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It appears: the budget will be passed by the government by the end of February Israel today


A second and third reading is planned until the end of May • The government promised to pass the conscription law by the end of the budget transfer

The government's next steps:

Prime Minister Netanyahu and the ministers intend to pass the budget in the government by the end of February, with the date set to be 23.2.

The budget is planned to be passed by the government in first reading by the end of March, and in second and third reading by the end of May.

We will remind you that the government promised to pass the conscription law by the end of the budget.

Meanwhile, the Knesset approved the extension of the Norwegian law with 63 in favor and 54 opposed.

Now, Likud and the other coalition parties will be able to admit the following candidates on the list to the Knesset subject to the resignation of the ministers.

were we wrong

We will fix it!

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-01-16

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