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Elections 2023: 'Argentina is not a country to be governed by lukewarm people', Patricia Bullrich's message to the inmate of Together for Change


Electoral assembly, launches, cross statements and surveys, in live coverage. The Frente de Todos, Juntos por el Cambio, leftist and liberal spaces define their candidacies for the 2023 elections and confront each other with crossed statements. I followed the coverage minute by minute on the way to PASO and the general elections in October. LIVENews in Development 23.04.2023 12:39 12:39 p.m. "If Cristina Kirchner says so, we will bank Sergio Massa," said the head of AFI

The Frente de Todos, Juntos por el Cambio, leftist and liberal spaces define their candidacies for the 2023 elections and confront each other with crossed statements.

I followed the coverage minute by minute on the way to PASO and the general elections in October.

LIVENews in Development

23.04.2023 12:39

12:39 p.m.

"If Cristina Kirchner says so, we will bank Sergio Massa," said the head of AFIP

"We have a leader and if she says we should follow a candidate, we are going to do it," said Carlos Castagneto, head of AFIP, in radio statements.

And he added, in dialogue with Futurock, that "if Cristina says so, we will bank Massa."

Keep reading

23.04.2023 12:32

12:32 p.m.

Patricia Bullrich: "Argentina is not a country to be governed by lukewarm people"

23.04.2023 11:23


Nicholas Winazki

The K threat to Alberto Fernández to renounce re-election: "We are going to throw you with everything" 

President Alberto Fernández together with Cristina Fernández, receives the attributes from the hands of former Mauricio Macri.

Photos Emmanuel Fernandez

Alberto Fernández looked at everyone around him, or seemed to do so, turning his head from one side to the other, although as if taking a general, somewhat vague look.

He adjusted the microphone.

And he spoke.

His speech opened the debate at the PJ National Council meeting.

Neither Vice Cristina Kirchner nor her son, Deputy Máximo Kirchner, were there.

That morning, last Friday, the Head of State had once again paid attention to them, complying with one of the many requests made to him in public statements, and with variable tones.

Fernández had informed, through a video uploaded to his social networks, that he would not seek his re-election.


23.04.2023 10:29


Final stretch before the closing of lists of candidates for the provincial elections in Mendoza 

The province of Mendoza is going through the final stretch before the closing, at 11:59 p.m., of the lists and their candidates for the 2023 provincial elections, in which the ruling party has Alfredo Cornejo (Cambia Mendoza Front) as its main candidate for governor and will compete with its former partner Omar De Marchi (La Unión Mendocina), while the PJ and the Left Front will decide their candidates in the PASO, on June 11.

In these provincial elections Mendoza will have four fronts that will compete in the elections scheduled for September 24, in which two of them the Justicialista Party and the Left Front will decide their candidates in PASO.

23.04.2023 09:56


Eduardo Paladini

The first poll came out after Alberto's landslide: fight vote by vote for the presidential elections 

Alberto Fernández will not go for re-election.

The survey, face-to-face, national and of 1,402 cases, was carried out between April 5 and 15, while Alberto Fernández maintained the internal fiction of his possible re-election.

But it was released over the weekend, after the president confirmed that this time he will not be from the game.

And he measured STEP scenarios without the president, so it is a very good thermometer of how the Frente de Todos is standing.


22.04.2023 21:46


Ricardo Kirschbaum

Massa is left alone on the grid but it does not start and the trick of giving up what cannot be

The Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa.

Photo: EFE

An old and forceful conclusion from Perón comes as a glove to illustrate the last hours of Fernández candidate.

In 1972, General Alejandro Agustín Lanusse, president of the dictatorship at the time, tried to negotiate with Juan Domingo Perón the conditions for a political solution to another of the many calamities of Argentine politics.

He thought he was capable of that complicated chess and tried a move to make the caudillo who was in exile in Madrid uncomfortable.

As if inviting him to copy it, Lanusse spread the version that he excluded himself from the elections as a candidate for the then-called Great National Agreement (GAN).

