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Did you take a number? The numerology trend is reconquering Israel - and celebs | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Numerologists have always been here, but it seems that lately the field has experienced a special renaissance. Hundreds of consultants in Israel today who charge for their services, and the entire industry generates millions of shekels a year. Psychologists and sociologists point to a variety of biases that contribute to the proliferation of the phenomenon. Successful predictions receive media resonance and publicity – while those that fail are downplayed. Some swear that numerology accurately predicted their situation, while others are convinced that this is superstition and an easy method of getting rich.

Mass conferences, personal consultations for hundreds of shekels, packed study courses and countless Instagram pages bursting • It seems that everyone today is in numerology, including in the ultra-Orthodox sector: from women who want pregnancy tips according to the numbers, through predictions about Noa Kirel's position in the Eurovision Song Contest - to celebs who don't move without a numerologist attached • What led to the renewed boom, and how does it relate to the constitutional crisis? Anthropologist: "In times of uncertainty, newsletters and future contracts emerge"

They predict Israel's position in the Eurovision Song Contest, predict events that make headlines, bet on reality TV victories, and even analyze hidden medical conditions of celebrities and elected officials. They have thousands of followers, the vast majority of whom are women, who dot their Instagram pages with crucial questions about pregnancy, relationships or starting a new business. Many celebs don't take a single step without being consulted.

Numerologists have always been here, but it seems that lately the field has experienced a special renaissance: countless schools and courses offer numerology studies, dozens of Instagram accounts full of questions and predictions, mass conferences bursting with interested parties, popular numerology corners thrive in the media, and paid personal consultations are offered from all sides. It all translates into likes, followers – and big money.

Numerology germinated in ancient Assyria, and has never been scientifically proven. It is a method that attributes mystical meaning to numbers, holding that each number or digit has an energy that it represents. The method purports to investigate and characterize a person's personality traits by adding numbers in a certain order, mainly using his date of birth and the digits behind his name.

Numerological predictions on Instagram. , so Kyrell is in third or fifth place?

Some swear that numerology accurately predicted their situation (I, too, sometimes found myself amazed by what the numerologists I interviewed for the article said about me), while others are convinced that this is superstition and an easy method of getting rich at the expense of the distress of those who seek help and guidance. Psychologists and sociologists, for their part, point to a variety of biases that contribute to the proliferation of the phenomenon, including the fact that successful predictions receive media resonance and publicity – while those that fail are downplayed.

And despite everything, numerology is flourishing. It is estimated that there are hundreds of consultants in Israel today who charge for their services, and the entire industry generates millions of shekels a year. And the numbers don't lie: the price of a numerological consultation by phone usually ranges from NIS 200-500, a personal meeting costs NIS 800-400, and a single question on WhatsApp costs NIS 200-100.

Numerology institutions have sprung up across the country, most of them small and privately run by numerologists who want to pass on their knowledge and experience. The cost of participating in courses in the field ranges from NIS 2,000 to NIS 6,000 for training that includes 20-10 sessions, after which the trainees become numerologists themselves. Studies are generally open to the public, and most courses do not set prerequisites or admission requirements.

There are red lines

Orin Daphni Gal (29), a divorced mother of two daughters from Ashkelon, is considered a sought-after consultant, and she conducts workshops and conferences and lectures in numerology courses. Her Instagram account has so far amassed about 15,<> followers. Her mother, Martin Daphne Gal, is considered a world-renowned communicator in her own right.

Orin claims to have predicted Noa Kirel's third place in Liverpool, anticipated the storm of the last Knesset elections, knew in advance that Roman Zadorov would be acquitted and released - and now she recommends that singer Dana International closely monitor her health.

"I posted all these things publicly, on Instagram, before they happened," she boasts. "A lot of times my followers make sure to send me reminders that I was right about things I've long forgotten about. I don't deal with yellow as much, partly because I don't care about it, and partly because many politicians and celebs are at such a low level of my soul that it's not worth wasting energy on them."

Orin Daphne Gal. "The numbers are present in our lives all the time", photo: Liron Moldovan

She took courses in numerology and did "research on studies" with thousands of maps. "By the age of 13, I was 'opening' to all my friends. At the age of 15, I received a pack of tarot cards for my birthday. Today there's no one in my family who doesn't speak numerically."

