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Traffic chaos due to a total cutoff of picketers on Avenida 9 de Julio: they threaten to camp again


They go to the Ministry of Social Development to set up tents to demand social plans. It was after harsh statements by Victoria Tolosa Paz.

Piquetero groups

are already demonstrating

this afternoon in the center of the City of Buenos Aires, for which they generate

traffic problems and a total blockade on Avenida 9 de Julio


They claim against the suspension of social plans of the Potenciar Trabajo program, a decision ratified this Wednesday by Minister

Victoria Tolosa Paz, who harshly criticized them


Around 4:00 p.m., the demonstrators gather

in the Obelisk area and on 9 de Julio and Independencia

, from where they will go to the Ministry of Development, on 9 de Julio between Moreno and Belgrano.

They assure that

they will make a camp in front of the building

, in demand of social plans after the Government canceled 100,000 of those programs.

Private cars are diverted on Corrientes avenue at the height of Callao, since part of the protesters began their mobilization at the height of Uruguay and at the Obelisk.

The cut is total in 9 de Julio and Corrientes in the south direction.

There are also cuts on 9 de Julio at the height of Carlos Calvo, on the one hand, and at the intersection with Moreno, on the other.

The picketers had already mobilized in January after Tolosa Paz's announcement that it would cancel social plans.

Photo Emmanuel Fernandez

In addition, the exits of the 25 de Mayo Highway to the wide Buenos Aires avenue were closed.

The advance of the demonstrators affects the operation of the Metrobus lanes.

The protest calls for the cessation of the 160,000 suspensions to the beneficiaries of the Potenciar Trabajar plan, after an audit carried out by Minister Tolosa Paz.

"The Piquetero Unit is not willing to accept that people in a state of almost total vulnerability, are the victims of this adjustment," the protesters expressed through a statement released in advance.

Victoria Tolosa Paz confirmed the cancellation of the Potenciar Trabajo social plans.

And they added: "We demand that all adjustments to those who have less be suspended, that programs be opened for those who need it, and that the miserable amount charged by colleagues who have an Enhance Job be increased."

After the harsh warning, and minutes after the march began, Victoria Tolosa Paz confirmed the loss of 160,000 plans.

"What the Ministry of Social Development needs is to put all the effort into the educational and labor inclusion of Potenciar Trabajo, away from the picket line, away from extortion based on some interests that are very far from those that the Ministry has to have" said the Minister of Social Development.

In addition, he questioned the Polo Obrero and Barrios de Pie-Libres del Sur, the movements behind Unidad Piquetera, whom he accused of "using the poorest" in the election year.

"The Ministry is not a ministry of the piqueteros

, it is a Ministry of Social Development that has to fight for public policy, social policy, so that the most vulnerable sectors of Argentina can find the transfer of income to be able to survive," Tolosa concluded. Paz, in dialogue with

FM Delta


Eduardo Belliboni, leader of the Polo Obrero.

For his part, Eduardo Belliboni questioned the terms of the process in which plans were dropped.

"The Government did not carry out an audit. An audit is going to the neighborhood or to the place where the person makes the consideration and see if he does it. Do not ask for the Internet on a page where it took the person hours to enter a place where everything the world does not have Internet", said the referent of the Polo Obrero.

"So there was no audit and they did not verify that any person was not doing their job. What they did was a virtual audit, audit in quotes," he completed this noon on

AM Del Plata


News in development


look also

Before the camp, Victoria Tolosa Paz confirmed the loss of 100,000 plans and crossed the social movements: "We are not the ministry of the piqueteros"

Andrés "Cuervo" Larroque, Axel Kicillof and the heads of the CGT confirm that they will go to the political table and the names are defined

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2023-02-15

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