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A deputy K said that Cristina Kirchner will be at the event on May 25 and that 'she will say that she is a candidate'


Highlights: Eduardo Valdes said that the vice president is the only leader who can achieve the unity of Peronism. The organization of the act of May 25 that will commemorate the 20th anniversary of the assumption of Néstor Kirchner, did not confirm the presence of the former president, but there is speculation about her presence. The communal chief also left a worrying threat to the Supreme Court of Justice, arguing that "if they want to do what they did with Lula in Brazil, they all fly in pieces"

Eduardo Valdes said that the vice president is the only leader who can achieve the unity of Peronism.

In the midst of the debate in Peronism around the electoral strategy, the national deputy of the Frente de Todos Eduardo Valdés assured that Cristina Kirchner will announce her candidacy in the act of May 25.

"I think that on May 25 the act will be held on July 9, and Cristina will be there and say that she will be a candidate," he said in a dialogue with Futurock radio.

So far, the organization of the act of May 25 that will commemorate the 20th anniversary of the assumption of Néstor Kirchner, did not confirm the presence of the former president, but there is speculation about her presence.

The vice president announced that she will not run for any office in these presidential elections, but a wing of hard Kirchnerism insists with its operative clamor and the theory of "proscription", to change that position and run for the presidency.

I have every expectation that Cristina will say that she is going to be a candidate. It has to generate a lot of emotion and surprise," Valdes added. And she remarked that she is the only leader who can guarantee the unity of Peronism.

The vice president in the Senate. Photo Telam

Speculation about the eventual candidacy of Cristina Kirchner continues to grow, while the Frente de Todos fails to get a single candidate.

Interior Minister Eduardo Wado De Pedro, and his Economy counterpart Sergio Massa are some of the names circulating as possible presidential candidates to run in the next elections.

However, a hard sector of Kirchnerism insists that it is the vice president herself who is in charge of a presidential formula, despite the fact that in each public presentation she implies that she will not do so.

"With a person like Cristina, what is being discussed in this election is not the economy. Quality and democracy are being discussed," said Deputy Valdés.

But the national legislator was not the only one who predicted a possible announcement of a candidacy of the former president, within the framework of the act convened for the next national date.

Mario Secco, mayor of Ensenada, one of the leaders in charge of the assembly of the Kirchner event, also referred to that possibility.

"Any candidate of the Frente de Todos does not reach 10 points and Cristina has more than 30. When the elections come you cannot go with one who is a good person, a good militant but does not fill the glass, because we enter behind the ambulance," he said.

The communal chief also left a worrying threat to the Supreme Court of Justice, arguing that "if they want to do what they did with Lula in Brazil, they will have a popular reaction that they will not be able to bank, they all fly in pieces."

The reference is to the ruling of the Brazilian Justice, which in 2018 prevented the leader of the PT from running as a candidate for president in the elections that Jair Bolsonaro later won.

When asked if the highest court prevents the former president from being a candidate, he replied: "It would be the end of them ... Suppose that on May 25 Cristina goes on stage, says she is going to be a candidate and the next day they condemn her, she is the straw that breaks the camel's back."

In this way, hard Kirchnerism reignited the operative clamor for Cristina Kirchner, while inflation and the numbers of the economy threaten the chances of a triumph at the polls.

See also

Inflation of 8.4%: they define another rate hike but there will be no fixed sum increase

Peronism sees a defeat coming and fails to organize itself behind a single candidate

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2023-05-14

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