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Tourcoing: a 14-year-old boy suspected of raping a 9-year-old girl


Highlights: Girl was cycling with her 6-year-old sister when a teenager approached and stole her bike. She followed the thief for two kilometers, to a small alley lined with shrubs. The teenager then allegedly asked her to give him a if she wanted him to return her bicycle. Faced with the refusal of the little girl, the latter was abused and raped for nearly an hour before being able to flee. After two days of neighborhood investigation and multiple interrogations, the suspect was identified as a 14- year-old boy unknown to police.

The Lille prosecutor's office requested this Friday the placement in provisional detention of this teenager hitherto unknown to the police.

It was the girl's crying, on the evening of June 19, that attracted the attention of passers-by in a street in Tourcoing, in the North. Visibly shocked, she whispered to them that she had been raped by a boy a few years her senior. Around 19:00 p.m., she was cycling with her 6-year-old sister not far from their father's restaurant, in the city center, when a teenager approached and stole her bike, learned Le Figaro from police source.

Determined to get her bicycle back, the girl followed the thief for two kilometers, to a small alley lined with shrubs. The teenager then allegedly asked her to give him a if she wanted him to return her bike. Faced with the refusal of the little girl, the latter was abused and raped for nearly an hour before being able to flee, says a police source.

Pre-trial detention required

Initially taken care of by the police, the girl was then taken to hospital for examinations and samples. Thanks to the use of CCTV images of the neighborhood, the police were able to reconstruct the victim's journey from his father's restaurant to the scene of the attack. After two days of neighborhood investigation and multiple interrogations, the suspect was identified as a 14-year-old boy unknown to police.

At the end of 48 hours of police custody, the defendant was presented this Friday to the Lille prosecutor's office which requested his placement in pre-trial detention, we are indicated. A judicial investigation is opened for "rape of a minor under 15 years of age".

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2023-06-23

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