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Her parents died at the hands of the Nazis and now she sends a message to Holocaust deniers


Monica Dawidowicz was born in 1941, in the basement of a ghetto in what is now Belarus. Her parents died victims of the Nazis during the | Latin America | CNN

Monica Dawidowicz was born in 1941, in the basement of a ghetto in what is now Belarus.

Her parents died victims of the Nazis during the Holocaust, and she was saved from it because she was adopted by a Catholic family.

Now, faced with the spread of a conspiracy theory facing the reality of the Jewish Holocaust, Monica sends a message to those who deny the Holocaust.

Watch the full interview on the CNN special "Anti-Semitism in the Americas" on Friday, January 27 at 10:00 pm Miami time.

Source: cnnespanol

All news articles on 2023-01-25

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