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The singer who married a ghost demands a divorce: "I'm afraid he's trying to get me pregnant" - Voila! Spirit and horoscope


The British singer who married the ghost of a Victorian soldier claims that she is haunted by the ghost of a screaming baby and that she is not prepared for the possibility of having a child

The singer who is in a relationship with a ghost just before the wedding (This Morning - ITV)

We continue to follow the developments in the most bizarre relationship we have come across to date: the pairing of British singer Brocard with the ghost of a Victorian soldier named Eduardo, who she says continues to torment her with his actions.

Just yesterday we celebrated Valentine's Day and we are a little sad to say that the ghost lover wants to divorce her ghost husband.

The reason?

According to her, he is trying to get her pregnant against her will: "The ghost of a screaming baby haunts me. I feel it in my stomach."

A little over a year ago, the 39-year-old Brockard, a singer and songwriter from Oxfordshire, England, revealed that she met Eduardo, a ghost of a soldier from the Victorian era, with whom she began to have a complex relationship.

Eduardo, who Brocard says died prematurely at age 35 after falling into a well, showed up at her house one night and hasn't let her go since.

When she revealed her affair on the ITV morning show, This Morning, he became violent towards her and decided to break up with her.

Brocard managed to win his heart again by writing a love song for her man, which she dedicated to Eduardo on Halloween.

A week after the pardon, Edward proposed to her - allegedly leaving a ring on her pillow and using the steam in the shower to write a question mark on the mirror.

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Despite the concerns that he would cheat on her with other women or as she points out "he won't be able to help me with the mortgage", the two recently got married in an embarrassing ceremony that was published online.

Brockard then claimed that Edward started with Marilyn Monroe at their wedding and completely ruined their honeymoon by drinking too much - making her pay for the damage.

Since then, it turns out, their marriage has seen mostly upheavals.

Recently Brocard said that she began to wonder about the continuation of the relationship and turned - together with Eduardo - to a couple's therapist to help them work on the communication problems between them.

The climax came when, according to her, it seems that her spiritual husband is trying to get her pregnant against her will.

She said that she asked her husband to prove to her that he wants their marriage to survive, otherwise it will probably end between them.

Since then she says that the ghost of a screaming baby has been haunting her.

She also says she saw visions of a cradle rocking at the end of her bed.

The moment the groom kisses the bride:

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The vows:

Brockard told the DailyStar: "For the past few weeks, before going to bed every night I took it upon myself to navigate my future by addressing Eduardo directly and honestly. I told him firmly that I was not happy with the relationship and asked him repeatedly to clarify why he started chasing me? What is he want from our relationship? I bluntly asked him to show me a sign that he is still present in our marriage."

She added: "From that moment on, I started waking up to the sound of a baby crying. The scream is almost deafening, blood-curdling and it doesn't stop. The only way I silenced it was by screaming again, loud until I ran out of air in my lungs - and then it was gone. I'm terrified Totally and if this is Eduardo's sign then I think he is evil and I want nothing more to do with him. Furthermore, I saw visions of a cradle rocking at the foot of my bed. I turned towards it, turned it over but there was no baby inside. I also experienced severe stomach pains, As if something inside my stomach was kicking me. At first I believed it was severe digestive problems, but I never eat cheese before bed and even after taking heartburn tablets, it continued."

She concluded: "I've only been married for a few months and it feels too much to me. I'm just not ready to be haunted by a phantom baby on top of all that. I'm not ready for a child."

The song she wrote for him:

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And here is an excerpt from the song at their wedding:

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The surprising development came after a tumultuous first Christmas together, which led the two to the decision to seek couples counseling with a psychic.

The therapist sensed the ghost's deep love for Brockard and said it was critical that the two work on their communication skills.

During the sessions with the psychic, Brockard was amused by the therapist's suggestion to adopt the ghost of a blue-eyed cat, but when the psychic talked about a baby being on the horizon - it was all a bit too much for her.

This is her first interview:

And the update that came after the marriage:

She added: "Honestly, this information really caught me off guard. Naturally, because my husband is no longer alive, the possibility of us ever having children was never something that even crossed my mind. The thought is quite crazy and creepy. I saw the consultation with the psychic as a last starting point for our relationship , as I quickly came to the conclusion that my husband cannot give me what I need in this relationship - and the ghost of a crying baby will definitely not help our marriage."

She is not alone

Received a marriage proposal from a ghost: he is my best sex

To the full article

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So far it is not clear whether Brocard really intends to banish the spirit from her life, but we have a feeling that the two will still resolve their problems and that she will soon announce her first pregnancy with triplets, when in the end they will have two ghosts with whom she can communicate through toy dolls and one that is half ghost and half Human.

Well, you see, we can invent things too.

  • Spirit and horoscope

  • Supernatural


  • Ghosts

Source: walla

All news articles on 2023-02-14

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