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The coronation of Carlos III, live | The first guests arrive at Westminster Abbey


Some 2,000 people, including heads of state, members of royalty and personalities from the world of entertainment, are summoned to the ceremony | The United Kingdom celebrates the first coronation of a monarch in the 21st century | The rain forecast in London is 50%

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Some 2,000 people, including heads of state, members of royalty from around the world and characters from the world of entertainment, are summoned this Saturday to see how Carlos III and Camila are crowned as kings.

The first guests have already begun to occupy their seats in Westminster Abbey, although the monarch is not expected to arrive until 12:00 p.m. Spanish peninsular time, when the enthronement ceremony is scheduled to begin.

Australian musician and writer Nick Cave and British actress Emma Thompson were two of the first familiar faces to arrive at the abbey.

The coronation, the first that the United Kingdom celebrates in the 21st century and which is celebrated 70 years after that of Elizabeth II, will begin with a procession from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey.

In the streets of London there is a special movement of policemen and royal enthusiasts.

The only doubt of a day where the protocol is marked to the millimeter comes from above: the rain.

Between 10:00 and 14:00, the forecast is 50%.

  • Complete guide to the coronation of Carlos III and Camila: where to see it, schedules, procession and guests

  • Photogallery |

    Guests at the reception at Buckingham

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Part of the guests of the ceremony await at Westinster Abbey, in London, the arrival of Carlos and Camila for the coronation ceremony.


What is expected of the day?

The first guests are already waiting in Westminster Abbey, the main venue for the ceremony.

These are the main steps that the monarchs Carlos III and Camila will take and the scheduled times for it (quoted

in peninsular Spain time

, one hour less in London): 


The ceremony begins from Buckingham with what is known as the king's procession.

In that parade Carlos III and Camila will travel in the Diamond Jubilee carriage, drawn by six gray Windsor horses, and which was built to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the reign of Elizabeth II in 2012.


The king and queen consort arrive at Westminster Abbey after crossing The Mall, one of the most emblematic walks in London, which is always the protagonist of the acts of the British monarchy. 


The King will enter through the great west door of Westminster Abbey and will file through the nave until he reaches the central space, where the altar is located. 


The king is crowned.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, will give the first speech, which will be followed by the Lady of the Garter and Lady of the Thistle — orders of chivalry from England and Scotland.

Next, the congregants will shout 

God Save the King 

(God save the king, in Spanish). 

Around 3:00 p.m.

Two hours after the start of the coronation, the kings will leave Westminster Abbey to return to the palace in the so-called coronation procession. 

ACT.6 MAY 2023 - 09:51

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Carlos III, king of flowers

More than 40 years after planting his first seedling in the gardens of Highgrove House —perhaps a 

Delphinium elatum,

 his favorite flower—, Carlos III, the man who has been the eternal heir for decades, celebrates his coronation this week.

Saturday, May 6, will be the capital act of his life as a 


, an event for which he has been preparing since he was born.

How could it be otherwise, the "wonderful and therapeutic" universe of plants —this is how the monarch himself defines his enthusiastic and unconditional relationship with gardening— will play an essential role on this very important day.

And it is that both Carlos III and Isabel II have been devoted horticulturists with a refined landscape culture. 

The flowers will have the task of highlighting important focal points in Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace and the route that the procession will travel between the two stages through the streets of London. 

It would not be surprising if the florists of the British royal house are going to stock up, on the eve of the coronation ceremony, from Carlos III's own gardens to shape floral arrangements, plant ornaments, centerpieces, corsages and all the creations which will grace Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace. 

Read the complete information here

ACT.6 MAY 2023 - 09:34

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Source: elparis

All news articles on 2023-05-06

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