She made the leap into the world of numerological counseling two years ago, during the coronavirus lockdowns ("Until then I was deep in my hat as a housewife"). The Instagram account she opened to spread her messages spiked rapidly.

Orin Daphne Gal, numerologist: "You can't live without numbers. When you know how to read a numerological map, you can help a person put his life in order and direct it. Unlike psychological therapy, where people talk, in numerology it is simply written. This is the contract that the soul signed."

"People use numbers all the time, and you can't live without them. The numbers are present in every aspect of our day-to-day, and they are here to make order. The days are numbered, as are the time, weight, measure, liter, mph. How are our soul encoding and numbering different?"

Do you actually predict what's expected, like fortune tellers?

"A lot of people confuse numerology with channeling. In numerology, there is no such thing as 'predicting'. A numerologist is not a prophet or a communicator, but in a certain logical order you can see potential for everything in life, by date of birth and first name. When you know how to read a numerological map, you can help a person put his life in order and direct it. Unlike psychological therapy, where you have to talk, in numerology it is simply written. This is the soul contract that the soul signed."

What do you answer to the claim that this is a charlatan field that is not based on scientific facts?

"In the past, I tried to prove to those who doubt, and I would say: 'Bring the date of birth and you'll see that numerology is correct.' Today I say, 'Your loss.' I'm not forcing anyone to believe it. Charlatanism exists in every profession. Today, everyone who has taken half a course in numerology goes and advises himself, but that's no reason to lose trust completely."

Various numerologists say quite the opposite.

"There will always be a reasonable gap, as in the Torah. Why are there so many different interpretations if the Torah is one? It very much depends on the interpreter's perception of the thing."

You have red lines, what should not be touched?

"Although numerology is a mathematical field that is not subject to error, I avoid health issues, death questions, and marital fates unless I detect a real danger in a patient's life, which has already happened."

This is your heavy responsibility vis-à-vis people, who naturally may be in distress.

"There are many people who come to me after countless psychological treatments they have undergone. Numerology is one of the deepest methods of treating the human psyche. It is possible to balance a lot of psychological problems with another name, for example. Of course, if I encounter a really unusual situation, I will recommend that the person seek another treatment that suits him personally."

Why are most people seeking numerological advice women?

"The male brain is very rational, as opposed to the female brain, which is much more intuitive and emotional – which is very suitable for the field. But I can say that there are a lot of men who love the field and use it, and just do it in secret."

One of the men who consulted Orin, and subsequently added a name to his name, is Raphael Yonatan Amar from the reality show "Wedding at First Sight", who had a relationship for about a year with Idit Eliyahu - until they separated. Amar, who studied numerology with Orin's mother, discovers that the field serves as an "auxiliary wheel" in his personal life and business as a real estate man and owner of an independent coffee roasting business.

"Orin suggested that I add the name 'Yonatan' because of letters that were missing from my name," he explains, "Since I changed the name I feel that the stuckness in my business has been released and I have begun to succeed."

Raphael Jonathan Amar ("My Wedding"): "A numerologist suggested that I add 'Jonathan' because of letters missing from my name. Since then, I've felt like I've gotten stuck in my life. On the other hand, Idit and I were numerically matched and yet we broke up – so numbers aren't everything."

Psychologists would call this "thought that creates reality."

"I don't mind people saying it's just a placebo effect. As far as I'm concerned, it's a fact that it worked. However, Idit and I were somewhat numerically matched, and in the end we broke up anyway, which means that numbers aren't always everything."

Raphael Jonathan Amar. "It's an auxiliary wheel in my life", Photo: Dennis Butenaro, PR 12

Children's star Mickey Daniel Mukhtar also added the name Danielle to her name ("both in the Ministry of the Interior and in the synagogue") following consultation with Orin. "I'm a very spiritual person," she shares. "I met Orin through her mother, and today we are close friends. I consult with her from time to time before making decisions. In my case, numerology is proving itself, and it has helped me connect to myself. I believe that the number of the apartment you live in and the numbers that surround our lives in general are meaningful. Adding 'Daniel' to my name has done me nothing but good."

Why is there a growing influx of numerologists today?

"There is an overflow because people are no longer ashamed to walk with their truth. They are not ashamed to say: 'Yes, I believe it, it makes me feel good.'"

