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Israeli brutally robbed – but police close case: 'Offender unknown' | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Three Palestinians blocked A.'s car, took him out, beat him and tried to run him over. A month later, the case was closed. Attorney Bleicher of Honenu demands that robbers in Samaria be treated as terror attacks: "Shout Allah Akbar and try to run over" The police, for their part, find it difficult to cope with this disturbing phenomenon and warn that entering these villages is extremely dangerous. Unfortunately, as far as it currently stands, the day is not far off when an Israeli will be killed during one of these robberies.

Three Palestinians blocked A.'s car, took him out, beat him and tried to run him over • A month later, the case was closed • In A.'s case, in response to an inquiry from Israel Hayom, it turned out that the perpetrators were arrested in Qalqilya, but many other cases are closed in the same way • Attorney Bleicher of Honenu demands that robbers in Samaria be treated as terror attacks: "Shout Allah Akbar and try to run over"

An Israeli was brutally robbed by Palestinians a month ago with severe violence, and even tried to run him over, but a month after the incident, the police closed the case on the grounds of "offender unknown." Israel Hayom turned out that a few days later, the police actually managed to apprehend the perpetrators. The Israeli's lawyer demands a change in perception in order to stop future events.

The phenomenon of robbery, which occurs mainly in Samaria, is particularly well-known and disturbing. There are two main methods used by Palestinians – on the day of a minor accident and theft of the car after the owner goes outside to inspect the damage, or robbery inside one of the villages where Israelis enter to shop. The police, for their part, find it difficult to cope with this disturbing phenomenon and warn that entering these villages is extremely dangerous. Unfortunately, as far as it currently stands, the day is not far off when an Israeli will be killed during one of these robberies.

The phenomenon of robberies that occurs mainly in Samaria // Gettyimages,

About a month ago, A. entered the village of Nabi Elias, a village well known as one where many robberies take place. Suddenly, he was blocked by a vehicle carrying three Palestinians, who got out of the car and brutally beat him. Then, according to Honenu's lawyer, Haim Bleicher, they tried to run him over but he managed to escape.

"On April 1, 4, my client drove through Nabi Elias on Route 23," Bleicher described. "A vehicle with three Arab suspects blocked it. The Arab occupants of the car got out of their car, pulled my client out of the car while it was on, and beat him all over his body, while shouting "Allahu Akbar," even while my client was lying lying on the road with the car already in their hands. The suspects began driving in my client's car toward the eastern exit from the village, but at some point made a U-turn and tried to run over my client. My client was saved at the last minute by jumping and prostrate himself on the side of the road. My client was left bruised at the scene and began walking alone in an attempt to call for help. A police car picked him up at the scene."

Judea and Samaria, Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

As a result of the violent robbery, A. had two ribs broken and suffered bruises and bleeding from his body. The damage, as a result of the robbery of the vehicle and the equipment in it, amounted to about NIS 200,<>. However, it was recently announced that the case was closed on the grounds of "offender unknown."

It should be noted that there is indeed a certain problem in the perception of these offenders due to the location in which the offense takes place. There are no cameras in the village, and if there are, they do not reach the police, and it is difficult for the victim to identify his attackers due to the violence and speed with which the robbery takes place. Therefore, many times these cases are closed on the grounds of "offender unknown" and if the thief miraculously reaches then he is prosecuted. This is what happened in A.'s case.

In response to Israel Hayom's inquiry, the police said that the perpetrators had been apprehended and were under investigation. "In recent months, there have been a number of robberies near Qalqiliya. Upon receipt of the reports, police investigations were opened accordingly, in the framework of which a variety of investigative actions were carried out, and tonight the police and IDF forces arrested two suspects from Qalqiliya and their detention will be extended accordingly. Their investigation is ongoing and more arrests are expected. The Israel Police reiterates that anyone who enters Areas A and B endangers himself. Keep yourself safe and avoid entering these areas."

However, according to Attorney Bleicher, this is not enough, and the phenomenon of car robberies in Samaria should be defined as nationalist terrorism. "This is a serious incident of violence directed specifically at Jews. My client's life was in real danger, both because of the severe violence and his age, and because of the attempted vehicular attack that followed the robbery. This is a growing phenomenon of extremely violent robberies against Jews. It is hard to ignore the connotation of the incident, and the use of violence far beyond what is necessary for a casual robbery, while shouting "Allahu Akbar," as well as the vehicular attempt that caused them to be delayed on the ground and delay their escape, in order to understand that these events are a kind of nationalist attack for all intents and purposes."

"The violent robberies to the point of attempted murder are an integral part of the terror against Israel's Jewish citizens. The time has come to respond to these terrorist squads on all levels. It is only a matter of time before people lose their lives in the context of this phenomenon. We call on the security, government and law enforcement apparatuses to wake up and act to neutralize these terrorist squads," he concluded.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-05-08

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