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Pensions: these elected officials who advocate civil disobedience


DECRYPTION - The illegality of actions is generally not a problem among ecologists or rebels. Syd-Rail trade unionist and Marxist presidential candidate Anasse Kazib is angry. There was indeed the claim by the CGT to have "placed in free" electricity or gas for hospitals, high schools, HLM... Bakers also would have benefited from reductions in their electricity bill. However, these illegal actions are isolated. To hear it, it would take “much more”. "The strikes of 1936 were not made in si

Syd-Rail trade unionist and Marxist presidential candidate Anasse Kazib is angry.

There was indeed the claim by the CGT to have

"placed in free"

electricity or gas for hospitals, high schools, HLM... Bakers also would have benefited from reductions in their electricity bill.

However, these illegal actions are isolated.

To hear it, it would take

“much more”.

"The strikes of 1936 were not made in silk and we must be ultra-subversive to succeed in making the government and Emmanuel Macron back down."

If the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, accuses the Nupes of wanting to

"mesh the country"


Anasse Kazib accuses

"the classic unions and the left of Jean-Luc Mélenchon of keeping control - for political purposes - on a slow rhythm of the movement by deciding the dates of mobilization, outside the general assemblies".

However, it is in the GAs that radical actions are decided.

“If they place a Saturday as the next day of mobilization

, he warns

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Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2023-01-29

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