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Scooters: how cities are trying to restore order


INQUIRY – While the government should soon announce a stricter national framework, Paris will submit their ban to the vote of the inhabitants. In the other metropolises, everyone goes out of their way to avoid anarchy.

They are already in the hot seat.

Appearing in numbers in our cities only five years ago, electric scooters are still causing discord, despite attempts at regulation.

In Paris, Mayor Anne Hidalgo has thrown in the towel: she no longer wants these self-service machines offered by three operators.

A position contested on the merits as well as on the form by the opposition.

Because instead of assuming this choice, the socialist councilor relies on the Parisians, invited to vote on April 2 to say whether or not they want to keep these 15,000 "cars" offered in "free floating".

The opposition, which has made the scooter a political subject, smells the maneuver there.

This passage through the ballot box would allow the mayor of Paris not to change his mind.

"Champion of communication, the mayor backpedals on a political decision that she had taken herself"

, underline the elected Macronists in a forum relayed by the press.

And to question:

“If the mayor of Paris asserts herself as the cantor…

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Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2023-03-09

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