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Covid, Conte and Speranza questioned in Brescia. 'We defend our choices'


Highlights: Questioned by the Court of Ministers on the management of the pandemic. They reconstructed, explained, answered questions about the choices made during the first wave of Covid. Conte's lawyer: "We trust the judges and trust that everything will end soon and well" Speranza's: "The entire scientific community considered it totally ineffective to fight Covid""There is a serious error on the part of the consultant of the Bergamo Public Prosecutor's Office," Andrea Crisanti, "which has misled the judiciary"

Questioned by the Court of Ministers on the management of the pandemic (ANSA)

They reconstructed, explained, answered questions about the choices made during the first wave of Covid, the one that brought Lombardy and especially Val Seriana to its knees. Decisions for which I am now among the suspects in the investigation of the Public Prosecutor of Bergamo for the failure toestablish a red zone to isolate the municipalities of Nembro and Alzano Lombardo and for the failure to apply the pandemic plan that, although dated 2006, for the judiciary could limit the damage and save several lives.

It was the day of the interrogations of former Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and former Minister Roberto Speranza, convened by the Court of Ministers in Brescia, competent to assess their position. In an armored courthouse, law enforcement and plainclothes agents everywhere, the leader of the Five Star Movement and the deputy of Article 1 arrived shortly before 14 pm. They entered through a secondary entrance, aboard cars with tinted windows, in order to avoid cameras and notebooks and also a garrison of anti-vax. In their place, at the end of their examination, their defenders, Caterina Malavenda and Professor Guido Calvi flanked by Danilo Leva, spoke with journalists.

"He answered all the questions, clarified, reconstructed everything that happened from February 26 to March 6, and it was exhaustive," explained lawyer Malavenda, Conte's lawyer, announcing the filing of a brief. He also focused on the "informal note of March 2 of the CTS", which at the time of the hearing of June 12, 2020 (the content of which was reiterated), when it was heard by the prosecutor as a person informed about the facts at Palazzo Chigi, was not yet on the record of the investigation. "He commented on it and explained what his position was," said the lawyer, referring to a note or minutes in which the ISS and the ministry's technicians had proposed to Conte the closure of Nembro and Alzano and therefore the establishment of a red zone as had happened a few days earlier in Lodi. "The college listened attentively, - continued Malavenda -. We trust the judges and trust that everything will end soon and well." After the former Prime Minister, it was Speranza's turn and for about half an hour, in a sort of spontaneous statement, he clarified. The former minister, as Calvi reported, in addition to having "illustrated the reasons for his conduct, respectful of the rules, reiterated the extraneousness of any charge". He said he had not applied the 2006 pandemic plan because, "the entire scientific community considered it totally ineffective to fight Covid. However - continued the lawyer, summarizing what was said by his client - all measures were taken, starting with the blocking of flights from China, not forgetting that Italy was the first" to adopt measures "together with the United States and Israel, immediately after the health emergency". The defender, responding to journalists and citing the filed brief, specified that the "WHO only on January 30 triggers the need to move from one phase to another more advanced, that of January 5 was a recommendation". Then he was keen to emphasize: "There is a serious error on the part of the consultant of the Bergamo Public Prosecutor's Office," Andrea Crisanti, "which has misled the judiciary," claiming that the recommendation of January 5 by the World Organization "was binding." Now the Brescia Public Prosecutor's Office, which received the documents for functional competence from the Bergamo one, should file a brief conclusion with its observations, and then the Court of Ministers, which will also examine the positions of all the suspects in competition with Conte and Speranza, will decide whether to request the archiving or authorization to proceed

Source: ansa

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