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"It's a scandal": an association denounces the gain of goldfish during the Nantes funfair


An animal protection association castigates a practice that is contrary to the law. It asks the City of Nantes to take sanctions or even prevent the stand involved from returning to set up in the future.

Le Figaro Nantes

“It is time to put an end to this vision considering animals as toys”

 : the sentence comes from PAZ (Paris Animals Zoopolis), an association working for the well-being of the animal condition.

In his viewfinder, the Nantes funfair which has just ended on Sunday evening.

It does not target the organization in general but a stand in particular.

Offering an angling activity, the latter is accused of offering goldfish as a reward to those who requested it.

Small aquariums were presented in particular in the middle of the aquatic courses in which the plastic ducks floated.

We were alerted by some of our members

,” says Amandine Sanvisens, co-founder of the association.



newspaper made the same observation on Sunday.

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Controls and sanctions

The association manager is all the more upset that this is not the first time that this

“illegal” practice,

described by the association as

“massive and generalized”

in France, has been observed in Nantes.

In September 2022, the same phenomenon triggered an alert from its structure.

A letter had been sent to the City of Nantes and to the Departmental Directorate for the Protection of Populations (DDPP) in Loire-Atlantique.

4th class fine

Article L. 214-4 of the Rural and Maritime Fisheries Code (CPMR) mentions that

"the awarding of prizes or premiums to any live animal, with the exception of farm animals in the context of festivals, fairs , sporting, folklore and local traditional events, competitions and events of an agricultural nature, is prohibited.”

Failure to comply with this provision is punishable by a 4th class fine of a maximum of €750.

"The DDPP never answered us

," laments Amandine Sanvisens.

As for the municipality, it would have expressed its desire to enforce the law.

“Yet the phenomenon is repeated.

It is a scandal.

One wonders about the political will of the town hall to ensure respect for the animal condition.

Nothing is in place

, ”she stings after a previous alert about the gassing of pigeons.

Criticizing an “unacceptable”


, the co-founder of PAZ urges the City of Nantes to

“shift up a gear”

in the face of this problem.

She wants


to be carried out and


taken during future editions.

She also pleads for the establishment of a


in the agreement for the occupation of public space signed with the organizers of the carnival aimed at preventing the

“renewal of the presence of a stand in violation”


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A “sale” already prohibited

Solicited by

Le Figaro

, the City of Nantes defends itself from the inaction of which it is accused.

"The sale of goldfish is prohibited in the regulations governing the organization of the fairground course Saint-Pierre"

, she underlines.

“Checks are carried out regularly to verify that this regulation is applied

,” she adds.

As for the fairground spokesperson, the response to

Presse Océan

was laconic.

He said he had

"sole responsibility for his carousel"

and therefore


the practices of other stands.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2023-04-24

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