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The Higher Committee for Church Affairs condemns the crimes of the occupation and its attacks on sanctities


Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- The Higher Presidential Committee for the Follow-up of Church Affairs in Palestine condemned the attack by Israeli settlers

Occupied Jerusalem - SANA

The Higher Presidential Committee for the Follow-up of Church Affairs in Palestine condemned the attack by Israeli settlers on the headquarters of the Armenian Patriarchate in occupied Jerusalem, stressing that the occupation practices target the Islamic and Christian sanctities of the Palestinians.

Wafa news agency quoted the head of the committee and a member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Ramzi Khoury, as saying: The continuation of the Israeli attacks and terrorist practices carried out by settlers against the Palestinian people and their sanctities is due to the absence of international law, the policy of double standards, and the international community’s silence regarding the crimes of the occupation forces and settlers and their repeated incursions into courtyards. Al-Aqsa Mosque and the attack on church property.

Khoury called for immediate and serious action by the international community to stop all forms of Israeli aggression and practices and hold Israeli criminals accountable, calling on heads and patriarchs of churches in the world to provide protection for the Palestinian people and their sanctities.

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Source: sena

All news articles on 2023-01-29

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