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Opinion Alsheikh's Rebellion Israel today


In a reformed country, Alsheikh's words would have summoned him to an urgent meeting with police investigators, this time in the role of the investigated. In Israel, we are used to the right-wing government being allowed to attack

When the historians of the future will be in the headlines from the beginning of 2023, the shocking speech of retired police commissioner Roni Alsheich at the kibbutz leaders' conference will surely be hailed as crossing a bright red line.

Those who were in charge of law enforcement until recently sought to challenge the most important foundations of the rule of law and of any reformed democratic state, when one doubted that one persuaded the commanders of the security forces to rebel against the Israeli government.

The crazy spiral into which the opponents of the legal reform forcefully put us has risen, according to Alsheich, to levels we did not know.

Even before, keeping one's tongue was not one of the strengths of public figures from the left in Israel, but there should be a limit to their insolence and irresponsibility, and this limit runs through the sections of the Penal Code.

Alsheikh crossed the border with a rough foot, knowingly and defiantly.

Although he disguised his blunt words as a "forecast", the disguise does not diminish their severity.

Alsheikh openly spoke about the fact that in his opinion the Shin Bet, the Mossad, the IDF and the police will not obey the instructions of the elected government, and took a significant step towards starting an armed rebellion.

It is true that his colleagues at Tarlalat had already incited the violation of the law, but they were content with calling for a civil uprising.

I will film an actual military coup, one that, like in the last third world countries, involves all the security agencies under the wings of the conspiracy.   

Contrary to Elsheich, Israeli law rules out coups and clearly determines who the security agencies are subordinate to.

Section 4 (a) of the General Security Service Law, 5752 2002, explicitly states that "the service is subject to the government", and Section 4 (b) of the law even clarifies that "the Prime Minister is in charge of the service on behalf of the government".

Similarly, Basic Law: The Army defines in section 2 that "the army is subject to the government's spite", and that "the minister in charge of the army on behalf of the government is the minister of defense".

The police and the Mossad are also subordinate to the executive authority, that is, to the government that received the trust of the Knesset, and to its head.

This is of course the situation all over the democratic world: the elected officials are in charge of the enforcement and security authorities, and no one other than them - whether he is a judge or a thinker or the former police commissioner - is not allowed to give instructions to the army, the police or the secret services.

How to call a call to the security bodies not to listen despite the government?

Even on this issue, Israeli law leaves no room for doubt.

This is a crime of sedition in the simplest sense, therefore those who label the leaders of the campaign against legal reform "anarchists" are doing them a great disservice.

Anarchists believe that society should not have government institutions, and advocate the abolition of all hierarchical structures.

On the other hand, the instigators of the rebellion against the legitimate government, which was established in Israel following the clear victory of the national camp in the elections, actually believe in the power of government - and they seek to take this government for themselves by violence, while maliciously using the power of the hierarchical institutions, which are meant to protect against threats, just like the threat their.

One can only wonder with concern and sadness at the speed with which the Israeli left made its way from a legitimate protest to turning its back completely on the rule of law and the principles of democracy.

Elsheich's predecessors' calls for the parade of instigators suddenly seem gentle - they "only" ignited sparks of a fratricidal war, he speaks of seizing power by force of arms.   

In a reformed country, Alsheikh's words would have summoned him to an urgent meeting with police investigators, this time in the role of the investigated.

In Israel we are used to the fact that if you attack the right-wing government - everything is allowed, even sedition.

The absence of the threat of the law encourages Elsheich and his colleagues to cross red line after red line, until it seems that there are no red lines left that have not yet been crossed.

At this rate, violent action by the opposition becomes a matter of time. 

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-02-27

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