Perón responded with an irony that can be read in “Meeting Perón”, an interesting personal testimony of Juan Manuel Abal Medina about those dramatic years:

"That Lanusse is banned as a candidate for the presidency is as if I were banned from the throne of England."

Little can be so clear.

Read more here.

22.04.2023 21:22


Claudio Lozano will be a pre-candidate for president in the internship of the Frente de Todos

It was ratified this Saturday by Popular Unity, which is part of the official coalition.

"The Frente de Todos will be a popular alternative to the neoliberal adjustment and libertoid fascism or it will be nothing," said Lozano.

The economist questioned "the centrality of the presence of Sergio Massa" and assured that he will not accept "as the leadership of the Frente de Todos a conservative orientation and subservient to the interests of the United States, the International Monetary Fund and the main business groups of the Argentina".

22.04.2023 21:15

9:15 p.m.

Agustín Rossi, with Tolosa Paz in Ensenada: "It will not be the right that solves the problems"

22.04.2023 21:04


"Inflation, Sergio", the chicana from Guillermo Moreno to Massa

22.04.2023 20:51


Nicholas Winazki

The K threat to Alberto Fernández to renounce re-election: "We are going to throw you with everything"

Alberto Fernández left the Casa Rosada to attend the meeting of the Frente de Todos at the PJ headquarters.

Photo: EFE

Alberto Fernández looked at everyone around him, or seemed to do so, turning his head from one side to the other, although as if taking a general, somewhat vague look.

He adjusted the microphone.

And he spoke.

His speech opened the debate at the PJ National Council meeting.

Neither Vice Cristina Kirchner nor her son, Deputy Máximo Kirchner, were there.

That morning, last Friday, the Head of State had once again paid attention to them, complying with one of the many requests made to him in public statements, and with variable tones.

Fernández had informed, through a video uploaded to his social networks, that

he would not seek re-election

from him.

Read more here.

22.04.2023 20:33


Santiago Cafiero: "Let the militancy have the pen"

22.04.2023 19:58


Patricia Bullrich, campaigner in Moreno: "Politics is caring for citizens and victims, that's why whoever does it pays"

Patricia Bullrich in Moreno.

The pre-candidate for president for Together for Change insisted this Saturday with her speech that she puts the axis on security and warned: "We cannot allow them to kill Argentines as they are killing them."

"We cannot allow Rosario to continue being a taken over city, we had managed there to lower crime rates by 30% in 3 years, we had managed to make people have peace of mind again," Bullrich insisted.

The president of the PRO, on leave during the campaign, sent another message that seems to point to the inmate of Together for Change: "Argentina is not a country to be governed by lukewarm people, Argentina needs a lot of strength and courage to make it come true ".

22.04.2023 19:28


The Civic Coalition confirmed that Lilita Carrió is its pre-candidate for president

Congress of the Civic Coalition in Bragado.

The president of the Buenos Aires Civic Coalition, Maricel Etchecoin, said it during a party congress in Bragado that was also attended by the candidate for governor for the PRO, Diego Santilli, and the also aspirant to lead the province but for radicalism, Maximiliano Abad.


we have a candidate and it is Lilita Carrió

," said Etchecoin, adding: "In the Province we are very clear that unity is the strength for a national project and it must be represented by the best of us."

He also insisted that "whoever does not understand that the province of Buenos Aires has to be in a national project because it is the base to govern, it is played on December 10."

Also present at the meeting were the president of the CC and national deputy, Maximiliano Ferraro;

the head of the block of deputies, Juan Manuel López;

the deputies Mónica Frade, Victoria Borrego and Mariana Stilman;

the provincial deputy Luciano Bugallo;

the provincial senators Elisa Carca and De Leo;

PRO legislators Pablo Torello, Mauricio Chueco Viviani, and UCR Erica Revilla, among others.

22.04.2023 18:56


They assure that the delay of Together for Change in defining candidates for Buenos Aires governor "favors Kicillof"

Gustavo Posse with Gerardo Morales in an act in Vicente López.

