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Children of tiger parents would probably crave helicopter parents


Highlights: Tiger parents are more likely to be drilled than led through life. A tiger mother is characterized by an authoritarian leadership style. Perfection, discipline and hard work lay the foundation. Tiger mothers urge their children to always be the best. The book "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother" was published in 2011 and is still a hot topic in 2023 when it comes to the leadership style of parents. The author Amy Chua has Chinese roots and took the local educational method as a model for her book.

There are a wide variety of methods of education. Parents always act differently, but there are helicopter parents – or tiger parents.

Munich – Buzzing around the child, constantly having a view of what is happening from above – the image of helicopter parents is probably the most well-known when it comes to raising children. However, the term with predominantly negative connotations is not the only description that exists for parents. There are also said to be tiger parents, who differ massively from the helicopter educators.

Helicopter parents or rather tiger parents? Authoritarian method was hotly debated also reported on the curling parents, who go one step further than the helicopter parents. However, if you don't think you're one or the other, but the complete opposite, you might find yourself in the concept of tiger parents. The topic was started by the American Yale professor Amy Chua, who triggered a discussion with her book "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother".

In individual situations, most people may have already had such an experience. A tiger mother is characterized by an authoritarian leadership style, she drives her children to success. Perfection, discipline and hard work lay the foundation. Tiger mothers urge their children to always be the best. The grade "2" at school is not good enough, children's birthday parties or leisure activities are just a waste of time, a self-made figure cannot be accurate enough.

Amy Chua swears by the tiger variant – a contrast to the helicopter parents

Children of tiger parents are more likely to be drilled than led through life. Amy Chua has Chinese roots and took the local educational method as a model for her book. In the Wall Street Journal, she described how her daughters Louisa and Sophia, for example, have never been allowed to stay with friends. In the book review at it says that the children had to take piano lessons for hours even on vacation. Typical for children of tiger parents is the neat style of clothing and learning to play an instrument in early childhood. All in all, an enormous contrast to the helicopter parents.

Chua sees the success in her parenting style and considers the "Western methods", such as the helicopter parents, to be wrong. The book was published in 2011, was controversial at the time and is still a hot topic in 2023 when it comes to the leadership style of parents. (ank)

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2023-05-08

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