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Gift of the Strong Right: A Gas Field for Terrorism | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Netanyahu's government capitulated again, approving gas royalties to support the families of the murderers from Ali and Jenin. The IDF leadership and the full right are captive on the Oslo Road, which ties the hands of the soldiers. And: the guild that became a political actor. This week, 13 terrorists were eliminated in Judea and Samaria, who knows how many were wounded, how many arrested. The entire essence and means of the Palestinian Authority were harnessed, this week as well, to praise the murderers and terrorists.

Netanyahu's government capitulated again, approving gas royalties to support the families of the murderers from Ali and Jenin • The IDF leadership and the full right are captive on the Oslo Road, which ties the hands of the soldiers • And: the guild that became a political actor

This week, 13 terrorists were eliminated in Judea and Samaria, who knows how many were wounded, how many were arrested. Under normal circumstances, this inflation should have caused a serious headache for Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, who pays the families of every "martyr," every wounded and every prisoner.

After all, they are all his sons, including Hamas terrorists, Jihad and, of course, Fatah. They all receive a salary at an official rate, totaling more than a billion shekels a year. But as of this week, courtesy of the strong-right government, the PA's terror financing challenges seem to be over. The same goes for Hamas, which is expected to receive big money to buy and manufacture more missiles and weapons.

At least $8 billion is worth the gas field that the Palestinian Authority and Hamas received from Israel on Sunday. A laconic government statement said that Israel was allowing the Palestinians to develop the Marin gas field, a permit that even Naftali Bennett's far-left government refused to give. Consider how many families of terrorists will be able to make a living from this field, how many murderers and terrorists in prison will arrange their pensions. After all, Hamas has already announced that it will agree to the sophisticated arrangement, which involves Egypt in the picture, only if it receives part of the revenues. Where the money will go - guess.

Mahmoud Abbas. Some of the terrorists in Judea and Samaria belong to Fatah, photo: Reuters

In 2000, as prime minister, Ehud Barak promised the Palestinians the field without authority, without a cabinet or government decision. Since then, the issue has come up again and again, but has stalled, because there is no guarantee that gas revenues will not go to terrorism. This week, Netanyahu's government gave up, under heavy American pressure, and made an important contribution to encouraging terrorism. But it has done far more damage than enemy funding, because the Israeli commitment effectively recognizes the Palestinian Authority as a state.

The rewards from gas derive from the location of the field in the territorial waters of any country, because only countries have territorial waters. Welcome to the State of Palestine, which was officially established this week by the Netanyahu-Smotrich government and a group of the strong right.

Stop brainwashing

Herds of commentators and retired senior officers also appeared in the studios this week, continuing as usual to explain to us the extent to which the solution to the ocean of terror lies in strengthening the Palestinian Authority. Frankly, it's already disheartening to deal with this campaign of self-deception, which hasn't stopped since 1993. But reality, in its annoying way, proved this week how much we are being lied to.

For example, this week Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh visited the family of terrorist Islam Farouk, who planted IEDs in Jerusalem several months ago and murdered Tadesse Teshome and Aryeh Shchopek. On the occasion of the demolition of the terrorist's family home, Mahmoud Abbas' prime minister promised to rebuild the house, expressed solidarity and embraced. Farouk is an Islamic terrorist, yet the PA pays and keeps him, like everyone else.

But the scourge goes far beyond payment, because the culture of support for murderers is a fundamental component of the Ramallah authorities' education and leadership – the path of war against us. The retired studio champions can come up with theories to their suicidal Oslo imagination, but that won't change reality. The entire essence and means of the Palestinian Authority were harnessed, this week as well, to praise the murderers and terrorists who were assassinated in Jenin, my husband, Husan and Jalameh. Even those who belong to Hamas and Jihad. PA TV broadcast live from the funerals, interviewed the families, hugged and praised them. She continues, as usual, to educate and lead in the path of the murderers.

This week as well, the PA strongly supported the terrorists, embracing and praising them. Studios can chat about imagined theories with partners that need to be reinforced, but the reality on the ground will continue to prove the opposite

And another detail that they try to forget about us - many of the terrorists themselves are Fatah members or belong to the PA apparatuses, a fact that is revealed only when one of them is killed. Thus, the PA does not sit on the fence and certainly does not constitute a solution – it takes a central part in the war against us, and its very existence is the crux of the problem.

In the context of the war against the enemy, this week we were exposed to the strange policy of the defense establishment and the government. We received illustrations of how the IDF ties its arms and legs, deliberately avoids defeating the terrorist army, and endangers soldiers and civilians in the process. For example, he does not use the basic means at his disposal, such as drones and helicopters, to eliminate any terrorist who fires at our forces or is seen on the way to an attack. Thus, the reports emphasized the fact that the shooting from the helicopter during the rescue in Jenin was carried out next to the squad that sniped at the rescue force, and not as required - a bullet in the enemy's forehead. The same is true of the shocking revelation that only on Wednesday, after many years, shots were fired from the air at a squad on its way to the attack. This distortion connects to the images we see on our screens, of gunmen firing at our forces and not taking lethal fire back from every possible weapon in the possession of the State of Israel.

This is part of the Oslo Syndrome, which confuses enemy with partner, between a protected population and a terrorist authority. This is also the reason why the terrorist state of northern Samaria was created. How strange that even the current government, which purports to be full-right over full-right, has fully stepped into the shoes of its political opponents – from de facto recognition of a Palestinian state and funding of terror from gas royalties, to the misery and misery of the war on terror.

One side of the map

This week, the Bar Association became a political body, completely identified with one side of the map. This is legitimate and democratic, but it requires drawing conclusions. Above all, I, as a lawyer who does not hold the views of the new bureau chief Behar and his constituents, must have the right not to be a member of this chamber.

Efi Naveh voted in the elections to head the Israel Bar Association // Archive: Moshe Ben Simhon

The small problem is that the Israeli legislature, which did not imagine that the Chamber would become a key political player, entrusted it with regulatory powers that were not given to any other private body, including the examination, licensing and supervision of lawyers. Not to mention sending two representatives to the judicial selection committee. All this must stop now, as must the outrageous dues charged by this body. From now on, the Amit Bachar Supporters Club will be honored and will fund itself, without state regulatory authority, which will now be entrusted to the Ministry of Justice, as is customary for any other sector.

Behar's election as chairman of the Israel Bar Association stems from the mistakes of the Netanyahu-Levin government. But turning the bureau into a belligerent opposition requires taking regulatory powers out of its hands and returning them to the Justice Department

However, in order to regain control over the examination and licensing of lawyers and the selection of judges, most Knesset members will have to amend the Bar Association Law. We will see them do so under the circumstances created by the threats of rebellion by Ehud Barak and his gang in light of their own failure, which led to the strange result in the bureau.

Indeed, the election result in the chamber stems to a decisive extent from the extreme mistakes of the Netanyahu-Levin government. The one that managed to turn a sleepy body, whose leaders are preoccupied mainly with love affairs and internal conflicts, into a tiger that devours the values of the current coalition. It was the unbalanced reform, accompanied by a series of corruption legislation and ultra-Orthodox favoritism, that prompted unreasonable amounts of lawyers to vote against it on Wednesday. Only now we have to clear the rubble and amend the Bar Association Law from the ground up.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-06-22

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