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Bomb attack: Japan's prime minister was evacuated during an election due to a bomb


Fumio Kishida was unharmed after being attacked during an activity in the city of Wakayama. The alleged attacker was arrested.

Japanese Prime

Minister Fumio Kishida was evacuated

from an election activity in the city of Wakayama on Saturday after an explosion occurred while visiting the port of Saikazaki.

The explosion occurred while Kishida was preparing to give an electoral speech in that place, for which he was immediately removed from the area by the security services.

The Wakayama police reported that a 24-year-old man from the Hyogo region (west) was arrested, who was identified as the attacker.

Wakayama police caught the suspected attacker.

Photo: AP

The event occurred less than a year after the assassination of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who was attacked by a former soldier who shot him during an electoral act in July 2022.

"There was a loud explosion (...). The police are investigating the details, but I would like to apologize for worrying people and causing them trouble," Kishida said a few kilometers from the scene of the incident.

The Japanese prime minister was in the port city of Saikazaki to deliver a speech in support of the election campaign of one of his party's Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) candidates when the attack occurred.


I saw that something was thrown, but I was able to escape and at that time I could hear the explosion," said the prime minister

, who also indicated that despite the attack "

he will continue with his electoral acts

scheduled for today and tomorrow," in statements to a high-ranking official of his party, according to the state channel NHK.

With information from AFP

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Source: clarin

All news articles on 2023-04-15

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