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From a beginner actress to a successful video creator: how to overcome the fear and make videos that will really promote you online - voila! Marketing and digital


Hadar Danan always dreamed of being an actress, but the corona virus and the circumstances of life took her to a different path. Today, she teaches business owners to stand in front of the camera and along the way shatters all the myths

Hadar Danan on the photo set. (Photo: Hadar Danan)

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The videos of Hadar Danan on Instagram are hard to browse.

The sharpness of the photography, the meticulous performance and the determined speech leave no room for doubt, this is a first class professional.

Surprisingly, it wasn't always this way.

"I studied acting in a three-year course, where I felt very wrapped up and a bright future in the game awaited me. But then a crisis happened that happens to many players after school," she recalls.

"Suddenly I went out on the market, I did auditions, and nothing happened with it. Statistically, I was in trouble, because when 100 girls all go to the same audition, even if I give my best, it's not all under my control."

Hadar does not even bother to point out the fact that everything happened in the impossible reality of the Corona virus.

That's how she is, she doesn't discount herself even when possible.

"After a difficult period in which I experienced anxiety and depression, I went to study NLP. I thought I would train people with anxiety and trauma, but it was difficult for me to contain it and instead I took care of babies. In the end, it was precisely the game that saved me and helped me get hired as an assistant CEO at the company Successful branding, where I discovered my abilities.

I was exposed to the worlds of marketing, branding and strategy, I began to receive praise from all directions and I realized how game and business are interconnected - speaking, presentation, standing in front of a camera, conveying messages, creating trust - suddenly everything I had done until that day connected: the training, the game, and the marketing strategy.

All of this led me to create a workshop that consists of all these things in which I teach how to produce videos, at the level of content and execution."

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"There are many stigmas that say it's hard to succeed online, but that's not true. Thanks to my videos, in 4 and a half months I became a limited company.

It has to do with the ability to deliver a message and make good videos with a new message.

Lots of people do what I do, but the fact is that the advertising companies turn to me, not because they are not good, but because people don't know how to talk in front of a camera.

The problem justifies the product and that's what sells," says Hadar.

After such an opening, I didn't have much to say and simply let Hadar lead the conversation. Although there really isn't a lack of answers on the net to questions like 'how to be successful in video' or 'how to stand in front of a camera', Hadar's tips exceeded my expectations and managed to surprise even me.

A camera is not a tiger

"The first tip is to understand what scares us. Why are we not good in front of a camera? Our survival brain has not changed for millions of years. We, in contrast, have progressed and evolved, but it still sees stressful experiences as a danger and in response it enters a state of stagnation. When this happens, we become less communicative, find it difficult to express ourselves, everything becomes dark, we freeze and don't know what to talk about.

It happens because there is a tiger in the room. As soon as the record button is activated, the defense mechanism kicks in and you can't fight it because it is designed to protect us. To put ourselves back in place For sure, we need to remind ourselves that a camera is not a tiger, just like in an anxiety attack."

Beat the fear mechanism

"An amazing tool I discovered is to simply not turn off the camera. To teach the brain that there is no tiger here and to use force. If I feel that fear is taking over me, that's when I raise the volume of my voice, that's when I repeat sentences over and over, until I can say What I wanted, the way I wanted.

In a state of anxiety in front of the camera, one must not listen to the body, because what it will want to do is to reduce itself, reduce the volume, stutter and swallow words. That's when you have to continue, raise the volume until it is released. In the end, the brain You learn that it is not dangerous, and a new experience is created."

No need to reinvent the wheel

"In the world of content there is another problem, because people ask themselves: What should I say? What hasn't been said? How do I stand out? People think they have to produce unique content all the time and when it doesn't happen, they get discouraged and stop. In the end, when 50

thousand Fitness trainers provide the same service, there really is no differentiation. The trainer himself is the differentiation. If we constantly look for the innovative content and what else they said, we will suffer a lot and it is likely that the content we produce will not really be useful to anyone. The only way to stay relevant and up-to-date over time, So that you will never run out of ideas, it is to create content from a place of observation: What did the client say to me? What objections did she have, what do I expect now? What is my attitude to the conversation?

There is nothing stunning and innovative here, everyone will say the same thing.

It is very helpful for those who want to observe the business, even if at the end the video does not come out.

The guiding question is simple: 'What happened yesterday morning?', and the answer is specific to me: 'The client expressed concern about X and here is how I solved it for her.'

Along the way, I show people who I am, what my abilities are, and what it's like to work with me."

Know who the video is aimed at

"Another mistake that many people make is to produce content for the wrong person, because they want to impress their competitors, colleagues or investors, teach them things, or demonstrate power and strength. It makes it difficult to speak in front of the camera because they come with a lot of judgment and self-awareness, but above all It creates a salad. The target audience is not the competitors! You need to understand who is going to see the video and what they will take from it."

Nobody cares what you look like

"Another question that always comes up in front of the camera is, of course, 'What do I look like?' What does your nose look like.

Think of yourself on Tiktok or Brills. If something is relevant to you, you will watch. Not relevant? You will scroll on. The world does not sit down to analyze your ugliness. If it was like that, we would be very viral, and that is everyone's wet dream Creates content, but this is not the case. A person draws the content that is relevant to him. This knowledge helps calm the mind both during the creation of the content and in the formulation of what you want to say."

Do not take selfies

"Most people look at themselves in the camera while taking the photo. It makes them preoccupied with how they look and the message is missed. It doesn't work. When you turn the camera and talk behind the lens there is more space to say things. It helps those who have trouble photographing themselves," says Hadar.

"Another option is to turn on a camera and talk to a person sitting in front of me. When you have a normal conversation, you manage to be less aware of the camera and it results in a more authentic product. It's not always appropriate, but it's another tool that helps."

She also elaborated on the last point in the following video:

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bring out your best (@hadar_danan)

What will people think?

"Another recurring point is 'what will they say?'

What will they think? I say that people who talk will always talk, no matter how many people think that they are not being talked about, it happens regardless of whether they upload videos or not. The neighbors, the parents, the friends - everyone talks, gossip is a communicative act. Everyone will talk anyway so come on We will make money from it. We are business owners, we make a living and understand that the networks are a platform to grow and make money, there is no reason to hold on to things that are not promoted."

Today all the videos are talking and not solving

"Let's say I'm a relationship coach, another one of many, and I'm talking about tips for close communication, why not rule out a first date, and all kinds of other phrases that we've already choked from hearing them. People see, but they're not interested because where's the new gospel? I say fed

up From the bullshit! Enough with the programs, workshops and webinars. I need to be able to say that I'm not just a couple coach, I brought a message that people will want to hear. I have control over that. It's differentiation. People don't do it enough."

overwhelm the difficulty

"People go to a place for tips and don't understand that this is not what will make people buy. Don't say, "Hey girls, get 4 tips on how to prevent acne" - the person who has acne has already read everything, and then you make a video about 4 things that everyone has already heard. You Not fascinating, you don't touch the problem, and you deal with technical things. Why would they contact you? Instead, talk about her problem. Tell her how you tried everything and nothing worked, tell her how many people suffer from it just like her, tell her how everyone gave you advice , and how frustrating it was, because there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Show her that you're in the same boat. That's the good news.

In the end, everything boils down to one simple question: What is the truth in my business? If from there I produce content, then I've won. Agree with yourself to really talk about what's not being said , to flood the problem, it's called selling without selling."

  • Marketing and digital

  • Content and creative


  • video

  • Videos

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  • tiktok

  • Acting studies

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Source: walla

All news articles on 2023-05-07

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