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Security officials: There is no change in the status quo on the Temple Mount ahead of Ramadan - voila! news


In Israel, they tried to convey reassuring messages to the Palestinians in the security coordination talks, against the background of Ben Gabir's statements and the tensions between Gallant and Smotrich. Security official: "It's time for the politicians to calm down the statements around the Temple Mount"

In the video: Ben Gvir: "Guardian of Walls 2 is coming - we will raise salaries for all police officers" (Photo: Roni Knafo)

In the past week, the IDF increased preparations and coordination with the Palestinian security mechanisms in preparation for Ramadan, which should begin near the end of March. Accordingly, the preparation and approval of operational plans that include scenarios of complex attacks, violent disturbances, security of roads, traffic congestion, opening of crossings at unusual hours and breakdowns at crossings began - and on the other hand aid for freedom of worship for a much larger number of worshipers than usual on the Temple Mount.

Wow! It was learned that during the talks for security coordination with senior Palestinian officials, messages were sent to senior officials of the Central Command and other senior security officials that there is concern in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip about the policy change in Ramadan. This is in light of the minister's statements For National Security Itamar Ben Gabir and the tensions between Defense Minister Yoav Galant and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich. The main concern in the West Bank is reducing the scope of the quotas for worshipers at Al-Aqsa and restrictions on movement or reducing the opening hours of the crossings in a way that would limit the scope of prayers.

The concern was conveyed through several channels and at several levels to the senior security establishment, who tried to reassure the Palestinians and claimed that there is no change in the status quo - neither around the Temple Mount nor in the preparations.

Security officials said that similar messages were received from the Jordanian side, which tried to find out about the extent of Israeli preparations and readiness to allow the holiday in an orderly manner.

A Palestinian tried to stab a soldier and was shot, near Kedomim, January 25, 2023 (Photo: Flash 90, Hillel Meir)

Security officials praised the work of the commander of the Binyamin Brigade, Lt. Col. Eliav Elbaz, in front of senior Palestinian officials in Ramallah.

They said that they made a great contribution to calming the area, but they warned that "disrupting the holiday's activities could lead to agitation and boiling of the area very quickly, and in a way that would lead to an attack almost every day, just like last year. It is forbidden to play this, so everything must be coordinated in advance , and talk about everything with the Palestinians to reflect the situation."

The security establishment is preparing for the possibility that inciting elements will try to inflame the issue, including from abroad, in order to create a sense of change in the status quo on the Temple Mount. "It is time for the politicians to calm down the statements around the Temple Mount because any inappropriate word can be interpreted as a change and a threat.

It's like fuel for instigators," a security source told Walla!.

In the meantime, it became known to Wala!

Because in the last day there were talks to calm the tension between Galant and Smotrich regarding the powers in the Ministry of Defense, especially on the issue of evacuating illegal outposts in particular.

The parties agreed that the work of the headquarters would continue with the intervention and leadership of the Prime Minister's Office.

  • news

  • Army and security


  • Al-Aqsa Mosque

  • Itamar Ben Gvir

Source: walla

All news articles on 2023-01-25

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