The mayor of San Isidro and historic radical leader, Gustavo Posse, warned this Saturday that

"favors Axel Kicillof" the delay of the PRO, the UCR and the Civic Coalition

in each electing a pre-candidate for the Buenos Aires governorship with a view to internal elections STEP of August 13.

Posse, one of the UCR pre-candidates for the Buenos Aires governorship, said that the existence of more than six JxC applicants for that position "allows Kicillof to install his image" with a view to re-election despite his "terrible management". Read more here.

22.04.2023 18:33


Tolosa Paz requested STEP in the Province but said that "it is not yet time for candidacies"

The Minister of Social Development of the Nation, Victoria Tolosa Paz, led this afternoon in Ensenada a plenary session with leaders of her sector called "Camino a la Victoria".

From there, the official asked that there be a STEP for the Province of Buenos Aires, although

she did not say whether or not she will be a candidate

for the governorship.

"Each compañero has a pen that implies that each one can be able to put together their list of political participation and submit to the popular vote to build victory in each municipality in the Province of Buenos Aires and thus push the great national election. From that It's about the Road to Victory."

However, minutes later, he stated that it is not yet the time to announce candidates: "It is

not time for candidacies

, there is still time for that. It is time, instead, to write the rules of the game," he said.

22.04.2023 18:05


Aníbal Fernández pointed out against "the arrogance of La Cámpora" and said that it "hurts" him that Cristina Kirchner "fixes them"

Aníbal Fernández in the act led by Victoria Tolosa Paz in La Plata.

In the midst of the internal official party and the open debate on the candidacies in the Frente de Todos, the day after President Alberto Fernández declined to seek re-election, the Minister of Security, Aníbal Fernández, again launched harsh criticism against the Kirchnerist group La Cámpora and regretted that Cristina Kirchner "fixed them."

"We must not meekly accept that arrogance of La Cámpora, we must not meekly accept that they want to show us that they belong to an enlightened vanguard. They are not a vanguard and they are not enlightened," Fernández shot when opening an act in La Plata led by the minister of Development, Victoria Tolosa Paz.

Read more here.

22.04.2023 17:35


Paula Lugones

Is Javier Milei a "mini Trump"?

How are they alike and what do they think in the United States?

Javier Milei during a speech before businessmen in La Rural.

Photo: Bloomberg.

What at one time was considered a marginal, almost bizarre phenomenon, has now become central to Argentine politics.

Officials, economists and experts who follow the ups and downs of our country from the United States observe with perplexity and concern the progress in Javier Milei's polls and cannot help but compare him with Donald Trump, who began his run for the White House as an eccentric and he ended up in the presidency against what the establishment expected.

Today, as the frontrunner for the Republican Party for 2024, he remains in the center of the political ring.

As Clarín learned, the figure of the libertarian economist usually flies over the private talks between Argentine and US officials who are interested in our country.

Of course they talk about the candidates of Together for Change and the ups and downs of the Frente de Todos.

But more and more they are asked about “Little Trump” or “Little Bolsonaro” and what their positions are because in Washington – beyond the stridency of their rhetoric – they are not very clear.

Read more here.

22.04.2023 16:56


Gustavo Posse: "The measurements give me so that I can represent Together for Change in the Province of Buenos Aires"

Gustavo Posse, mayor of San Isidro, joined the fight for the governorship of the province and affirmed that "the measurements give him" to stay with the inmate of Together for Change. 

"There are candidates for governor in the Province of Buenos Aires, the PRO is trying to have two candidates and also radicalism is trying to unify a position so that this is the candidate for governor. I am within that. The measurements give me so that can represent Together for Change,” he said. 

He also charged against the Frente de Todos.

“That Sergio Massa is the candidate of the FDT unit is a difficult bet.

Nobody wants everything to go wrong so that later it turns out that Massa or the government does even worse.

