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Opinion National security has become a position Israel today


The Arab-Palestinian periphery focused its arrows of action against the Israeli-Jewish periphery • "The Second Palestine" arose over "The Second Israel"

Since May 21, Israel has been subjected to continuous and diverse violence - criminal and nationalist crime and civil anarchy, which comes from all parts of the Palestinian system: the Arabs of Israel, the Bedouin in the Negev, the Arabs of East Jerusalem, Yosh and Gaza. This is an attempt to collapse the strategic order that brought Israel security stability and economic prosperity .

Most of the elements of Israeli society and politics deal superficially with a phenomenon that has a deep impact on national security, while issuing superficial explanations for what is happening on the ground (incitement and incitement again and again).

The reason for this is not accidental, it concerns the politicization of Israel's national security matters.

The social and political periphery - the Fatah youth, the "Lion's Den", the wanted of the Islamic Jihad, the members of Hamas - produces the violence in the geographical periphery: the area of ​​northern Samaria, the Negev and the Galilee, the mixed cities. These refuse to accept the idea of ​​"economic peace" and try to convert The same in ideological identity politics.

The Arab-Palestinian periphery focused its arrows of action against the Israeli-Jewish periphery.

It's not just that the Arab violence was aimed at Lod, the Gaza Strip, Neve Ya'akov, agricultural thefts in the Galilee, cases like the Bedouin youth who broke into a Jewish family's home in the south and tried to rape a 10-year-old girl, and of course, a group that will forever be seen as the periphery - the residents of Judea and Samaria.

"Palestine the second" arose on "Israel the second".

In the second intifada (2000) the violence reached the heart of the Israeli "center", and we saw attacks in Tel Aviv, such as the attack on the Dolphinarium.

But this time the violence was almost not aimed at the districts of "Israel the First", which influenced the tendency to deny reality and to frame the Palestinian violence with narrowing characteristics.

Such is the concern of the security establishment to deal with the Iran issue - the tendency of the left to deny the weakness of the "partner" and the tendency of Israeli society to return to normality.

The security escalation coincided with the tenure of the "Government of Change", which was identified with "Israel the First" and enjoyed media immunity, including in the security matter.

The space of denial and blurring has many partners, consciously or not.

This trend, of the politicization of national security, is intensified under the auspices of the struggle for legal reform that is being waged between the incumbent government, which allegedly represents "the second Israel", and the organizers of the protests, "the first Israel".

The media attack and the political capital that public figures are making of the incident in Hvara indicate an attempt to blur between cause and effect, and an attempt to burden the security reality on the periphery of the settlers.

So is the Tel Aviv march of Jews carrying "Palestine" flags, and the difficulty of the initiators of the protests to show national solidarity, and to postpone some of the protest events that took place near serious attacks.

It seems that even national security issues, which in the past were above all controversy, have become a victim of political positions.

In national terms, it is a catastrophe and a reflection of a process of disintegration in which internal solidarity evaporates, the defining common foundations are lost and statehood is trampled, which many talk about but are blind to its true meaning.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-03-01

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