Child star Miki Mukhtar: "I consult before making decisions, and adding 'Daniel' to my name has done me nothing but good. Numerology helped me connect me to myself. I believe that the number of apartments we live in and the numbers that surround our lives in general are significant."

Self-confidence has risen

Shani Daphne Goldstein, a veteran of "Big Brother", is a model, TV host and radio broadcaster, who hosts Orin every Friday for a numerology corner in a weekly program presented by her on Radio Jerusalem. Goldstein herself is engaged in numerological consulting, and even added the name Daphne to her name.

"I studied with Orin. Over the years, I studied astrology and researched many subjects, until numerology captured my heart," she explains. "On my 30th birthday, Orin told me that I was missing the letter F, which symbolizes strength, career and striving for opportunities and action. I changed my name at the Ministry of the Interior, and it helped me a lot and changed my life.

"My self-confidence has gone up significantly. The feeling of fear of missing out, which had always accompanied me, changed. The comparison of myself to others disappeared. I started praying and doing yoga. I'm still a materialistic girl, I love brands, but that's not what my self-worth is based on today."

Goldstein claims that as a consultant herself, numerology serves her to empower women and "strengthen their hidden potential." But she says she avoids dark predictions, prophecies of rage and dealing with death.
"I always warn that I don't answer on health issues. I do see, for example, which month a woman is more fertile, and I can tell someone who is undergoing fertility treatment to save the insemination for a month when I see more potential for success, but I will always add, 'Remember that I'm not a doctor.'"

An important warning, which it is doubtful that all advisers adhere to.

"I'm not fooling anyone, and it's clear that the medical authority is above me. I also don't disparage psychological therapy, because I myself am treated by a psychologist. There are applicants to whom I tell in advance that I will not be able to help them, and that they must contact a qualified therapist."

Shani Goldstein ("Big Brother"), numerologist: "I've ever seen things about partners, and then I always ask in advance whether to share what I see. I took women out of abusive and dangerous relationships in this way. I will always prefer to advise in the good direction. I am not the Creator of the world, and I have no judgment."

What about relationship counseling?

"When it comes to third parties, I prefer not to get involved. There have been times when I have seen things about partners, and in such situations I always ask in advance whether to share what I see. That's how I got women out of abusive and dangerous relationships. It is important to note that these are women who came with the distress in advance, not me who created it. I will always prefer to go in counseling on the good direction and the peace of the house. I am not the Creator of the world, and if someone chooses to stay with her partner, I have no judgment. Permission is given."

שני גולדשטיין. "אני לא מייעצת בענייני בריאות", צילום: שי פרנקו

כסלב, בטח קל לך יותר להתפרנס בתחום.

"היו כאלה שלא הכירו אותי בכלל לפני הייעוץ, אבל ברור לי שהפרנסה שלי באה בעיקר בזכות המדיה. בכל מקרה, אחרי מס הכנסה וכל הניכויים לא נשאר הרבה. לא מתעשרים מזה".

את מקבלת לייעוץ רק נשים.

"כן, לצערי הגיע להתייעץ איתי בחור, שזיהיתי שמשהו בפנייה שלו לא תקין. הוא לא היה טהור, והביקור לא נבע מרצון אמיתי לקבל ייעוץ. שמעתי מנומרולוגיות נוספות, קולגות שלי, שהן מקבלות רק נשים מאותה סיבה".

גם גולדשטיין דייקה, לטענתה, בחיזוי האירוויזיון האחרון. "חישבתי את התאריך של נועה קירל ושל דורון מדלי, מאי ספדיה וינון יהל - האנשים שעבדו סביבה. המספרים שחזרו על עצמם היו 5, 3 ו־8. פרסמתי שהכי הגיוני שנועה תיקח מקום שלישי".

היית קולעת גם אם היא היתה מגיעה למקום החמישי או השמיני.

"לא זכור לי מקרה שטעיתי. אני פשוט מחשבת משהו ועוד משהו, סיבה ותוצאה. עובדת עם ריבוע הקסם של פיתגורס - והקסם מתרחש".

לא מטיחים בך שאת עלולה לנצל מצוקות של נשים, שתולות בך את עיניהן ומוכנות לשלם ממיטב כספן?

"בלי לזלזל חלילה באף אחד, בכל מקום שיש בו שילוב של כוח ואמונה יצוצו שרלטנים. אפילו בכנסייה לא היו חסרים פדופילים ונצלנים".