In appearance, it does not give the feeling that in this little time that remains I can achieve unity, "he said in an interview on Radio Milennium

22.04.2023 16:33

4:33 p.m.

Mario Negri: "Society expects nothing more from the Government"

The national deputy for the province of Córdoba, Mario Negri, shot at the government.

"Someone turn on the light because the government turned it off."  

"There is enormous uncertainty. Someone wants me to tell them if the crisis stops and where we are going. The acceleration of the crisis is not a probability, it already exists and it is a certainty. Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow," he said in a dialogue with "Teenage Country" on CNN Radio.

"The Arrive Plan has already failed and stretching the fuse is not enough. The problem is not flu, it is pneumonia and the government is intubated and undergoing therapy. They have to take measures that are more consistent and forceful. That they assume responsibility for the moment," attacked. 

22.04.2023 15:46


Máximo Kirchner agitates the inmate of the Frente de Todos: "It is very complex if each sector questions its contribution for a place more or less on the lists"

Maximo Kirchner, in Ferro

The day after the decision of President Alberto Fernández to decline his candidacy for re-election and in the midst of the political and economic crisis that is shaking the Government, Máximo Kirchner once again agitated the internal Frente de Todos by questioning that there are sectors of the ruling party that "They question his contribution for a place more or less in the lists."

Read more

22.04.2023 15:13


Patricia Bullrich anticipated that she already has a shock policy ready and played down the importance of Alberto Fernández's announcement

Bullrich, during an event in La Rural (Germán Garcia Adrasti)

La precandidata presidencial del PRO, Patricia Bullrich, anticipó que ya piensa en un plan "de shock" para "ordenar realmente la Argentina" en caso de ser elegida en las próximas elecciones. A la par, cargó contra el kirchnerismo y le restó importancia a la decisión de Alberto Fernández de no competir por una reelección. Leer más

22.04.2023 14:38


Gabriel Katopodis: "Empieza a destrabarse el partido y ahora hay que ir a ganarlo"

El ministro de Obras Públicas de la Nación, Gabriel Katopodis, aseguró que "el peronismo se va a ir ordenando" luego de la decisión del presidente Alberto Fernández de no ir en búsqueda de su reelección y utilizó una metáfora futbolera para definir la situación actual: "Empieza a destrabarse el partido y ahora hay que ir a ganarlo".

"El peronismo se va a ir ordenando y nos va permitiendo encontrar las mejores reglas de juego, el mejor escenario en el que el peronismo tiene que ser muy competitivo en las próximas elecciones. Empieza a destrabarse el partido y ahora hay que ir a ganarlo", enfatizó Katopodis.

En diálogo con LA990, el funcionario nacional consideró que la decisión del jefe de Estado corresponde a "pararse por arriba y ponerse al frente de la estrategia electoral" del Frente de Todos.

"La militancia y la sociedad valoran cuando un dirigente político toma una decisión como la que tomó el Presidente, que va a poner todo el esfuerzo y la energía en la agenda más urgente que tenemos", puntualizó.

22.04.2023 14:18


Morales: "Milei sería un salto al vacío, bastante con Alberto"

El precandidato presidencial del radicalismo, Gerardo Morales, volvió a cargar contra javier Miel, y sostuvo que votar al economista "sería un salto al vacío". "Bastante con Alberto", ironizó.

"Con Milei estaríamos en un nivel de esquizofrenia colectiva. Son trastornados que no pueden gobernar el país, con todo respeto", disparó Morales. 

"No va a ser presidente Milei, va a gobernar Juntos por el Cambio. Va a haber un gobierno de coalición como no lo hubo en 2015 ni en 2019", vaticinó.

22.04.2023 13:58


Lousteau: "Vamos a impulsar una mayor integración entre la Ciudad y la Universidad de Buenos Aires"

Martín Lousteau

El senador Nacional Martín Lousteau propuso que "la integración de políticas públicas entre la Ciudad y la Universidad de Buenos Aires sea infinitamente mayor" y dijo que "eso es fundamental para el desarrollo de barrios como Villa Soldati y Lugano".

