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In Ukraine, the war is igniting intra-family violence: the story of the special envoy of Le Figaro


REPORT – Across the country, 105 “mobile brigades” of social services were set up last August to help victims of physical, psychological or economic violence.

Special envoy to kyiv

To discover

  • LIVE - Pensions: follow the new day of demonstration against the reform this Tuesday

  • Follow information on the war in Ukraine with the Figaro application

Wrapped up in her coat, her short hair hidden in a pink cap that matches her glasses, the frail forties waits in the middle of the parking lot.

Around, the bars of residential buildings are trickling out young people in jogging braving the cold to smoke, before disappearing again into these greyish hives.

The van finally arrives.

Valeria climbs in.

Barely the door closed, the vehicle takes him a little further away.

“We display the logo of social services: it is better to move away for more discretion”,

explains Hennaidy Godzik, social worker for the municipality of Kiev.

There is the gaze of the neighbors, of course.

But what most worries Valeriia, who incidentally gives an alias, is that her daughter Katya sees her.

Traumatized as a teenager by the death of her best friend, then by years under the influence of a violent spouse who almost killed her several times, the young woman sinks into drugs...

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Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2023-03-07

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