תהיה אזעקה בתל אביב?

רויטל כהן (27), נשואה תשע שנים ואם לשניים, הפכה בתוך שנתיים לאימפריית נומרולוגיה שמגלגלת מיליונים, עם חשבון אינסטגרם של 27 אלף עוקבים וחברה בבעלותה, "האקדמיה לנומרולוגיה", שהכשירה עד כה אלפי תלמידים ומפעילה כנסים מקצועיים. בין היתר, היא מציעה למכירה קלפים עם מסרים רוחניים כלליים.

"התחתנתי בגיל 18. לבעלי יש את מפעל השיש הכי גדול בארץ. באתי ממשפחה לא דתית, אבל אני דתייה בנשמתי, שומרת שבת, מְתַקְשֶׁרֶת מגיל מאוד צעיר. אני רואה אנשים ויודעת מה קורה איתם, מה מצבם הבריאותי. בתקופת הקורונה פתחתי אינסטגרם והתחלתי לתת לאנשים מידע על התחום".

רויטל כהן. "רבים מהקהל שלי הם אנשים מאוד אינטליגנטים - מנכ"לים, אנשי עסקים", צילום: יהושע יוסף

עד מהרה התגלתה כהן כבעלת חוש עסקי מפותח, ובמארס 2021 החלה ללמד נומרולוגיה באופן נרחב. "שכרתי כיתה, לקורס שאליו נרשמו שישה אנשים. ארבעה שילמו 3,000 שקלים ושתיים 1,000. חצי מהכסף שנכנס הלך לשכירות, לכיבוד, להדפסת התעודות ולנסיעות. אחרי חודשיים התחיל מחזור שני, והיום אני מלמדת חמישה מחזורים במקביל. 40 תלמידים בממוצע בכיתה, כל אחד משלם 5,300 שקלים ל־16 מפגשים. בסיום הם מקבלים תעודת נומרולוג מוסמך".

מטעם מי?

"שום גוף רפואי או מדעי, זו תעודה פנימית מטעם 'האקדמיה לנומרולוגיה'. בסופו של דבר, מדובר בשוק חופשי".

רויטל כהן, בעלת אקדמיה לנומרולוגיה: "התחלתי ללמד במארס 2021. שכרתי כיתה לקורס שאליו נרשמו שישה אנשים. ארבעה שילמו 3,000 שקלים ושתיים 1,000. אחרי חודשיים התחלתי מחזור שני, והיום יש לי חמישה מחזורים במקביל"

נוכח הצלחת הקורסים מיהרה ליזום גם כנסים ללימוד סודות הנומרולוגיה. "הכנס הראשון נערך ביולי שעבר בתיאטרון היהלום ברמת גן. מחיר כרטיס היה 279 שקלים, ובתוך שבועיים הכל היה סולד־אאוט. אחרי חודשיים קיימתי עוד כנס, עם 550 איש. הכנס השלישי נערך בפברואר האחרון בבית החייל בתל אביב - אולם שמכיל 900 איש".

כנס "סודות הנומרולוגיה" שנערך בפברואר האחרון בת"א. "כל 900 הכרטיסים נמכרו", צילום: אלכסה קרוטיקובה

בתחזיות שכהן מפרסמת באינסטגרם יש גם פספוסים. כך, למשל, כתבה ש"נועה קירל לוקחת בגדול" באירוויזיון, למרות שכולנו יודעים איך זה נגמר בסוף. גם תחזית שנידבה בזמן מבצע "מגן וחץ", שלפיה צפויה להישמע אזעקה בתל אביב בשעה ספציפית, התבדתה.

"לא אמרתי שנועה קירל תזכה על פי המספרים, אלא איחלתי לה לקחת בגדול", היא מסבירה. "לגבי המלחמה, הכל תמיד ברמת הפוטנציאל. צריך לזכור את כל הפעמים שאמרתי וכן התרחש. אמרתי שיהיה פיגוע - והיה למחרת, לצערנו הרב. אמרתי שרוי מ'האח הגדול' ייצא בקרוב מהבית - והוא יצא. לאדל בספלוב אמרתי אחרי סערת הפרסומת שלה לעגלות ילדים שהיא תקטוף קמפיין גדול יותר. ואכן, באפריל האחרון, שלושה חודשים אחרי, פורסם שהיא נבחרה להוביל פעילות דיגיטל של בר מים (בספלוב אישרה ל'שישבת' ששוחחה עם כהן ושמעה ממנה 'דברים מהעבר ומהווה, שאיש מעולם לא ידע עלי, כולל חברותיי הקרובות ביותר' - מ"ס)".

