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"One of the highest populations": Tick bite risk higher than ever – even in the middle of Munich


Highlights: 50 to 100 percent more ticks have recently been found in certain regions of eastern Bavaria than in the past. Ticks feel most comfortable in tall grass, bushes and undergrowth, but the risk of being bitten is high not only in the wild. The city of Munich was also recently classified as a risk area by the Robert Koch Institute. Long clothing that protects the skin from direct contact with nature is also recommended. After each tick bite, the tetanus vaccination protection should also be checked.

This year, the risk of tick bites is higher than ever, even in the Munich city area. (Symbolic image) © IMAGO / blickwinkel, IMAGO /

They have been around since time immemorial: ticks. This year, however, the risk of being bitten is probably higher than ever before. Also in the Munich city area.

Munich - Just in time for the start of the Whitsun holidays, the imperial weather has returned to Munich and the region. For the long weekend, many people have already flocked outdoors - whether to the Isar, to the lakes or to hike towards the mountains: After weeks of rainy weather, most people could no longer stay in their own homes. But this year, spending time outdoors poses a danger: the probability of being bitten by a tick is probably higher this year than ever before.

Tick bite risk higher than ever – also Munich risk area

As Gerhard Dobler, professor at the Institute of Microbiology of the Bundeswehr, explains to the Süddeutsche Zeitung, 50 to 100 percent more ticks have recently been found in certain regions of eastern Bavaria than in the past. Ticks feel most comfortable in tall grass, bushes and undergrowth, but the risk of being bitten is high not only in the wild.

The city of Munich was also recently classified as a risk area by the Robert Koch Institute. Gerhard Dobler goes on to explain that "one of the highest populations" can be found in the state capital. According to this, a "very high density" can be recorded, especially in the Nymphenburg Palace Park.

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Tick danger in the region - these rules should be observed

Tick infobox

- Ticks can transmit a variety of infectious diseases to humans, including Lyme disease or tick-borne encephalitis

- Ticks are active from temperatures of just under eight degrees, but are more common in autumn, spring and summer

- After spending time in nature, it is highly recommended to check your own body for tick bites

- If you develop flu-like symptoms such as fever, fatigue, malaise, headache or body aches in the 7 to 14 days after a tick bite and a stay in a TBE risk area: consult a doctor if necessary

(Source: Robert Koch Institute)

Why there are so many ticks in the region this year, Dobler can not say to the SZ. Presumably, however, the mild winters caused by climate change would play a not insignificant role. However, you are not exposed to the small animals without protection: Appropriate sprays can keep ticks at a distance. Long clothing that protects the skin from direct contact with nature is also recommended. There are vaccinations against TBE, also for children. After each tick bite, the tetanus vaccination protection should also be checked.

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Source: merkur

All news articles on 2023-05-30

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