediately took possession of them."

He also stated that the White House "is confident that a thorough review will show that these documents were inadvertently transferred, and that the president and his lawyers acted promptly upon discovering this error."

With information from agencies


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Source: clarin

All news articles on 2023-01-14

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