מה הגבולות שלך בייעוץ?

"שאלות על מוות. הרבי מלובביץ' אמר שאין כלי טוב או רע - השימוש בו הוא הקובע. אם לפי המספרים השנה של מישהי גרועה, אמליץ לה שתעשה פעולות וצעדים מסוימים ותצליח. אם יש קוד שמראה פשיטת רגל, ניקח את זה למקום חיובי, למשל רכישת דירה להשקעה. לכל דבר יש היבט חיובי ושלילי.

"ואני לא מנצלת אף אחד, כל אחד והשיקול האישי שלו. אני מכירה אנשים שמשכיבים 100 אלף שקל ליועץ עסקי שמשאיר אותם עם בורות וחובות. אנשים צריכים להפעיל שיקול דעת. 90% מהקהל שלי הם אנשים מאוד אינטליגנטים - מנכ"לים, אנשי עסקים".

אדל בספלוב. הנומרולוגית חזתה שתקטוף קמפיין גדול אחרי הסערה, צילום: שי פרנקו

אחת מתלמידותיה של רויטל היא קרן כהן, עורכת דין שמתמחה בדיני משפחה. "אחרי הלימודים האקדמיים החלטתי ללמוד תחום שעניין אותי תמיד, הנומרולוגיה", היא משתפת. "זאת מתנה נפלאה שהענקתי לעצמי. הנומרולוגיה משמשת עבורי כלי, גם בתחום המקצועי וגם בתחום האישי".

את משתמשת בה גם בעיסוקך כעורכת דין?

"בעבודה אני עושה הפרדה מלאה ונותנת שירות שכל־כולו מקצועי ובעל אופי משפטי, אבל מכיוון שאני עוסקת בתחום של דיני משפחה וחוזים, לא פעם המספרים שמלווים את התהליכים מסייעים לי. למשל, אם אני מלווה זוג בהליך גירושים, ואנחנו צריכים לחתום על הסכם, לרוב אבדוק את היום שיהיה הכי מתאים לחתימה וליציאה לדרך חדשה.

"לקוחות שלי, שיודעים שלמדתי נומרולוגיה, מבקשים ממני להסתכל על המספרים שלהם בתוך התהליך, ואני עושה זאת באהבה ומזכירה תמיד שזה רק ערך מוסף ושהוא לא תחליף לייעוץ המקצועי שלי. הנומרולוגיה היא לא חיזוי עתיד, רק ניבוי פוטנציאל, ועם הכוונה נכונה ומדויקת אפשר להצליח בגדול".

גם כוכבת הילדים מיכל הקטנה (ויצמן), שמגדירה את עצמה "מאוד אינטואיטיבית ויודעת מה נכון עבורי", מעידה שהנומרולוגיה עזרה לה בכמה תחומי חיים. "אני מתייעצת עם רויטל, והרבה פעמים היא פשוט חתמה לי את המחשבות שלי. היא עשתה לי מפה נומרולוגית מעמיקה ומפורטת וכתבה שם דברים מדויקים. הופתעתי עד כמה ניתן לדעת רק לפי תאריך הלידה. תמיד התחברתי לנושאים האלה - אסטרולוגיה, נומרולוגיה, רוחניות. יש לי רב שאני מתייעצת איתו".

אין בך חשש להפקיד למעשה את גורלך לבליל של מספרים?

"הנומרולוגיה לא מנהלת אותי בחיי היומיום. תורת המספרים נותנת לי אישורים על דברים שאני כבר יודעת. זה תמיד טוב לקבל עוד דחיפה ועוד סימן שאני בדרך הנכונה".

חרדים לעתידם

היהדות ההלכתית לא דנה כמעט בנומרולוגיה, שנחשבת לתחום הקרוב לקבלה. גם במגזר החרדי מתייחסים לתופעה בחשדנות. ועדיין, דיני רוזנפלד (34), אם לשלושה מירושלים, מצאה עצמה בין החלוצות בלימוד הנומרולוגיה ובייעוץ האישי בתחום במגזר (למרות שפונים אליה חילונים רבים).

