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The weather for Monday March 6: the clouds are gaining ground, snow in the East in the morning


With the digging of a depression in the North Sea, the weather deteriorates. A disturbance in the north of the country is expected.

The sun resists in the south-east of the country, but the sky varies greatly over the rest of the territory.

This Monday, March 6 marks the beginning of a change in weather from the North with the arrival of a disturbance and some rain.

Snow is appearing near the Belgian and German borders.

In the South-West, after a sunny weekend, the clouds are returning, announces

La Chaîne Météo


The weather in your area

From the

coasts of the English Channel

and Brittany



Paris basin,

in the

Centre-Val de Loire

and the

Grand Est,


and the

Jura , the


was gray and humid with some very light scattered rain.

It snows lightly from the Ardennes to Alsace from 300 to 400 meters, with a light hold on the ground in the morning.

Caution, precisely, in the morning from the Center to Burgundy and Alsace with a very slight risk of ice due to slightly negative temperatures at the time of the arrival of these light precipitations.

The minimums range from -2 to 2°C and from 6 to 9°C in the afternoon.

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From the

north of Aquitaine

to the two


, the sky is quite cloudy, without rain.

The sky becomes more cloudy in the evening.

Temperatures are low in the morning, with minimums between -3 and 0°C, and reach maximum values ​​between 7 and 10°C in the afternoon.

From the


to the

south of the Alps

and the


, after the dissipation of low clouds in the plains of Aquitaine and the valley of the Garonne, the sun imposes itself quite clearly in an atmosphere ventilated by the mistral and the tramontana near the Mediterranean.

The west wind is sensitive, blowing up to 70 km / h in gusts on the west of Corsica where showers are triggered.

Temperatures are low in the morning and vary between -2 and 5°C, but warm up during the day with highs between 10 and 15°C.

*The Weather Channel is a property of the Figaro group.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2023-03-05

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