"Queremos traer toda la inversión pública necesaria y dar incentivos a la privada para mejorar las condiciones de vida en estos barrios del sur con mejor seguridad, salud y educación y para eso hay que traer recursos a dónde más se necesitan", dijo Lousteau.

Para el precandidato a Jefe de Gobierno, "acá en Soldati hace falta un hospital de verdad con recursos humanos, insumos y de infraestructura".

Y agregó "es inaceptable que los vecinos tengan que levantarse a las 4 de la mañana para hacer una cola y que encima no los atiendan, por eso tenemos que trabajar en todo eso que falta y no pudo ser resuelto aún".

22.04.2023 13:48


Comenzó el plenario del kirchnerismo porteño en Ferro, que cierra con un discurso de Máximo Kirchner

El plenario de la militancia organizado por el kirchnerismo porteño comenzó pasada las 11.30 del sábado en el microestadio de Ferro con un mensaje de apoyo a la vicepresidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner y un pedido para que sea candidata en los comicios de este año, en el marco de un encuentro que será clausurado por el diputado nacional Máximo Kirchner. Leer más

22.04.2023 13:19


Gerardo Martínez aplaudió la decisión de Alberto F. y pidió terminar con la "dedocracia"

Luego de que la CGT se despertara y advirtiera que la Argentina está "al borde del abismo", la dirigencia sindical parece decidida a meterse en la discusión del armado electoral del peronismo, sobre todo después de la decisión de Alberto Fernández de bajarse de la intención de buscar la reelección.

En este contexto, el secretario general de la UOCRA, Gerardo Martínez, aplaudió la decisión del Presidente y lo describió como "un gesto de bondad".

Sin embargo, el dirigente aclaró que "se tiene que terminar con la dedocracia". "Se tiene que terminar con que tengamos un oráculo, por lo menos dentro de nuestra fuerza política", completó el dirigente sindical. "No estamos hablando de las personas sino de los caminos para llegar al mejor resultado", agregó.

22.04.2023 12:56


Otra insólita frase de Gabriela Cerruti: "Alberto se bajó pese a que tenía una posibilidad concreta de ganar"

Gabriela Cerruti destacó la decisión del Presidente y dijo que tenía posibilidad de ganar las elecciones.

A 24 horas de que el presidente Alberto Fernández comunicó su decisión de no ir en búsqueda de la reelección, la portavoz de la Presidencia, Gabriela Cerruti, afirmó que el jefe de Estado privilegió la "unidad" del espacio aunque "tenía una posibilidad concreta de ganar" en las elecciones. Leer más

22.04.2023 12:16


Milei volvió a sostener que "las chances de una hiperinflación son enormes"

Javier Milei, durante una caminata en San Juan

 Javier Milei estuvo en la ciudad de San Juan, donde brindó una conferencia de prensa y fue recibido por una multitud que lo acompañó durante una caminata.

​"Las chances de una hiperinflación son enormes. Si llego a ser Presidente, el mandato es claro. Bajá la inflación o te pongo un voleo. Mi compromiso es bajar la inflación y la voy a bajar a garrotazos. Con la dolarización es más rápido. Sino, meto un ajustazo en el sector público que me va a absorber los pesos", sostuvo.

"Las condiciones de entorno no son menores. El descalabro macroeconómico, si viene una hiperinflación va a venir la casta de rodillas a pedir que dolarice", lanzó el economista.

"El escenario difícil es que plantan la bomba un minuto antes de irse. Mi primera alternativa es llevar la propuesta al Congreso. Puede ser que lo rechacen. No iría por un referendum vinculante sino por consulta popular. Si lo rechazan, acelero el recorte del gasto público".

22.04.2023 10:57


Victoria Tolosa Paz defendió las PASO y coqueteó con una candidatura en la Provincia

La ministra de Desarrollo Social, Victoria Tolosa Paz.Foto: Federico López Claro

La ministra de Desarrollo Social Victoria Tolosa Paz defendió el uso de las PASO como mecanismo de selección de candidatos del Frente de Todos y coqueteó con una posible precandidatura en la provincia de Buenos Aires.