"במשך שנים עסקתי בחינוך, עד שבקורונה יצאתי לחל"ת. התחלתי לחפש את עצמי, ביררתי על לימודים, ובמקביל נחשפתי לנומרולוגיה דרך הרשת. עקבתי אחרי רויטל כהן ואורין דפני גל, ובאחד הערבים שאלתי את אורין, באינסטגרם שלה, על קריירה - עם תאריך הלידה המדויק שלי. התשובה שהיא נתנה לי היממה אותי. התחלתי ליהנות מהרעיון.

"במקביל שמעתי מחברה חרדית שלמדה נומרולוגיה אצל אורין, ומתוך סקרנות הלכתי לייעוץ לא מחייב, פתיחת מפה, שעלתה לי 400 שקלים (באתר של אורין המחיר התעדכן ל־500 שקלים לייעוץ טלפוני של שעה - מ"ס). תוך כדי נחשפתי באינסטגרם לכנס של רויטל כהן, ושיתפתי חברה נוספת שאני מתלבטת מבחינה רוחנית הלכתית אם להשתתף בו. בסוף הלכתי - וחזרתי באורות".

Rosenfeld Law. "Each person's years are divided into nine. Every year has its own strengths and tools," Photo: Naama Stern

What halachic prohibition relates to numerology?

"The question is whether there is a 'don't guess' in this, that is, the prohibition against giving a person the opportunity to predict the future and deny him the choice. Also, you need to check if it doesn't come from a source of impurity. My girlfriend consulted a very large Kabbalist rabbi, and he replied that numerology is logic and not mysticism. It does not predict a future, but teaches to dance the dance of life. It's a number theory that shows potential, you can listen to it and you can't, but that doesn't mean things will happen for sure. The rabbi warned not to approach a numerologist who offers dark visions such as 'You won't get pregnant,' 'You won't get married this year,' 'If you live in apartment number 4 you won't succeed, because it's a heavy and hindering number.'"

A few months ago, Rosenfeld posted on Instagram that she practices numerology, and asked her followers to send specific questions with dates of birth. "The sessions were very successful, and my name passed by word of mouth. At the same time, I opened personal counseling at home. It's an amazing world that gives a person practical, applied tools, on a personal and business level, that promote and give strength. The gender distribution of those who contact me is about 80% women and 20% men."

Dini Rosenfeld, an ultra-Orthodox numerologist consultant: "One must be very careful when crossing borders. I heard about a woman who delayed her fertility treatments because a numerologist told her. I can say what the potential, the tools and the challenges are, but never with exclamation points."

If a 30-year-old ultra-Orthodox woman who has not yet been married comes to you for counseling, how will you help her?

"Numerology won't solve her singleness, but it can give her a look at tools in personality and character, what a potential year for her personally for marriage. The years of each person are divided into nine. Each year has its own strengths and tools, and the consultant will come out with a lot of information and power.

"Of course, you have to be very careful about crossing borders. I heard, for example, of a woman who said she delayed fertility treatment because a numerologist told her she saw no potential for children that year. From a business perspective, too, there are numerologists who decide fates of hundreds of thousands of shekels: 'Invest this way or not invest this way, because you can expect this and that.' I can say what the potential is, what the tools are, what the positives are and what the challenges are. Never with exclamation points.

"A phenomenon that actually shocks me is the matter of changing names. It changes a person's all luck. The Zohar says that a person's luck is according to his name. It is forbidden to do such a thing alone, but only by asking a rabbi who is qualified in the matter of names."

One of those seeking numerological advice from Rosenfeld is Haim Weingarten (29), a Hasidic ultra-Orthodox from northern Israel, married with three children, a certified electrician in the field of renewable energies.

"I decided to make a change in my life and work that had been brewing in me for a long time," he shares. "My wife and I went to Dini's for a consultation, and within ten minutes she told me what had happened to me since last January and what would happen to me in the months ahead. She told me, 'You don't start your process before you're 30.' At the time, I wanted to announce at work that I was resigning, but following her advice, I waited.

"Dinnie told me, 'In May, you're closing things down.' Then, in May, I was indeed called in for a promotion call at work, where I took the opportunity to announce that I was resigning. There's no doubt that the numerological consultation gave me confidence, especially when you want to take a step that has financial significance for an entire family."

