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Woman found dead in a field near Poitiers: a man indicted for murder


Highlights: A 36-year-old man was indicted on Friday, June 23 for "murder" and placed in provisional detention. On June 13, the body of a partially was found in the early morning by a jogger in a field in Migné-Auxances. The suspect, domiciled in the Vienne, is "known to the police and justice" for "traffic offenses and acts of violence," said in a statement the prosecutor of the Republic of Poitiers, Cyril Lacombe.

The 36-year-old suspect is "known to the police and justice services," according to the public prosecutor of Poitiers.

Ten days after the discovery of the lifeless body of a woman in a field near Poitiers, a 36-year-old man was indicted on Friday, June 23 for "murder" and placed in provisional detention, announced the prosecutor's office. On June 13, the body of a partially was found in the early morning by a jogger in a field in Migné-Auxances.

The suspect, domiciled in the Vienne, is "known to the police and justice" for "traffic offenses and acts of violence," said in a statement the prosecutor of the Republic of Poitiers, Cyril Lacombe. "The investigations are continuing on rogatory commission," continues the magistrate, without giving more details.

According to the local press and the news site Actu17, the victim died several days before the discovery of his body. Traces on the ground, about twenty meters, would also indicate that she had been dragged to the scene.

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Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2023-06-23

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