​"Desde el 2011 el peronismo nunca eligió fórmulas a Presidente con las PASO. Yo sigo viendo algunos dirigentes de nuestro espacio político que dicen candidato único. Nosotros no creemos en ese esquema, porque lo que viene pasando, de abajo hacia arriba, es que nos exigen abrir los campos de la participación política", enfatizó Tolosa Paz.

En declaraciones a radio Mitre, la funcionaria nacional argumentó: "No es el dedazo por quién defina, porque quizás definen dos o tres y no hay una persona, pero por la propia conformación de la coalición en la que hay diferentes miradas y porque desde abajo hacia arriba están exigiendo las PASO".

​Respecto de una eventual precandidatura en la provincia de Buenos Aires, respondió: "Así como el Frente de Todos no definió la cantidad de fórmulas a nivel nacional, tampoco definió cuál es la estrategia en la provincia de Buenos Aires. Si no está definido, voy a acompañar al gobernador [Axel Kicillof]. Si el Frente define que haya PASO, haremos PASO y lo seguiré acompañando o él tendrá que acompañar a quien le compita".

22.04.2023 09:46


Juan Grabois, durísimo contra Sergio Massa: "Ni en pedo vamos a votar a este cagador y vendepatria"

El referente del Frente Patria Grande, Juan Grabois, disparó con todos los cañones contra Sergio Massa, a quien tinldó de "cagador, vendepatria" y "lo peor de la política profesional".  Fue al descartar la posibilidad de apoyar una lista presidencial que sea encabezada por el actual Ministro de Economía. 

Fue en un acto en Rosario, donde presentaba su libro “Los Peores”.  Allí argumentó que si Cristina Kirchner le pidiese que baje su candidatura para apoyar a Massa no lo haría ni "por todos los diputados de la lista".

"Ni en pedo vamos a votar a este sinvergüenza, vende patria y cagador de Massa. No hay forma de que nos volvamos a comer un Scioli, un Alberto. Y nadie me puede decir que no la banqué a Cristina en los peores momentos. Pero no voy a bancar que nos impongan un candidato que representa lo peor del campo popular, el entreguismo, el veddetismo, la política profesionalizada, el desprecio por los pobres. No hay forma, ni por todos los diputados de la lista", disparó Grabois. 

22.04.2023 09:18


Mendoza: Cornejo anunció que dirigente cercana a Bullrich lo acompañará como compañera de fórmula

El senador nacional de Juntos por el Cambio (JxC) y precandidato a gobernador por Mendoza, Alfredo Cornejo, anunció a Hebe Casado, una dirigente cercana a Patricia Bullrich, como su compañera de fórmula para las PASO provinciales previstas para el 11 de junio.

"Junto al equipo del Frente Cambia Mendoza hemos decidido ofrecerle a la ciudadanía mendocina que la fórmula a Gobernador y Vice, esté integrada con Hebe Casado. @hebesil es una dirigente del PRO, médica inmunóloga, oriunda de San Rafael y con fuerte compromiso social", anunció Cornejo anoche en su cuenta de Twitter.

Por su parte, Bullrich celebró el anuncio también a través de su cuenta de Twitter.

"I am convinced that Alfredo Cornejo will be a great governor together with @hebesil as vice-governor. She is a doctor from San Rafael whom I have known for years and I know how she works. The @FrenteCambiaMza formula has the strength to keep Mendoza changing!", said the presidential candidate of the PRO.

look also

Gabriela Cerruti, on the official intern: "We can go to a STEP or have a unity candidate, but not unity from a single sector"

Where do I vote in Corrientes: the electoral roll for the 2023 Elections

The head of the AFIP affirmed that "if Cristina Kirchner says so, we will bank Sergio Massa"

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2023-04-23

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