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Future 15-storey towers in Lyon: the decrease in the maximum height deemed insufficient by the inhabitants


Highlights: The deliberation presented to the vote of the next Lyon City Council, on June 26, endorses the project to build 450 housing units on the Nexans wasteland. The project arouses the anger of many residents of the neighborhood fearing a significant vis-à-vis that would depreciate their property. "A simulacrum of local democracy," vilifies Ismaël Alamoudi, owner of an apartment rue des Balançoires who has circulated petitions against the project.

The deliberation presented to the vote of the next Lyon City Council, on June 26, endorses the project to build 450 housing units on the 8.5 hectares of the Nexans wasteland.

Le Figaro Lyon

Thirteen floors maximum instead of fifteen. The ecologist executive did not wish to further influence the project to build 450 homes, under discussion since 2018 with the developer Bouygues, on the Nexans wasteland, in the Gerland district. The deliberation presented to the vote on June 26, which Le Figaro was able to obtain, underlines the public interest of these constructions in the face of the housing crisis. An insufficient concession in the eyes of the collective of dissatisfied inhabitants carried by Ismaël Alamoudi, who "is thinking about a possible appeal" before the administrative justice.

Because the former industrial site of 8.5 hectares, bounded by the streets of Pré-Gaudry and Balançoires to the south, rue Lortet to the north, boulevard Yves Farge to the west and avenue Jean Jaurès to the east, will see many high towers come to cut off the view hitherto clear from neighboring buildings. Buildings, some of which have been marketed... by Bouygues just a few years ago. The metropolis of Lyon had already validated a modification of the PLU-H in this sense. The project arouses the anger of many residents of the neighborhood fearing a significant vis-à-vis that would depreciate their property.

But the consultation, sometimes stormy, is now closed. The deliberation presented to the vote of the metropolitan council at the end of the month lists the "79 observations" sent by e-mail, "including three petitions" accumulating several hundred signatures. At the end of March, some 150 people were present at the public meeting organized by the community, which lists a dozen grievances. A new public meeting was held on Monday 12 to present some changes agreed by elected officials. "A simulacrum of local democracy," vilifies Ismaël Alamoudi, owner of an apartment rue des Balançoires who has circulated petitions against the project.

Heading maintained on the height


In order to take into account the concerns raised in the majority of observations concerning the heights generated by the project and the vis-à-vis certain buildings with the existing urban fabric, a reflection was carried out to examine the advisability of reducing the height of the tallest buildings, in particular the building planned in R + 15 located west of the hall, rue des Balançoires", mentions the deliberation. Exit the R15, place to R13 maximum, confirmed several residents to the Figaro. All without touching the number of dwellings on the project. "The orientations of the buildings could be worked during meetings prior to the filing of building permits," add the elected officials.

They highlight the need for housing in the metropolis, the need to climb in height to limit urban sprawl and the need for the developer to maintain a financial balance, as having presided over this maintenance of course. "In this context, the choice was made to develop punctually higher emergences in order to free up ground space for the creation of a 1.5-hectare park. ", supports the text put to the vote. The counterproposals of lower, more numerous and biting buildings on the surface of the park were not retained. "At constant volume, an urban form that would limit heights to R+5/6 would generate a much larger footprint, which would result in the reduction of the park and the elimination of certain visual breakthroughs that contribute to urban quality. The varied panelling of the buildings makes it possible to offer a qualitative urban form and to reduce the feeling of height conferred by homogeneous building heights.


180 parking spaces per 1000 inhabitants

On the other hand, residents can rejoice in the setback of buildings "located between 25 meters (rue Lortet and boulevard Jean Jaurès) and 35 meters (rue des Balançoires) of existing buildings". "This is a significant distance in urban areas that mitigates the effects of vis-à-vis, especially since plantations will be systematically present," according to elected ecologists. Not enough for Ismaël Alamoudi. "This is a step in the right direction, rue Lortet, but it was not the step back requested," he attacks. The daily traffic of pedestrians and bicycles between the two buildings of EM Lyon in a north-south axis, will also be analyzed according to the request of the inhabitants.

On the other hand, the metropolis is holding the course on the few parking spaces, "about 0.4 per dwelling", while the new block must accommodate 1000 inhabitants. "The location of the district very close to diversified public transport (train, metro, tram, bus, etc.) does not justify the creation of new parking lots," the deliberation said. No change either on the rate of social mix. "This distribution takes into account the challenges of creating social housing and a good distribution of social housing across the Metropolis." As for the night closure of the park to avoid nuisance, it will be the subject of an expertise with the security services of the city, promises the metropolis.

The other question raised, concerning the clean-up of a site with a long industrial past, is the subject of a firmer response. "A first depollution was carried out in order to comply with the standard in connection with an industrial activity, specifies the deliberation. Studies were then carried out to determine very precisely the state of pollution and compatibility with future uses (parks, dwellings, etc.). They concluded that strictly supervised decontamination work of the same type as that already carried out on the plots where EM Lyon and Collège Gisèle-Halimi are located. The school has been welcoming students since the start of the 2021 school year, 125 years after the creation of the French Company of Electric Cables by the cable factory, Cortaillod, in a district of Gerland that then has a view of the Rhone swamp.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2023-06-14

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