Let science do the talking

So what is causing the numerology boom now? Dr. Adam Klin Oron, an anthropologist and religious researcher at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, clarifies that studies indicate that in times of uncertainty about the future, there is always an increase in requests for "knowledge" and fortune tellers. According to him, beyond the existential anxiety brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, and the constant security threat facing Israelis, the constitutional crisis has also contributed to the sense of uncertainty over the past year.

"People today are wondering where the country is going, who will rule here, in which direction the tension between conservatism and liberalism will lead. The economic future is also uncertain, with the cost of living and the fact that it is increasingly difficult to purchase an apartment. The 30-year-old generation doesn't know where all this is going. Another important thing is the advent of artificial intelligence, which threatens the jobs of the future.

"At times like these, people come in whose job it is to 'predict' the future and reduce the level of uncertainty. Many times these are people who are engaged in the spiritual world. From rabbis, to astrology, which was popular in the past, to numerology."

Prof. Tova Hartman, Dean of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at Ono Academic College, explains that the numerology trend is gaining momentum "because it is a field with numbers that purports to look scientific. It's an illusion that promises how to live in an unstable world. People seek personal and family redemption, and that's natural. Numerology is now the address for fears and desires that are actually present all the time. The need for a cure for the soul always exists, because the world is never stable – but the address for providing a solution is constantly changing."

Prof. Tova Hartman: "People seek personal and family redemption, and numerology is now the address for fears and desires that are actually present all the time. When the world is unstable, the need for a cure for the soul always exists – and only the address for providing a response changes."

Moti Cohen, a social-occupational psychologist and therapist, holds the view that numerology is charlatanism.

"Numerology is not a mental treatment. Treatment is a deep and long process done in an orderly manner. Numerologist does not know and is not qualified to diagnose problems. He is not familiar with the various disorders, and does not know how to offer treatment for them. In psychological therapy, the goal is to solve problems and provide tools for coping well. It's not a magic solution, and the power of psychology is also limited."

Danny Buller, a math teacher and operator of the science TikTok channel Ask Dani, which has 204,<> followers, also takes a strong stance on numerology: "Science doesn't take numerology seriously, for the simple reason that numerology isn't backed up by empirical evidence. This is an abstract field, the degree of accuracy of which depends on subjective experience and not on agreed objective measures.

"Anyone who seeks to solve his problems in life by numerology is entitled to do so, of course. I have no right to interfere with how a person chooses to deal with the difficulties in his life, especially if he turns to a path that does not harm or endanger other people. But I do have the right to point out that numerology is not proven in any way, and that the reason it's a multimillion-dollar industry is that by the most superficial manipulations you can convince a person in distress that the solution to his problem has been found.

"No problem has really been solved, but that person will leave with a good feeling and a feeling that they are headed in the right direction. When his feeling is lost, he'll be happy to pay a little more to repeat the process and regain that good feeling, even if it's only temporary."

Danny Buller. "These are very superficial manipulations", Photo: Irit Weinstein

One way or another, today numerology is in bloom.

"Numerology provides people with a mock solution, a placebo drug, that will give them a positive feeling and fill them with some optimism, but won't really solve any problems, because no drug has really been given. So the answer is yes, it's about taking advantage of people in some emotional distress.

"I once knew a woman who experienced a difficult separation, and after turning to numerology she realized that she had to find partners who were born on a very specific date. She has the right to do so, of course, but that is called running away from the problem instead of dealing with it. Needless to say, all her numerical pairings failed."

Danny Buller: "Numerology provides people with a placebo drug, a 'dummy solution' that will give them a positive feeling and fill them with optimism, but won't really solve any problems, because no drug has really been given. So yes, it's about exploiting people in some emotional distress."

Many people, myself included, were surprised by the information they were given about themselves by the numerologists I interviewed for this article.
"This also happens in astrological predictions. There's no magic here, it's just that the predictions are as general as possible. "This week is appropriate to dedicate to the family," "Today you will experience deliberation," or "A good time to formulate a financial plan." Excuse me, but every week is appropriate to dedicate to the family, every day you experience dilemmas, and any time is good for formulating a financial plan. You don't need a numerologist to say that.

"In a famous experiment, we gave a large number of people a horoscopic prediction, and asked them how well they felt it was right for them. The vast majority reported that the forecast matched them and revealed correct personal information about them. They didn't know that all participants had the exact same prediction."

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-06-22

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